Confirming Deals Manually

You have the prerogative to manually confirm deals that have been previously approved.

Page Name

Definition Name


Confirm Deals Manually - Deal Confirmation Page


Select a confirmation status for a specified deal.

Confirmation Document - Deal Confirmation Page (report)


Generate the IRP Deal Confirmations report (TRX1012) or the FX Deal Confirmations report (TRX1013) providing information on deal confirmations.

See Deal Management Reports: A to Z for more information.

Confirmation Register Page (report)


Generate the Deal Confirmation Register report (TRX1005) listing deal confirmation status.

See Deal Management Reports: A to Z for more information.

Use the Confirm Deals Manually - Deal Confirmation page (TRX_SUMMARY_TR) to select a confirmation status for a specified deal.


Deal Management > Confirm Deals > Confirm Deals Manually > Deal Confirmation

The page display varies depending on the instrument type that is selected. For deals with an approval status of Authorized, select a confirmation status from the drop-down list box.

Field or Control



Indicates that a deal is complete and confirmed.


Indicates that a deal is invalid. A deal with this confirmation status generates electronic mail messages using workflow if you selected Enable WF Invalid Confo Mail on the Treasury Options page.


Indicates that a deal is complete, but not yet confirmed.

Use PeopleSoft Application Designer to create workflow for automated inbound confirmations by assigning a worklist definition and an operator to the Confirm Deals business activity. This enables users to review workflow items in their worklists.

To set up an inbound confirmation workflow:

  1. In PeopleSoft Application Designer, open the TR_ADMINISTER_DEALS business process.

  2. Click the Auto Inbound Deals Confos button on the Application Designer - Auto Inbound Deal Confos page.

  3. Double-click the Unconfirmed Worklist button on the Application Designer - Unconfirmed Worklist page.

  4. Click Field Mapping on the Worklist Definition dialog box.

  5. Double-click OPRID in the list of message maps to edit an existing role name on the Field Map dialog box, or click Add to add a new role name.

  6. Select the appropriate operator role name to route workflow on the Map Field dialog box. If adding a new role name, you must also select OPRID in the Field Name field. Your selection dictates that this operator receives notification for deal transactions that do not pass automatic inbound confirmation.