Understanding Labor and Tools Resource Setup and Maintenance

This section discusses:

  • Labor resource setup.

  • Comparison of PeopleSoft FSCM and HRMS employee source database tables.

  • Steps to create employee data, generate resources, and manage resources without PeopleSoft HRMS.

  • Tool resources setup.

  • Resource cache administration.

The goal of the operations manager and shop supervisor is to ensure the accurate inventorying and easy deployment of the labor resources (technicians) who are needed to complete work order assignments. Normally, the supervisor sets up the labor resources and assigns them to a shop. When a work order is created, the scheduler can assign resources to the work order task by simply selecting resources directly from the list of eligible labor resources, by using the Recommend Labor feature to search for the most qualified and available resources, or by manually searching for available labor resources. Before you set up shops and assign resources to the shops, you must set up competencies and accomplishments and associate them with employees.

You can generate labor resources by setting up employee data using one of these methods:

  • Integrating with PeopleSoft HRMS.

  • Integrating with 7.X HRMS or Third-Party HRMS.

  • Set up employee and non-employee data in the FSCM database using PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

Important! You must access Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resources Data, Resource Setup and indicate whether you intend to use PeopleSoft HCM 8.0+, PeopleSoft HCM 8.0+ and PeopleSoft Financials Database, or PeopleSoft Financials Database for your employee source data. If you use PeopleSoft Front Office Staffing, then the PeopleSoft Financials Database option is not available for selection.

You set up accomplishments and competencies using tables that are common to PeopleSoft Resource Management, Staffing, and PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. You assign these accomplishments and competencies in qualification profiles, which you can associate when setting up a craft codes in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, or select to specify the labor qualification requirements for a craft requirement in a work order task line of the Work Order component. You can assign one or more resources to a craft. When you assign resources to a craft, you can update the qualification profiles from the craft only if the labor resource is set up in the Financials Database using PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. For each work order task, you can specify all the crafts required to perform the task and then modify the competencies and accomplishment qualifications needed for each of the specified crafts if necessary. You can also update and review each resource's qualification profile in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management to keep the profile current.

Once the resources and the qualifications are set up, you assign the resources to a shop. You must associate the resources with a shift in the shop. You can also associate resources with crews and assign one or more crews to a shop. You can assign crew members to more than one shop as long as you divide their capacity percentage between the shops. Before you can use the system to determine capacity for a crew based on specific periods, you must set up the schedule patterns, generate the schedule periods from the pattern, and specify which schedule pattern the crew will be using on the Crew Definition Component. You also can set up reasons for rescheduling a crew.

After this data is set up, you must run the Cache Administration process (Set Up Financials/ Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Resource Search > Cache Administration) to refresh the current eligible resources cache, the resource schedule cache, and the search indexes. Oracle recommends that you run this process nightly to keep the cache up to date. You must update the cache if you want the system to recommend labor resources based on their qualifications and availability, and if you want to enable users to see the availability score for each labor resource in relation to each work order task. The availability cache is updated automatically when assignments are created and canceled. Once you establish your labor resources, you can then create work orders and assign these resources to the work order tasks in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management by:

  • Directly assigning the labor resource to a task.

  • Selecting of the Recommend Resource button, which runs the Resource Matching process that recommends qualified and available resources for the task.

    This Matching process matches eligible resources to resource demand as specified in the work order task. It objectively assesses resource availability and qualification level and presents resource assignment possibilities at the work order task level.

  • Manually searching for available resources that possess the required craft and are available for the work order task.

  • Assigning labor resources from crews, as well as individual resources, using the Labor Assignment Workbench.

Important! If you use PeopleSoft Resource Management and have set up your employee data in PeopleSoft Resource Management, then you do not have to set up the employee data again in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management because the employee data is set up in the same tables for both PeopleSoft Resource Management and PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. However, after the employee data is set up, you must create the employees as resources using the Create Resources or Create Resource Program components in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management before you can schedule the labor resources to a work order. The system marks them as PeopleSoft Maintenance Management resources in the same table PeopleSoft Resource Management uses. Once you create the employees as resources in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, then you must perform all other activities such as managing a resource profile using the Labor Administration components in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

See PeopleSoft HRMS Setup Considerations.

See Understanding Resource Scheduling.

See Understanding PeopleSoft Resource Management and PeopleSoft HCM.

The PeopleSoft Resource Management documentation identifies the tables used in the PeopleSoft Financial Database versus the PeopleSoft HRMS Database to derive data for the pages in the Manage Profiles component. All of this information also applies to PeopleSoft Maintenance Management except for:

  • The row describing Preferences, which does not apply to PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

  • The row describing Supply Categories, which does not apply to PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

  • Additional pages in the Resource Profile specifically for PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, which include:

    • A Craft page.

    • A Shop page.

See Labor and Tool Resource Matching.

This describes the use of the Resource Profile Craft and Shop pages.


Lists the crafts associated with this resource.

