Managing Funds Transfer Template Approval

This topic discusses how to approve funds transfer template changes.

Page Name

Definition Name


Approve Transfer Templates Page


Approve or deny funds transfer template changes.

Use the Approve Transfer Templates page (TR_WR_TMPLT_APPR) to approve or deny funds transfer template changes.


Cash Management > Fees and Transfers > Approve Transfer Templates

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Approve Transfer Templates page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Approve Transfer Templates page

Once transfer templates are created, or if existing templates are modified, you must approve templates prior to using them. This is true for funds transfers as well as prenotes. You can search for a specific template with a particular approval status and select to approve or deny items with your specified values.

To approve or deny transfer templates:

  1. Enter your search criteria and click Search.

  2. Click the template link in the Template ID column to view template information prior to approval or denial.

  3. Select templates for approval or denial and click either Approve or Deny.

Field or Control


Prenote Status

Displays the current status of the prenotification.

See Prenotification Details Page.