Understanding Work Order Templates

Organizations often repeat the same work order activities, which follow a standard sequence of events. PeopleSoft Maintenance Management provides work order job and work order task templates, which enable you to predefine work order task resources and requirements that are common to various types of work orders. Each template is essentially a predefined job plan for a particular maintenance or repair operation or task. If a work order requires several tasks to complete the job, you can create a job template, which contains multiple predefined work order tasks that are organized as job steps and applied to the entire work order. You can also apply task templates to individual tasks in a work order. These templates are designed to enable you to reuse them in more than one work order, thus reducing work order entry time.

Characteristics common to the setup of both work order job and work order task templates include the use of:

  • A SetID, which enables users to use this template across multiple work order business units.

    Work order task and job templates reference SetID-based data from multiple subsystems. This means that you must be able to set up and subsequently access or reference combinations of this data to work with the various work order business units that use the templates. When you copy a template to populate data on an actual work order, the entire set of task requirement data that is copied—Labor, Inventory, Purchase/On-hand, Tools—must be compatible with the work order business unit for which the data is being entered. Tools are set up as assets in PeopleSoft Asset Management by business unit. However, each Asset Management business unit is a set control value which determines the SetID used for each record group in the system.

    You use SetID mapping to coordinate the SetIDs for the various set control record groups, which provide data for the templates. There are basically four record groups that must be synchronized to work correctly with the templates and the work order, which include: WM_01 for Job and Task Templates, PCR codes, and PeopleSoft Maintenance Management definitions; FS_18 for Item Master and Manufacturing - Model definitions; RS_02 for Labor and Crafts, and AM_15 for Asset Subtypes.

    You should also map each job or task template SetID (from WM_01) to the same FS_18, RS_02, and AM_15 SetIDs, which are the same as the work order business unit set control values. For example, if you mapped WO BU US001 to WM_01 SHARE, FS_18 SHARE, RS_02 SHR01, and AM_15 SHARE, then you should also map the set control SHARE to FS_18 SHARE, RS_02 SHR01, and AM_15 SHARE. Any work order business units for which you want to share templates among should follow this pattern.

    Ideally, you should always map set control for AM_15 which controls table AM_SUBTYPE and FS_18 which controls table MFG_MODEL to the same SetID (SHARE). This prevents a situation, for example, in which AUTO is a valid Asset Subtype for the SetID, but FORD, TOYOTA, and more are not set up as corresponding Manufacturer IDs for the same SetID. The solution for any mismatches is to simply add the missing codes to one side or the other, effectively forming a superset of codes which work as if you had a single common SetID.

    Important! Unless your organization has compelling business reasons to partition this dependent system data across multiple SetIDs, it is highly recommended that you use a single generic SetID such as SHARE to organize the job and task templates and all underlying subsystem data.

  • Effective-dating, which enables you to change the status of the templates from active to inactive and vice versa, as well as update the data based on a specified date.

  • A link for each type of template in the work order to enable you to copy the requirements and data directly into the work order.

  • Specific combinations of asset classification parameters—asset type, subtype, manufacturer, and model—which enable you to reuse the template in work orders and work order tasks where the asset being maintained or repaired falls within these classification parameters.

  • Optional association with a combination of problem, cause, and resolution codes (PCR) to enable users to easily locate the most suitable template to apply to a work order task to bring about the intended resolution.

    Note: Selection of these PCR codes is optional in either of the templates.

    See SetID Considerations in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

    See Understanding PCR Setup and Tracking.

    See Creating a Work Order.

Work Order Task Templates

To reduce data entry time, users can set up work order task templates. These templates enable users to predefine the resource requirements and associated data for each line of a work order task. When you create a work order and one or more work order tasks, you can click the Task Template link for a specific work order task on either the work order's Requirements page or the Schedules page. This enables you to access a Task Template Search page where you can search for a work order task template based on your data specifications. You select the template that you want to apply to a specific work order task line.

Note: When you click the Task Templates link for a specific work order task, the system copies the task template data to the rows for that specific task. The task to which the task template data is copied can be a new task with no data entered, or it can be a task that already has some data entered. However, selecting a template for a task does not add a new work order task.

For example, you can set up a work order task template to change the oil in an organization's fleet of automobiles. The information on the work order task template includes:

  • Resolution Code = OILCHANGE: Drain and replace engine oil.

  • Labor requirements = 1 mechanic for 1 hour.

  • Inventory requirements = Hotwire set.

  • Items that need to be purchased = 5 quarts of Motor Oil SAE10-40W and 1 Oil Filter BJZ-1200.

  • Instructions: 1) Remove oil pan nut/washer assembly.

  • Checklist: 1) Before task, do work site safety inspection. 2) After task, dispose of used oil in hazardous waste oil recycle container and add label with contents, date, and time of change.

  • Notes: SAFETY — Read attached safety plan.

  • Attachments = Safety plan.

