Viewing Voucher Contract Events

This section discusses how to view voucher contract lines and voucher contract payment details.

Page Name

Definition Name


Events Inquiry Page


View contract events.

Contract Lines Page


View details about a voucher release.

You must have selected a voucher release line on the Events Inquiry page.

Receipt Details (inquiry) (voucher-related) Page


View information about the receipt for the selected voucher line.

See Contract Lines Page

Matching Details inquiry Page


View information about matching for the selected voucher line.

See Contract Lines Page

Purchase Order - Form (inquiry) Page


Review purchase order information such as the item, pricing, account code, supplier name, and comments.

See Matching Details inquiry Page

Payment Details (inquiry) Page


View details about a voucher release.

You must have selected a voucher release line on the Events Inquiry page.

See Events Inquiry Page

Use the Contract Lines (inquiry) (voucher-related) page (CNTRCT_EVT_LNV_SEC) to view details about a voucher release.

You must have selected a voucher release line on the Events Inquiry page.


Click the View Contract ID Line link on the Events Inquiry page.

Voucher Events - Contract Info

Field or Control


Amt Only (amount only)

Identifies an amount-only contract line.


Displays the description that is defined for the item ID on the contract line. When an item ID is not specified, the description is the ad hoc text that is entered to describe the goods purchased.

Voucher Info

Field or Control


Rem Rcpt Qty (remaining receipt quantity)

Displays the quantity remaining to be received against the contract line.


Displays the total amount remaining to be paid on the invoice.

Use the Payment Details (inquiry) page (CNTRCT_EVT_PAY_SEC) to view details about a voucher release.

You must have selected a voucher release line on the Events Inquiry page.


Click the Show Payments link on the Events Inquiry page.

Bank Info

Field or Control


Bank SetID

Displays the bank SetID for the supplier's bank account.

Bank Code

Displays the bank code for the supplier's bank account.

Bank Account

Displays the supplier's bank that will receive payment.

Payment Reference

Displays the payment reference ID.

Payment Info

Field or Control


Payment Amount

Displays the amount of the payment.

Paid Amount

Displays the amount paid.

Payment Status

Displays the current status for the pay cycle's bank account or payment method.

Total Payment Amount

Displays the total amount of the payments for all lines.

Total Paid Amount

Displays the total amount paid for all lines.