PeopleSoft Maintenance Management Setup

Setup for PeopleSoft Maintenance Management includes not only the setup of data that you use specifically for PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, but also the setup of data for other products, such as PeopleSoft Asset Management, PeopleSoft Project Costing, PeopleSoft Purchasing, PeopleSoft Expenses, and PeopleSoft Inventory. You must use the appropriate documentation to perform those setups.

The setup procedures that you perform specifically for PeopleSoft Maintenance Management include:

  • Installation options.

    Installation options enable you to indicate that you want to install PeopleSoft Maintenance Management and other integrated products.

  • User preferences.

    User preferences determine the access and privileges that you want to provide to specific user roles and not to others.

    Note: You must also set up the roles in PeopleTools along with any additional security.

  • SetIDs.

    SetIDs segregate control data that can apply to more than one work order business unit.

  • Work order business unit.

    Work order business units control the functionality, default data and hierarchies, and product integration information that is needed to create and generate work orders.

  • Service request business units.

    If you use service requests in your organization, define the default data that you require to create service requests.

  • Work order types.

    You must apply one work order type to a work order when you create it. Work order types enable the segregation of work orders into specific categories, such as preventive maintenance, corrective maintenance, and capital improvements, based on your organization's approach to classifying work.

  • Service groups.

    You must apply one service group to a work order when you create it. Service groups enable the grouping of work orders based on the grouping of the assets on which work is being performed, such as facilities, ITAM (information technology equipment in PeopleSoft Asset Management), and fleets.

  • Shop.

    The system requires shop information when you create a work order. Shops group and manage the labor and tool resources that are defined in the work order.

  • Priority.

    The system administrator determines the number and names of priority codes. You must set the priority when you create a work order, which enables you to sort and track work orders based on their level of importance.

  • Status.

    You must set up statuses separately for service requests and work orders. Statuses are necessary for determining the functionality that users can perform at various stages in the progression of a service request or work order. Users define their own statuses based on their organization. However, when they set up these statuses, they associate them with system-defined statuses:

    • Service request internal statuses include canceled, closed, complete, open, work in progress, and work order created.

    • Work order internal statuses include awaiting schedule, canceled, closed, complete, on hold, open, scheduled, and work in progress and can apply to both work orders and work order tasks.

  • Maintenance type.

    Maintenance types are user-defined and are used to divide service maintenance procedures into specific categories, such as MAJOR, MINOR, REBUILD, and TUNEUP. They are set up in PeopleSoft Asset Management. However, in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, you associate maintenance types with a specific asset type and asset subtype. This is necessary because when a user adds a new PM Schedule and selects a Maintenance Type for the schedule, the asset type and subtype that are specified in the Maintenance Type definition must match the asset type and subtype that are associated with the asset that is specified when a user creates a PM Schedule. In addition, when a user adds a new PM Loop Schedule and selects a maintenance type, the asset type and subtype in the maintenance type must match the asset type and subtype that are specified in the Maintenance Loop definition.

    Note: Setting up maintenance types by asset subtype is optional.

  • Downtime reason.

    Users can set up reasons for an asset being down based on a work order. They enter the downtime for the asset in the Downtime Entry component and select a downtime reason. Users can access the Downtime Entry component from a link in the Technician Workbench on the Task Actuals Dates/Times tab and a link in the Asset Information group box on the Requirements page and Schedules page of the Work Order component.

  • CBM rule setup.

    Users set up the rules to enable the creation of condition-based maintenance (CBM) work orders based on alerts that are sent from a condition-based monitoring system, which monitors the condition of an asset.

Other data setup categories for PeopleSoft Maintenance Management include:

  • Labor resource data:

    • Task categories

    • Crafts

    • Shifts

    • Crews

    • Schedule patterns and periods

    • Crew rescheduling reason codes

    • Options

      You set up these categories under the PeopleSoft Maintenance Management business unit category if you want to set up labor resource approval workflow.

  • Common resource setup and data:

    • Competencies

    • Holidays

    • Competency types

    • Degrees

    • Holidays

    • Honors/awards

    • Languages

    • Licenses/certifications

    • Majors

    • Memberships

    • Rating model

    • Job codes

    • Schools

    • Tests

    • Resource Search Configuration for resource cache administration.

  • PCR (problem, cause, and resolution) data:

    • Problem codes

    • Cause codes

    • Resolution codes

    • Problem groups

    • Problem trees, which are related only to service request and help desk data, and not to work orders.

  • Failure tracking data:

    • Failure Severity codes.

    • Failure Impact codes.

  • Accounting and cost data:

    • Work order business unit, which enables you to define the Project Default Order and the Accounting Default Order based on weighting calculations.

    • Associate projects

      You can associate both work order-managed and Project Costing-managed projects with a work order business unit and the Project Costing business unit that is defined in the work order business unit. The Project Default Order that is specified in the work order business unit determines the default project in the work order.

    • Capitalization rules.

      You set up a capitalization minimum for asset categories and assign the asset capitalization filter for assets that are used in a work order.

    • Default PC (Project Costing) ChartFields.

