Understanding the Deal Confirmation Process

Deal Management enables you to administer the entire deals confirmation process.

Here's an overview of the deal confirmation process:

  1. Preview or preapprove provisional deal terms and conditions before agreeing to the deal with counterparties.

  2. Initiate the deal confirmation process using one of three methods:

    • Manually.

    • Automatically using Application Messaging.

    • Automatically using File Layout and the Inbound Confirmation Import Application Engine process (TR_INCNF_IMP).

  3. Automatically match inbound deal data with your system deal data by running the Inbound Confirmations Application Engine process (TR_CNF_MATCH).

    If you selected the Enable WF Auto Confo Worklist option on the Treasury Options page, the system copies unmatched deals to a worklist table. If any data are in this table, the system generates worklist entries and sends a workflow worklist to the operator who is specified on the TR_ADMINISTER_DEALS business process.

  4. You can transfer unconfirmed deal information as a flat file in CSV (comma separated value) format to a counterparty using the Outbound Confirmations Application Engine process (TR_OTCNF_EXP).

  5. (Optional) Run the following reports:

  • Confirmation Document.

  • Confirmation Register.

  • Unrecognized Confirmations.

Note: Links displayed at the bottom of the Deal Preview/Approval Page and the Deal Confirmation pages are documented in the Capturing Deals and Trade Tickets topic.

See Confirm Deals Manually - Deal Confirmation Page.