The work order task template enables you to:

  • Optionally specify asset classification parameters. If you do not select any asset classification parameters, the template is considered a non-asset template, which means that the template is not associated with the maintenance or repair of any particular kind of asset. The work order task operation is either not associated with any asset, or the operation is so generic that it can apply to any and all assets that you are working on. For example, you could set up a separate task template, for cost tracking purposes, for the operation of filing a follow-up regulatory report. This kind of task is common to a large variety of maintenance and repair situations.

  • Optionally specify labor resource requirements based on the craft and the qualifications needed to perform the specific task.

    You can use existing qualifications for the craft and add any qualifications that are also needed to perform the task. The template's Labor Requirements fields exactly match the fields that are in the Labor Requirements - Details tab in the work order's Requirement's page.

  • Optionally specify the inventory items from Inventory's Item Master table that are needed to perform this work order task.

    The template's Inventory Requirements fields correspond to the fields that are in the Inventory Requirements - Details tab on the Requirements page for the work order.

    You can also click the Copy from EPL (Equipment Parts List) button, which is only enabled if one or more EPL templates exist in the asset repository for the asset classifications in the work order task template's header. The EPL enables you to quickly find an item that you need to use to repair or maintain an asset instead of searching for it in the Item Master. When you select this button, the system displays a list of inventory parts and supplies that are commonly used to maintain and repair the asset. You select the items and then select a button that copies the item information to the template's Inventory item lines. When the work order task template is copied to the work order, the system will not copy any inventory items specified in the template that are not available to work order's work order business unit and the Inventory business unit specified in the work order business unit.

    The Add to EPL button enables you to add selected inventory items to one or more EPL templates from the Work Order Task Template. The Add to EPL button is visible only if you select either or both the asset-default EPL and the non-specific EPL options for a user on the User Preferences, Maintenance Management page. In addition one or more applicable EPL templates must exist that correspond to the asset classification parameters selected for a task template. You must select an item ID or supplier reference and a planned quantity for each row that you intend to add to the EPL templates.

    Note: To select inventory items from the Item Master table, you must install PeopleSoft Inventory. To select non-inventory items from the Item Master Table that are either on-hand or must be purchased, you are not required to install PeopleSoft Inventory. If you do not install PeopleSoft Inventory, the Inventory link in the work order task template is not available for selection.

  • View the display-only Item SetID in the Inventory and Purchase/On-hand Requirements grids, and the Craft SetID in the Labor Requirements grid.

  • Optionally specify the non-inventory materials, tools, and labor services that either require purchasing using a requisition or purchase order or are currently on-hand or readily available.

    The template's Purchase/On-hand Requirements fields correspond to the fields that are in the Purchase/On-hand Requirements – Details tab in work order's Requirement's page.

    You can select the Copy from EPL button to look for non-inventory items that need purchasing or are on-hand in your shop. This works just as it does for inventory items. You can also add non-inventory items and open description items to one or more equipment parts lists associated with the selected asset characteristic by selecting the Add to EPL button on the work order task template. You add the non-inventory and open description requirement rows to the Work Order Task Template, making sure that you select an item ID or supplier reference, a planned quantity and a unit of measure for each row that you intend to add to the EPL templates.

  • Optionally specify the asset type and asset subtype that apply to the tools needed to complete the work order task.

    The template's fields in the Tool Requirement grid correspond to the fields that are in the Tool Requirements - Details tab in work order's Requirement's page.

  • Optionally add a list of operational instructions that are used to direct the work order task's activities.

  • Optionally create a checklist that defines specific required and non-required activities to perform before, during, and after the work order task. The technician may be required to check these activities off during the execution of the work order.

  • Optionally add notes that are relevant to the performance of the work order task.

  • Optionally add attachment files, including html files, which enable you to access designs, schematic drawings, and other information that are relevant to the work order task.

You click on the Task Templates link in the work order to search for a task template to copy to a work order task. If you already specified a valid asset for the work order task, the system lists the work order task templates that have asset characteristics that correspond to the asset in the work order task. You select the template that most readily applies to the work order task. If you did not specify an asset in the work order task line, then you can select it, as well as specify PCR parameters, in the Search page, if desired and copy this information to the work order task. You can also select the Include Non-Asset Templates check box in the Search page for the system to look up non-asset related templates as well.

Before copying the task template data to the work order task, the system verifies the SetID compatibility with the SetID used to create the work order business unit. It also determines the insertion point in the work order task and increments a new task number. The required start and end dates and times that display in a work order task are default values from the work order. The task template copy functionality does not compute the task duration information in the template based on these values. You can override the data that is copied from the template to the task.

Work Order Job Templates

A work order job template is a collection of task templates that are needed to complete a job. The work order job template is applied at the header level of a work order. This template is used to apply common data and requirements to a work order that requires more than one task or job step. It is possible to use a work order job template to populate the requirements and associated data for an entire, multistep work order. You must create the appropriate work order task templates that apply to the work order before you can set up the work order job template. You then attach each work order task template as a job step in the work order job template. If you specify the asset categories in a work order job template's header, the system uses them to search for compatible work order task templates to associate with the job template. The work order job template enables you to sequence each job step, indicate whether one step depends on another step, and enter the percentage that these dependent job steps overlap each other.