      Map Project Costing ChartFields to each integration module.

      The Project Default Order that is set up in the work order business unit determines which Project Costing ChartFields appear as default values in the work order.

    • Distribution templates.

      Distribution templates specify the ChartField distribution combinations for each type of cost that can be incurred by a work order. The ChartField combinations are identified for each combination of integrated PeopleSoft application and resource type.

    • Distribution template rules.

      Distribution template rules identify which distribution template that the system uses when loading default ChartField values to a work order task. You can specify the rules regarding how the system selects a distribution template by associating the distribution template with a combination of eight key criteria. You set up the Accounting Default Profile in the work order business unit, which determines the values that are supplied by default in the work order.

  • Work order template data:

    • Work order task templates

      These templates enable you to predefine craft, inventory item, purchased and on-hand items, and tools resource requirements that are needed to complete a work order task. In addition, this template can contain instructions, checklists, notes, and attachments that help the technician perform the task. These templates are set up by SetID and can be shared across business units. You can associate them with asset classifications (asset type, subtype, manufacturer ID, and model) and identify effective dates to enable data changes over time. If an asset classification has an EPL (Equipment Parts List) associated with it, you can select inventory and non-inventory resources associated with the asset to the Inventory and Purchase/On-Hand requirements on the template. You can also associate a template with a resolution code to streamline the search for templates that are applicable to a particular problem/cause/resolution group. Setting up these templates and applying them to a work order for common work order tasks can reduce significantly the time that you spend creating work orders.

    • Work order job templates

      These templates are defined for work orders and are attached to preventive maintenance work order schedules. They consist of one or more job steps that are associated with work order task templates. Work order job templates are also set up by SetID to enable sharing across business units. You can associate them with asset classifications (asset type, subtype, manufacturer's ID, and model). They are also effective-dated to enable data changes over time. You can associate them with a resolution code to streamline searches.

  • Supplemental data.

    Because every organization has different data requirements for work orders based upon unique business processes and regulatory issues, PeopleSoft Maintenance Management includes the Supplemental Data component to provide a way to define additional work-order related data.

    See Understanding Supplemental Data

Additional Labor Setup Considerations

Before you can assign work to your technicians, you must create them as resources and perform other labor administration activities using the Labor Administration options in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. This is where you can update person information and qualification profiles, but most importantly, you activate certain people, which may be based on a list of employees from PeopleSoft HRMS or on non-employees and employees whom you establish in the PeopleSoft FSCM database directly from PeopleSoft Maintenance Management as resources using the Create Resources process. You can run this process for individuals or for a group of people. Once you have activated these individuals as resources and run the Cache Administration process to refresh the resource eligibility cache table as necessary, you can assign them to resource groups to enable you to use the search engine when you are scheduling resources for a work order. (The search engine determines resource availability and qualification with respect to each work order task.) Once you have set up labor resources, you can maintain their eligibility, assign them to a craft, and manage their profiles using the Labor Administration menu in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

Tools Setup Considerations

You can also create resource groups for the assets that are used as tools and use the search engine to identify available and appropriate tools for specific work order tasks. You specify certain assets as tools in PeopleSoft Asset Management. You must set up the shop and identify the Asset Management business unit and asset classification parameters for assets, which are selected as tools in the work order task, where you can access the asset's calendar. The system uses shop information of the asset to determine the asset's availability based on the operating hours of the shop. The operating hours of the shop determine the availability of the tools.

PeopleSoft Inventory Setup Considerations

If you intend to use the PeopleSoft Inventory system to identify items that are required to perform a work order task, item setup in PeopleSoft Inventory is very important for PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. You must set up items and their attributes, as well as the relationship between items and the PeopleSoft Inventory business units. Item setup involves such things as units of measure, identifying floor stock items, and so on.

You identify the default PeopleSoft Inventory business unit on the Integrations page of the work order business unit. You also set up commit and reservation rules on this page.

See PeopleSoft Inventory Setup Considerations.

See Defining Items at the Business Unit Level.

See Establishing a PeopleSoft Inventory Business Unit Structure.

PeopleSoft Purchasing and eProcurement Setup Considerations

To use PeopleSoft Purchasing or PeopleSoft eProcurement to procure non-inventory and open description items, you must define the requisition and purchase order defaults that are required for loading requisitions and purchase orders from PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. For each work order business unit for which you intend to procure non-inventory and open description items, you must set up the appropriate requisition loader defaults, purchase order loader defaults, or both to indicate which requisition or purchase order business unit should be used when the work order pushes to the requisition or Purchase Order. (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Procurement Options > Purchasing > Requisition Loader Defaults and PO Loader Defaults.) You also set up other default values in the PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit setup (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Business Unit Related > Purchasing > Purchasing Definition.) The documentation PeopleSoft Maintenance Management set of topics, "Understanding Integrated and Shared Product Setup Considerations" contains additional Purchasing and eProcurement integration information.

See PeopleSoft eProcurement Setup Considerations.

See PeopleSoft Purchasing Setup Considerations.

See Configuring Requisition Defaults.

See Purchase Order Defaults.