This is unique to PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. On this page, you can review all of the crafts that apply to the labor resource, and manually add one or more crafts to the labor resource's profile. This is just one way to specify the crafts belonging to a given resource. Another way is to add crafts to a labor resource is through the Assigning Resources to a Craft component, which enables you to assign one or more resources to a given craft.

Not applicable


Lists the shops to which an employee is assigned.

This is unique to PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. On this page, you can assign one or more shops to the labor resource with a specific weekly Shift. Manage Resource Profile validates shifts to prevent overlapping.

Not applicable

Important! PeopleSoft Maintenance Management does not use pool, regions, or industry in the resource profile.

You can set up labor resources based on integrating with PeopleSoft HRMS and using the established employee data and competencies from PeopleSoft HRMS. You may also be able to use the data from a third-party product if you use PeopleSoft HRMS 7. x or earlier. However, if you do not use PeopleSoft HRMS, you can set up accomplishments and competencies in the Financials/Supply Chain database for employees that you define in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

Follow these steps to establish accomplishments and competencies for use in with resources in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management:

  1. Set up fundamental resource and competency data in Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resource Data, which includes:

    • Resources setup.

    • Honors and awards.

    • Memberships.

    • Languages.

    • Licenses and certifications.

    • Degrees.

    • Majors.

    • Schools.

    • Competency types.

    • Competencies.

    • Competency tree.

    • Job codes.

    • Holidays.

    Note: You also can set up a competency tree using Tree Manager.

    See Using a Competency Tree to Organize Competencies.

    See Setting Up Resources.

  2. Set up relevant qualification and employee data in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management including:

    • Task categories.

    • Qualification profiles.

    • Crafts.

    • Employee data.

  3. Create resources from employees using one of these methods:

    • Create resources (individual employees).

    • Create resources using the batch (RS_CW_AE) process.

  4. Set up key features in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management used to manage and assign resources to a work order and work order task, which include:

    • Defining shifts.

    • Setting up shops.

    • Setting up crews.

    • Setting up schedule patterns and generating schedule periods based on a schedule pattern.

    • Setting up crew rescheduling reason codes.

  5. Manage resources by:

    • Creating a resource group.

    • Assigning resources to a craft.

    • Maintaining employee eligibility.

    • Managing employee profiles.

Tools are assets that are identified as tools in PeopleSoft Asset Management's asset repository by selecting the Asset Management > Asset Transactions > Owned Assets > Basic Add component. You can assign the asset type, subtype, manufacturer ID, and model of a tool along with the shop in which the tool is located or stored at and the preferred maintenance crew that can maintain the tools. You can assign a tool for use in a work order task in the work order component and can track the actual usage and cost of the tool in the Technician Workbench in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. You can set up tool rates based on the asset type and subtype in the shop's Tool Rates page. These rates are the default rate values that display in the Tool Requirements and Tool Schedules grids of the work order task. If the rates are not set up in the shop, the default values are derived from the asset subtype, which is set up in PeopleSoft Asset Management. When you search for a tool, the availability is based on the operating hours of the shop.

When you use the matching engine to recommend the qualified and available tools to use for a work order task, the availability of tools is determined by the shop's operating hours. You can set up resource groups of tools for more than one shop. For example, you can set up a resource group for SHOP A to SHOP C, which includes all resources belong to SHOP A, SHOP B, and SHOP C. You can use a resource group to restrict the search for tools available to use in the performance of a work order task to the shops specified within the resource group. If you do not specify a resource group, the system searches through all the assets marked as tools based on the asset characteristics that you specify when you schedule tools in the work order task line.

Important! The accuracy of the recommendation provided by the Match Engine for labor and tools depends on the status of the cache records. You should refresh the cache regularly.

You run the Cache Administration Application Engine (RS_CACHE_AD) process to manage various cache records in order to enhance system performance. PeopleSoft Maintenance Management uses only three cache records: Resource Eligibility, Resource Schedule, and Search Framework. You run this process periodically to purge unnecessary data from the system and to update cache tables that are used by various PeopleSoft Maintenance Management activities which include:

  • Incorporating a Search Framework for searching.

  • Keeping the available dates and times in the resource schedules up to date.

  • Keeping the resource eligibility up to date.

The matching engine uses the search framework, resource eligibility, and the resource schedules cache to determine the qualification and availability fit scores that the matching engine uses to determine whether a resource is qualified and available to perform a specific work order task.

You should run the resource eligibility cache every time you run the Create Resources process.

Important! It is important to keep the cache records current in order to produce accurate results when you run processes such as the Match Engine, the resource availability checking routine, and resource assignment creation. To keep the cache current at any point in time, Oracle recommends that you should schedule this process to run nightly.

PeopleSoft Maintenance Management uses the resource schedules and resource eligibility to determine the availability of a resource for assignment in a work order task.

Note: You should also refresh the cache if you add resources or modify the shifts or shops associated with resources.

See Establishing Resource Groups.