The system enables you to share these job templates (like their component task templates) across multiple business units, use effective dating to allow for data changes, and to apply them to categories of equipment assets. When you set up and save a job template, the system checks cross SetID compatibility between the component task templates. This compatibility is rechecked when you click on the Job Templates link in the work order and copy the job template to a work order.

As an example, you can set up a work order job template called FL_AUTO_3KSERV – Fleet-Auto: 3000 mile service and include these details:

  • Asset Type and Subtype: Fleet and Auto.

  • Effective Date: 04/01/2005 Status: Active.

  • Duration: 3.75 hours.

  • Job Steps:

    1. Sequence Number: 1

      Work Order Task Template: FL_AUTO_OILCHG – Fleet-Auto: Oil Change.

    2. Sequence Number: 2

      Work Order Task Template: FL_AUTO_FFCOOL – Fleet-Auto: Flush-Fill Coolant.

    3. Sequence Number: 3

      Work Order Task Template: FL_AUTO_TIREROTATE – Fleet-Auto: Rotate Tires.

. To apply job templates to a work order, you create a work order and click the Job Templates link on the Work Order header page to display the Job Template Search page. The default Asset Management business unit is derived from the value specified in the work order business unit associated with the work order. You can identify the asset in the work order and selected asset displays on the search page. If you do not select an asset on the work order, you must select an asset on the search page to display the asset classifications of asset type, subtype, manufacturer, and model, and to enable you to search select an asset-related problem group and the group's subsequent PCR codes. You also can search for non-asset related templates by selecting the Include Non-Asset Templates check box on the search page. If you do not select an asset in the work order and bring up the search page, this check box is preselected. You can deselect the preselected check box. The system matches those criteria and lists the number of templates that match the search.

Asset selection in the header of the Work Order page or on the Job Template Search page, produces different results, which include:

  • If you select an asset in the header of the Work Order page, the Asset Management business unit and the selected asset ID display as default values in the Job Template Search page along with any applicable asset characteristics, which remain disabled. Asset selection either in the header of the Work Order page or the Job Template Search page can have the one of the following effects:

  • If you do not specify an asset in the header of the Work Order page, you can select an asset in the Job Template Search page and the system copies the selected asset to the asset field in the header of the Work Order page.

  • If you specify an asset (asset 1) in the header of the Work Order page and override the asset (asset 1) with another asset (asset 2) in the Job Templates Search page, the system searches for job templates associated with asset 2.

    When you select the appropriate job template for the work order, the work order tasks associated with that template are copied to the work order for asset 2. However, the original asset (asset 1) in the work order header does not change.

    If you left the asset field on the work order header blank, the asset that you select on the search page is copied to the blank work order header field.

You specify a Resolution Code when you set up job templates and task templates. This enables you to search for a job template by specifying problem, cause, and resolution (PCR) data. However, if you modified the PCR data used in the search, you must select the Copy PCR Criteria to Tasks check box on the Job Template Search page before the system will copy the PCR data to all the tasks identified in the job template. You can also select the Include Non-Asset Templates check box on the Search page for the system to look up non-asset related job templates on the Job Template Search page.

When you want to add a single task template to a work order, you can select the Task Templates link on a task page to display the Task Template Search page. When you select the Copy PCR Criteria to Tasks check box on this search page, the system only copies the PCR data specified on the search page to that single task.

When the work order job template is copied to the work order, the system verifies that the template contains at least one valid job step. If you copy a work order job template into a work order that has existing task lines, the new task lines are always inserted at the end of the existing task lines. For example, if you are doing a corrective radiator repair on a vehicle and performing a multistep coolant system maintenance, including flushing/filling new coolant fluid, and these tasks are conveniently bundled in a job template, you append the new job template tasks to the radiator repair task that you previously entered manually.

Note: Sequence numbers on the work order job template steps enable the job steps specified in template to be copied in the in the sequence they are listed. When Job Template steps are inserted into a work order job template, the default values of the sequence numbers are automatically assigned in increments of 10 (10, 20, 30). Users can override these sequence numbers (for example, change sequence numbers for steps from 10, 20, 30 to 1, 2, 3). Even if users override the sequence numbers, the next auto-assigned sequence number for a newly-inserted job step will be in increments of 10. For example, if the user changes the sequence numbers of the first three job steps to 1,2,3, then the next auto-assigned sequence number for a fourth job step will be 40. When a work order is created, the sequence numbers of the job steps are copied into the work order as they currently exist in the job template. If the user overrides the auto-generated sequence numbers in the template, then the overridden sequence numbers are copied to the work order.

Preventive Maintenance Work Order

Work order job templates are particularly useful for creating preventive maintenance work orders, which consist of routine maintenance activities that require the use of the same or similar resources and other requirements. You apply a work order job template in the preventive maintenance schedule definition, which is applied when the work order is created by the Preventive Maintenance (WM_PM) process. You can also create a work order for a single task preventive maintenance operation by associating a single step work order job template to a preventive maintenance schedule.

See Understanding Preventive Maintenance Work Orders.