Understanding Overall System Setup Parameters for PeopleSoft Maintenance Management

This section discusses:

  • PeopleSoft Maintenance Management setup considerations.

  • PeopleSoft Maintenance Management installation options.

  • SetID considerations in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

  • Permission lists, roles, and user profiles.

  • PeopleSoft Maintenance Management user preferences.

In addition to the integrated product setup, setting up PeopleSoft Maintenance Management includes:

  • Installation options.

  • SetID.

  • Security.

  • User preferences.

  • Service request business unit.

  • Work order business unit.

  • Work order types.

  • Service groups.

  • Work order priority codes.

  • Maintenance types.

  • Asset downtime reasons.

  • Problem, cause, and resolution data and problem trees.

  • Service request statuses.

  • Work order statuses.

  • Labor and tool resources.

  • Work order templates.

  • Preventive maintenance loops and schedules.

  • Work order workflow approval.

PeopleSoft Maintenance Management uses system data, which is set up in PeopleSoft Asset Management, Project Costing, PeopleSoft Purchasing, PeopleSoft Expenses, PeopleSoft Inventory, PeopleSoft Resource Management, and other subsystems to create and process work orders. Much of the data that is set up in these subsystems is organized by SetID.

It is important to understand the difference between business units, SetIDs, and records:



Business units

A business unit enables you to track specific business information for reporting and other data consolidation. A business unit may be, but is not required to be, a legal entity. You define and implement business units to suit the organizational needs of the company. The data from one business unit is segregated from the data of other business units in the organization, although it exists in the same physical database table. The entire organization may have only one business unit if every department uses the same processing rules. Multinational or otherwise diversified companies, such as those that contain multiple cost centers, divisions, or subsidiaries, may have multiple business units.


The accounting structure and processing rules for each PeopleSoft application are defined in a series of control tables, or tablesets. A tableset is a group of rows across control tables, identified by the same SetID, that allow sharing of control data among business units. Many business units may share the same set of data on the physical tables in the PeopleSoft HRMS or Financials system. In order for a business unit to process transactions, it must have an associated tableset. In simple terms, the business unit contains the actual data; the tableset contains the rules by which the data is processed. A SetID identifies each tableset. You must create at least one SetID even if you are not taking advantage of tableset sharing. You can have as many SetIDs as necessary, but tableset sharing becomes more complex with multiple SetIDs. Define tablesets when you implement any PeopleSoft application.

Record Groups

A record group is a set of logically and functionally related control tables and views. Record groups save time by enabling tableset sharing to be accomplished quickly without the burden of redundant data entry. Record groups also ensure that tableset sharing is applied consistently across all related tables and views in the system. The PeopleSoft TableSet Record Group control table associates a business unit or SetID value with a SetID value for each record group. One business unit or SetID can be associated with different SetIDs by record group. Group the record definitions for the tables that you want to share, as well as any dependent record definitions. If a new table is added to a PeopleSoft application, the appropriate record group may already be defined. However, if tables are added for a new business function, a new record group may also be required.

SetID mapping is used to coordinate the various set control record groups. For example in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, work order task and work order job templates reference SetIDs from various subsystems. You must set these templates to copy labor, PeopleSoft Inventory, purchase/on hand materials, and tool task requirement values, which are derived from various subsystems, to a work order task. These requirements must be compatible with the various work order business units used for each work order. To accomplish this, you set up the SetIDs as set control values using SetID mapping:

The following table lists some of the record groups used in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management:

Record Group

Records within Record Group


  • Work order job and task templates

  • PCR codes, Problem Group, and Problem Trees

  • Work Management


Work order service group


Work order type


Work order priority


WM business unit options


Work order management status


Work management crew schedule


  • Item Master

  • Manufacturer - Model Relationship


Labor Crafts


  • Downtime Reason

  • Maintenance Type



Asset Subtypes

You must follow one rule and guideline to perform SetID mapping for work order job and work order task templates.

See Understanding Work Order Templates.

Select the PeopleSoft Maintenance Management check box on the Installation Options - Products page to enable you to install PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. You must install PeopleSoft Asset Management, Project Costing, and PeopleSoft Purchasing prior to installing PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

If your organization intends to obtain items from PeopleSoft Inventory to use in the repair and maintenance of assets via PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, you must. install PeopleSoft Inventory.

If you want to create requisitions in eProcurement to purchase non-inventory and open description labor, materials, and tools for a work order task, you must install PeopleSoft eProcurement. You may want to also install PeopleSoft Payables to continue processing the purchase orders and requisitions.

If you want technicians to enter personal time on the Technician Workbench and process that time through PeopleSoft Time and Labor and PeopleSoft Payroll, you must install those products.

Finally, to process and post accounting data that is generated based on work order transactions in the general ledger, you normally install PeopleSoft General Ledger.

See Setting Up Application-Specific Installation Options.

You must set up permission lists using PeopleTools Security. You then define roles and select permission lists to apply to these roles. Once the roles are set up, you select the roles that apply to specific user profile.

For example, the sample data contains the following permission lists:

  • EPPC2100 – Project/Activity Team

  • EPPG4000 – Detailed Project Planning

  • Work Order Management

The PeopleSoft Maintenance Management sample also has these roles defined:

  • Project Manager

  • Maintenance Technician

  • Maintenance Planner

  • Maintenance Supervisor

  • Warehouse Clerk

  • System Administrator

  • Self-Service User

Examples of user profiles are:

  • SRVP - Senior Vice Presidents

  • SRMGR - Senior Managers

See documentation PeopleTools: Security Administration

Your organization may enable specific users to perform selected service request and work order functionality by accessing the User Preferences, Maintenance Management page.

You can read about each option on the User Preferences, Maintenance Management page in the PeopleSoft Application Fundamentals documentation by clicking on the link below.

Important! User Preferences is where you determine the time reporting method (Punch Time or Elapsed Time) that applies to the work order labor hours that apply to this user or for the labor hours entered by this user for other users.

See User Preferences - Maintenance Management Page.