Setting Up Deal Review and Approval

Before you begin deal review and approval, choose a method of approval (Workflow or Approval Framework) and complete configuration as discussed in this topic.

If you are implementing Workflow, you need to complete these steps to set up deal preapproval, approval, and confirmation settings:

  1. Set up Workflow in PeopleSoft Application Designer.

  2. Specify deal approval options on the Treasury Options page at the business unit level.

  3. Select Workflow in the Deal Approval Method list.

  4. Establish Automatic Review Settings on the Instrument Detail page.

  5. Select the Submit for Preview option on the Deal Detail page.

See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Workflow Technology.

See also Defining Treasury Business Unit Options.

If you elect to use the Approval Framework for deal preview and approval, verify that the delivered Approval Framework setup uses the proper values for the following:

  • Verify the Transaction Registry for the default Approval Component name. The graphical display of deal preview and approval routings on the monitor page is managed by the Thread Package and Class.

  • Verify the delivered email notification templates for approval actions.

  • Verify the Approval Component and settings in the Transaction Configuration.

  • Set up the approval user lists.

  • Set up the approval process definitions.

Verifying the Transaction Registry

Oracle’s PeopleSoft delivers three Treasury transaction registry definitions as system data:

  • Treasury Deal Approval

  • Treasury Deal Confirmation

  • Approve Treasury Settlements

Oracle’s PeopleSoft strongly advises against changing these definitions, in particular the table and application package names. However, you can configure the notification process to send email and/or worklist notifications. Access the Register Transactions page (Enterprise Components, Approvals, Approvals, Transaction Registry):

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Register Transactions page for Treasury Deal Approvals (1 of 2).

Register Transactions page for Deal Approvals (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Register Transactions page for Treasury Deal Approvals (2 of 2).

Register Transactions page for Deal Approvals (2 of 2)

See Setting Up the Transaction Registry.

Verify that the following fields of the Register Transactions page include the proper values: Approval Component, Thread Package, and Thread Class. The graphical display of routings on the monitor page is managed by the Thread Package and Class.

Use the following fields to configure the notification process to send email and worklist notifications using Approval Framework:

Field or Control


Enable Notifications

Select any or all check boxes from the following options:

  • Email

  • Worklist

  • Push

Notification Strategy

Select from the following options:

  • Offline Processing - Processes notifications offline through NEM (Notification and Escalation Manager).

  • Online Processing - Enables email notifications to be processed immediately.

Use Email Approvals

Select this check box to enable approvers to approve or deny the deal directly via the email notification without logging into the system.

See the product documentation for PeopleSoft Approval Framework.

Verifying the Delivered Email Notification Templates for Deals

PeopleSoft delivers the following deal notification templates:

  • Invalid Deal Confirmation – Sent during deal confirmation when a deal is invalid.

  • Deal Suspended – Sent when a deal has been suspended during the preapproval/approval process.

For example, see the Generic Template Definition page (PeopleTools > Workflow > Notifications > Generic Templates > Generic Template Definition):

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Generic Template Definition page for Deals.

Generic Template Definition page for Deals

See Defining Notification Templates for Approval Framework.

Modifying the Transaction Configuration for Treasury Deal Approvals

If you elect to use the Approval Framework for deals preview, approval, and confirmation, you can modify values on the transaction configuration definition for these processes according to your approval requirements:

  • Treasury Deal Approval

  • Treasury Deal Confirmation

For example, see the Configure Transactions page (Enterprise Components > Approvals > Approvals > Approval Setup):

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Configure Transactions page for Treasury Deal Approval. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Configure Transactions page for Treasury Deal Approval

See Configuring Approval Transactions.

Use the following fields to modify the transaction configuration definition for the Treasury Deal Approval process. You can change the Approval User Info View, user list for email approvals, and delivery method. You can also add more participants to receive the notification, change the notification channel and priority, replace the template, and add more events to trigger the notification generation process.

Field or Control


Approval User Info View

Provides details about which view a user sees when using the Approval Monitor. Data in this view dictates what is displayed in the approver links.


Select an event upon which action is taken:

  • Ad Hoc Delete

  • Ad Hoc Insert

  • Hold Step

  • Locked Out

  • No Approver Necessary

  • On Error

  • On Escalate

  • On Final Approval

  • On Final Denial

  • On Process Launch

  • On Reactivate

  • On Reassign

  • On Step Complete

  • On Terminate

  • Processing Complete

  • Push Back

  • Request Information

  • Request Information Added

  • Route for Approval

  • Route for Review


Specify Header or Line.

Menu Name,Approval Component, and Page Name

Enter a menu name, approval component, and page name to which this event applies

Menu Action

Enter one of the following values:

  • Add

  • All

  • Correction

  • Data Entry

  • Update


Select participants in this event from the list:

  • A-Delegate

  • A-Proxy

  • Admin

  • Approvers

  • Dynamic

  • External

  • R-Delegate

  • R-Proxy

  • Requester

  • Reviewers

  • User List

User, Email, Worklist, and Push

Select the channel or channels through which the notification will be sent.

Template Name

Select the generic template you want to use for the email content of this notification.

Setting Up the Treasury Approval User Lists

Approval User Lists define user sources for use with steps in the approval processes (rules). Treasury delivers demo user lists, but you must create your own approval user lists based on your own business structure. Treasury delivers the following sample user lists, based on roles:





For example, see the User List Definition page (Enterprise Components, Approvals, Approvals, User List Setup, User List Definition):

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the User List Definition page for the Dealing Manager role.

User List Definition page for the Dealing Manager role

See User List Definition Page.

In addition, verify that the proper approval roles are assigned to the approvers on the User ID – Roles page (PeopleTools > Security > User Profiles > User Profiles > Roles).

See Defining Users for Approval Framework.

See also the product documentation for PeopleTools: Security Administration.

Setting Up the Treasury Process Definitions

Treasury process definitions provide the details for application approval rules, which are equivalent to the Approval Rule Set for PeopleSoft Workflow. Treasury delivers deal approvals, deal confirmations, and settlements process definitions in the demo process setup.

You can modify the delivered approval process definitions or create your own process definitions. The selection is done via an Approval Framework SQL object, PTAFDEFN_SEARCH_SQL, which is ordered by Priority, Definition ID, and Effective Date.

Use the Setup Process Definitions page to define approval definition processes. The process is made up of stages, their paths, and steps. The approval steps that you place on the approval path represent the approval levels that are required for a transaction.

PeopleSoft Treasury delivers several definition IDs for the Treasury processes as a model for your setup, as follows:

Process ID

Definition ID


Treasury Deal Approval


Treasury Deal confirmation


Cash - settlements Approval


Deal - settlements Approval

For example, see the Setup Process Definitions page (Enterprise Components, Approvals, Approvals, Approval Process Setup, Setup Process Definitions):

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Setup Process Definitions page for Treasury Deal Approval.

Setup Process Definitions page for Treasury Deal Approval

See Defining the Setup Process Definitions Component.