Creating Instrument Templates

Page Name

Definition Name


Define Instrument Templates Page


Capture deal information that you use regularly.

Notes Page


Capture notes that are relevant to your instrument by clicking Notes on the Define Instrument Templates page.

If you find that you are entering deals or processing trades using similar instruments, it is to your advantage to create an instrument template. Templates enable you to access the same information without having to repeat data entry.

The Define Instrument Templates component enables you to categorize your templates by general types by using the Instrument Type field, and for more specific classifications of these templates by using the Template field. For example, you could enter FX Deal in the Instrument field and EUR in the Template field to describe a 30-day-forward, euro, foreign-exchange deal.

Note: You are not required to create templates.

Use these steps to set up an instrument template:

  1. Enter template header information.

  2. (Optional) Add template notes.

  3. Specify template details.

Use the Define Instrument Templates page (INSTR_TMPL_DETL_TR) to capture deal information that you use regularly.


Deal Management > Administer Deals > Define Instrument Templates > Define Instrument Templates

The Define Instrument Templates page is similar to the Instrument Detail page. Available page fields change depending on the instrument type that you selected.