Integrated Product Setup Considerations

Oracle's PeopleSoft Maintenance Management integrates with a large number of PeopleSoft products. Some of these products are key to the planning, scheduling, execution, and processing of work orders and may have unique or required setup considerations based on their integration with PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

This section discusses:

  • PeopleSoft Asset Management setup considerations.

  • PeopleSoft Project Costing setup considerations.

  • PeopleSoft Purchasing setup considerations.

  • PeopleSoft Inventory setup considerations.

  • PeopleSoft eProcurement setup considerations.

  • PeopleSoft CRM Help Desk and third-party help desk application setup considerations.

  • Condition-based monitoring system setup considerations.

  • ESRI GIS setup considerations.

  • Mobile integration setup considerations.

In order to maintain assets using a service request or work order, you must set up assets in PeopleSoft Asset Management's asset repository prior to setting up PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. In addition to the setup required for financial PeopleSoft Asset Management, PeopleSoft Maintenance Management recommends that your PeopleSoft Asset Management setup include:

  • Installation options.

  • Asset locations.

  • Asset area –Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Asset Management > Service and Repair > Area Definition.

  • Asset type, asset subtype, manufacturer ID, and model.

    The only place that the manufacturer ID and model are associated with the asset type and subtype is in the equipment parts list (EPL) in PeopleSoft Asset Management. You set the manufacturer ID and model up in Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Procurement Options > Purchasing > Manufacturers and Manufacturer Model Relation.You associate them with an asset in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management task and template setup.

  • Chargeback information at the asset level.

  • Component changeout rule definitions at the Asset Management business unit, asset type, asset subtype, and asset levels.

  • Maintenance types (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain/Product Related > Asset Management > Service and Repair).

    Note: Users define maintenance types in PeopleSoft Asset Management and associate them with an asset type and subtype in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

  • EPL. (This is optional and is located at Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Asset Management > Service and Repair.)

  • Insurance types (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Asset Management > Service and Repair).

  • Standard warranties (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Asset Management > Service and Repair).

  • Warranty templates Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Asset Management > Service and Repair.

  • Interunit transfer definition - Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Asset Management > Profiles > Asset Profiles

  • Meter types Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Asset Management > Service and Repair.

  • Assets set up as tools - Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Asset Management > Profiles > Asset Profiles

See Understanding the PeopleSoft Asset Management Lifecycle.

You must install and set up PeopleSoft Project Costing prior to the installation and set up of PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. PeopleSoft Maintenance Management uses PeopleSoft Project Costing to:

  • Collect work order costs that are generated by PeopleSoft Inventory, PeopleSoft Purchasing, PeopleSoft Payables, PeopleSoft Expenses, and PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

  • Capitalize costs incurred by a work order.

  • Use costs incurred by a work order to determine the cost of removal when disposing of an asset.

  • Calculate chargebacks and send them to the General Ledger.

  • Create work order-managed and Project Costing-managed work orders.

  • Copy labor resources set up in Project Costing as labor resources for a Project Costing managed work order.

  • Copy generic labor, tools, and purchase/on-hand resources specified for a project and project activity in PeopleSoft Program Management to a work order created from PeopleSoft Program Management. (Program Management must be installed along with Project Costing to use this functionality.)

  • Copy specific labor, tools, purchase/on-hand, and inventory resources associated with a project and project activity to a work order created from PeopleSoft Program Management. (Program Management must be installed along with Project Costing to use this functionality.)

  • Apply resource pools created in PeopleSoft Resource Management to projects and project activities using PeopleSoft Program Management.

    You associate resource pools to projects and project activities in PeopleSoft Program Management. This enables PeopleSoft Maintenance Management to apply work order access security for resource pools. If this type of security is enforced in a work order business unit, then work order access security is enforced for all of the work orders that are created using this business unit and associated with a project that uses resource pools. Only resources that are members of one of these resource pools can search for express work orders and access the Technician Workbench if work order access security is established. This applies to both Project Costing-managed work orders and work order-managed work orders.

You must set up specific tables and features in Project Costing, which include:

  • Selecting Enable Organization on the Installation Options - Project Costing page to calculate chargebacks.

  • Following the Project Costing setup requirements, which include the setup of Project Costing ChartFields, transaction options, pricing structure, and more.

  • Creating rate sets and rate plans in Project Costing that apply to PeopleSoft Maintenance Management and includes the rate options, WBI (work order labor bill rate), WCO (work order labor cost rate), TBI (tool billing rate), and TCO (tool cost rate) in Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Project Costing > Pricing Structure.

  • Select the TUG (Tools Usage) analysis type on the Installation Options, Project Costing Integration page.

  • Establishing one or more default work order-managed projects in Project Costing to automatically associate with any new work orders that you create directly in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

  • Creating a project in Project Costing and clicking the Create Work Order button on the Project Costing > Activity Definition > Team > Resources by Activity page to generate a Project Costing project-managed work order.

You can also create a work order in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management and associate it with an existing project.

Note: You may only need to create one work order-managed project that you associate with most of your work orders depending on the needs of your organization.

When you set up one or more work order business units in the PeopleSoft Maintenance Management work order business unit's Integration page, you must enter the Project Costing business unit that you want to use with each work order business unit to collect work order costs. You also select a default rate plan or rate set, rate, and analysis type, which are based on the user-defined template in Project Costing to use for calculating chargebacks.

In PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, you:

  • Associate projects with a work order type and service group in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, using Associate Projects for work order-managed projects.

  • Set up the default Project Costing ChartField values to use for each combination of work order business unit, service group, work order type, project, application, and resource type.

  • Set up capitalization filters that specify the minimum amount that it costs to repair or maintain an asset with a work order before capitalizing costs in Project Costing.

  • Indicate in the work order business unit that you want to enforce work order access security for resource pools associated with a project and project activity.

See Understanding Project ChartFields.

See Understanding Overall System Setup Parameters for PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

PeopleSoft Maintenance Management integrates with PeopleSoft Purchasing to enable users to create purchase orders or requisitions for materials, tools, and labor directly from the work order. You must install PeopleSoft Purchasing before setting up PeopleSoft Maintenance Management to create and process work orders. There are specific setup requirements related to the integration of PeopleSoft Purchasing and PeopleSoft Maintenance Management that you must perform, which include:

While PeopleSoft Inventory is not required to implement PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, it is highly recommended in order to keep track of materials used in performing work order tasks. Before you can use the PeopleSoft Inventory functionality in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, the information that you must set up includes:

  • Following PeopleSoft Inventory set up procedures and reading the topics in the PeopleSoft Inventory documentation: "Fulfilling Work Orders from PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, which describes the way PeopleSoft Inventory handles inventory fulfillment of work orders from the PeopleSoft Inventory point of view.

    See Understanding Work Order Item Fulfillment from PeopleSoft Inventory.

  • Mapping the Inventory business unit to one or more work order business units and selecting the Inventory Commit rule and the Inventory Reservation rule in the work order business unit Integration page.

    You can also define the Inventory Commit rule and Reservation rule by shop and work order type. You can specify different combinations of commit rules and reservation rules for different shops or work order types, if applicable. The system will look at the setup at the business unit, shop, and shop type levels and determine the options to use for the commit and reservation rules.

  • Setting up the debit/credit pair for inventory transactions using preestablished transaction groups that are delivered with your system.

    PeopleSoft Maintenance Management recommends setting up a generic accounting rule for transaction group 231, which means that the debit side of the accounting entry is driven from the work order.

  • Configuring the ChartField selection using the Inventory transaction accounting rules and PeopleSoft Maintenance Management transaction group 231.

    Note: If users do not perform this configuration and only set up transaction group 231, then this transaction accounting rule will be used every time an Inventory issuance occurs.

See Understanding Work Order Item Fulfillment from PeopleSoft Inventory.

See Establishing a PeopleSoft Inventory Business Unit Structure.

See Understanding Overall System Setup Parameters for PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

See Understanding the Accounting Structure.

You can indicate that you want to create PeopleSoft eProcurement requisitions in the work order business unit. You can add and create ePro requisitions from the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules page of the work order to procure non-inventory and open description items. Once these PeopleSoft eProcurement requisitions are loaded to the PeopleSoft Purchasing staging tables from the work order, you process them as you would any other PeopleSoft Purchasing requisition. You can also create a requisition in PeopleSoft eProcurement and enter data that links it to a work order before it is processed.

These are some important activities that you must perform in order to add or create PeopleSoft eProcurement requisitions in a work order work order:

  • For each work order business unit for which you intend to procure non-inventory and open description items, you must set up the appropriate requisition loader defaults, purchase order loader defaults, or both to indicate which requisition or purchase order business unit should be used when the work order pushes to a requisition or purchase order.

    (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Procurement Options > Purchasing > Requisition Loader Defaults and PO Loader Defaults)

  • You also set up other default values in the PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit setup. (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Business Unit Related > Purchasing > Purchasing Definition.)

  • You must set up appropriate roles with the ePRO role action CANLINKWO.

    Only User ID's that have the role name listed in the CANLINKWO action will see the work order related prompts in ePRO's req creation/maint pages.

  • Before you enter requisitions into the system, you must be authorized to process requisitions on the User Preferences page. Also, the user ID must be identified as a requester on the Requester Setup page, where you add defaults for requisitions.

  • Follow the technical and functional setup options in the PeopleSoft eProcurement documentation to correctly set up PeopleSoft eProcurement to integrate with PeopleSoft Maintenance Management work orders.

See "Determining Technical Implementation Options" topics in the documentation PeopleSoft eProcurement

You can integrate PeopleSoft CRM Help Desk and third-party help desk applications with PeopleSoft Maintenance Management using the Integration Broker. You must perform the normal setup procedures for PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, as well as set up assets in the PeopleSoft Asset Management asset repository. This provides the foundation to enable you to create work orders from help desk applications.

Additional activities that you must perform include:

  • Setting up Integration Broker and activating application messages from PeopleSoft Maintenance Management to the help desk application on both the help desk application and PeopleSoft Maintenance Management databases, which include:


      This message copies the problem tree to the help desk application for all problems that have the publish data flag selected. These are the problems available to the help desk agent when creating a work order.


      This message copies all shop locations to the help desk application. These are the shops (service locations) available to the help desk agent when creating a work order.


      This message copies priorities to the help desk application. These are the priorities available to the help desk agent when creating a work order.


      This message copies the work order statuses to the help desk application. These are the work order statuses returned to the help desk from PeopleSoft Maintenance Management when a work order is added or updated.


      This message enables the help desk agent to add or update work orders. This message creates a work order in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management when the help desk agent invokes the Create Work Order related action on a case. The message updates a work order in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management when the agent changes the contact information on the case.


      This message returns an Add or Update status to the help desk application. If the Add work order is successful, this message returns the new work order number and its initial status. If unsuccessful, this message returns the errors encountered trying to create the work order.


      Send work order key events to the help desk application. Key events include: work order status change, work order description change, and request for more information from the work order technician.

  • Setting up Integration Broker and activating all application messages from PeopleSoft Asset Management to the help desk application on both the help desk application and PeopleSoft Asset Management databases.

    See documentation PeopleTools PeopleSoft Integration Broker

    See PeopleSoft Asset Management Setup Considerations.

  • Setting up problems in the problem tree.

  • Selecting the Publish Data flag for the problems you want to be available to the help desk application.

  • Entering work order default values (business unit, service group, type, and priority) for all problems to be published to the help desk application.

  • Executing the COPY_* messages to populate the corresponding tables in the help desk application.

See PeopleSoft Maintenance Management System Overview.

Web Services are used to enable external condition-based monitoring systems to notify a condition-based maintenance (CBM) coordinator in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management that an asset requires maintenance or repair using a work order based on its condition. The external systems send the alert to PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. When the alert is saved, PeopleSoft Maintenance Management sends back the alert identification to the external systems.

If an error occurs in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, Integration Broker sends the error back to the CBM system through Web Services that the:

  • Asset business unit is not valid.

  • Asset ID is not valid.

  • Asset level is not valid.

  • Duplicate alert.

  • Request Message: WM_ALERT_REQ

  • Response message: WM_ALERT_RES

  • Service Operation:WM_ALERT_ADD

    Synchronous Operation

  • Service: WM_ALERT


See documentation PeopleSoft PeopleTools Integration Broker

There are specific setup requirements to enable PeopleSoft Maintenance Management and PeopleSoft Asset Management to integrate with ESRI:

  • Installation of the Adobe Flash Player that matches the browser of each user's computer.

  • Setup of GIS integration on PeopleSoft Installation Options, Options page. (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Install, Installation Options, Overall page.)

  • Setup of GIS integration in the Asset Management (AM) business unit. (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Assets, Asset Management Definition, Interface Options page.)

  • Setup of GIS integration in the work order business unit for PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Maintenance Management, Work Order Definition, Integration page.)

Mobile devices can be equipped with various user interfaces that enable a technician to enter and retrieve data using their mobile device. PeopleSoft Maintenance Management provides a set of PeopleSoft Integration Broker Web Services to serve as the API (application programming interface) for mobile device integration. The web services are detailed in the Web Service Implementation Guide spreadsheet.

Once you have established this integration using a third party supplier, the only setup that you must perform in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management is to select the Enable Mobile Integration check box on the Integration page of the work order business unit for each business unit to which you want the mobile integration to apply.

See Understanding Overall System Setup Parameters for PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.