Altering Email Templates

To define notification templates, use the Notification Templates (WIL_TEMPLATE) component.

See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Workflow Technology.

This topic discusses how to alter email templates.

Page Name

Definition Name


Generic Template Definition Page


Edit the text of notification boilerplate email templates. You can also modify the HTML that is associated with each template.

For more information, see Defining Generic Templates in PeopleTools: Workflow Technology

Define Template Page


Edit the text of all boilerplate email templates except for bidder registration notifications. You can also modify the HTML that is associated with each template.

A Standard Email Template is used to send email notification for Notice of Intent to Award (NOIA) and Notice of Award (NOA).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Standard Email Template NOIA.

Standard email template NOIA

When an NOIA is sent, bidders will receive email notification based on NOIA standard email template defined for the business unit.

Another standard email template is used to send notifications for NOA.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Standard Email Template NOA.

Standard email template NOA

When an NOA is sent, bidders will receive email notification based on NOA standard email template defined for the business unit. This standard template will be used for sending NOA for both awarded and non-awarded bidders. However, the content of the notification will vary for awarded and non-awarded bidders.

A separate RTF template type is also defined under BI Report definition to send NOIA and NOA. The report template file is used to generate a PDF which will be attached on the email notification for NOIA and NOA.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the RTF Template for NOIA/NOA.

RTF Template for NOIA

PeopleSoft Strategic Sourcing includes the following notifications regarding bidder registration.



Registration Confirmation

Notifies bidders when they are successfully registered. Includes the assigned password.

Sourcing Approval

Notifies the registration approver that a bidder registration is submitted for review.

Sourcing Approved

Notifies the bidder that the registration request is approved.

Sourcing Denied

Notifies the bidder that the registration request is denied.

Sourcing Duplicate Information

Notifies bidders that their registration information matches an existing bidder, supplier, or customer.

Sourcing New Contact

Notifies bidders contact that they have been added as a contact for a registered bidder.

PeopleSoft Strategic Sourcing includes the following event notifications.



Bid Notification

Notifies bidders that they successfully posted a bid.

Outbid Notice

Notifies bidders that they are outbid on one or more sourcing event lines.

Proxy Outbid

Notifies bidders that their current bid price has changed based on his proxy bid.

Event Extension

Notifies invited bidders that the event end date is been extended.

Bid Cancellation

Confirms to bidders that they canceled their bid.

Withdrawal Notification

Confirms to bidders that they are withdrawn from one or more event lines on a countered offer.

Bid Disallow

Notifies bidders that their bid is disallowed and therefore is canceled.

Bid Rejection

Notifies bidders that their bid is no longer being considered for an award.

Sourcing New Winner

Notifies bidders that they are the winning bidder due to a cancellation of a previous winning bid.

PeopleSoft Strategic Sourcing includes the following event notifications.



Collaboration Notice

Notifies collaborators that they are invited to collaborate on an event.

Collaborator Removal

Notifies collaborators that their participation in the collaboration is no longer required

Collaboration Completion

Notifies the event creator that the collaboration ended either because the collaboration due date passed or all invited collaborators provided the necessary input.

Event Approval Next

Notifies event approvers that an event requires their approval.

MCF Agent Creation (MultiChannel Framework agent creation)

Notifies event creators that they are created as a MultiChannel Framework agent, which enables internal users to chat real-time with bidders using the MultiChannel Framework.

Event PDF Preview

Notifies the event creator that a preview of the sourcing event PDF file has been created. The PDF file is included in the notification.

Event Invitation

Notifies invited bidders that they are invited to participate in a sourcing event.

Event Interest

Notifies uninvited bidders that a public event is posted in which they may be interested based on their self-categorization preferences.

Event Edited

Notifies bidders that a previously posted event is edited.

Note: Based on the settings set up in the Sourcing - Business Unit Definition Page, event notifications can be sent immediately or on a preview date as set in the Event Summary Page.

RFI Invitation (request for information invitation)

Notifies bidders that they are invited to a request for information (RFI) event.

RFI Event Edited

Notifies bidders that a posted RFI event is edited.

Event Lot Update

Notifies bidders that associated event lot dates are updated.

Pause Notification

Notifies invited bidders that an auction event is paused.

Resume Notification

Notifies invited bidders that a paused auction event is resumed.

Event Cancellation

Notifies invited bidders that a posted event is canceled.

PeopleSoft Strategic Sourcing includes the following analysis notifications.



Sourcing Analysis Collab

Notifies collaborators that they have been invited to collaborate on bid analysis

Event Analysis Export

Sends an XML version for the bid analysis to selected users.

Non-Winning Bidder

Notifies non-awarded bidders that they are not selected for award.

Winning Bidder

Notifies awarded bidders that they are selected for award.

Notice of Intend to Award (NOIA)

Notifies bidders that they have been identified for the award (using the NOIA feature).

Notice of Award (NOA)

Notifies awarded bidders that they are selected for award (using NOA feature).

PeopleSoft Strategic Sourcing includes the following sourcing plan notifications.



Task Assignment

Notifies users when a sourcing plan is posted.

Change of Overall Plan Status

Notifies selected users when the overall plan status changes.

Change of Overall Step Status

Notifies selected users when the overall task status changes.

Predecessor Task Completion

Notifies selected users when all of the predecessor tasks (steps) for a task have been completed.

Approval Required

Notifies plan approver that a sourcing plan requires approval.

Approval Notification Updates

Notifies selected users when a sourcing plan is approved or denied.

Cancellation of Plan

Notifies selected users when a sourcing plan is canceled.

Reassignment of Task

Notifies previously assigned to users that their tasks have been reassigned.

Reassignment of Task

Notifies newly assigned to users that they have been assigned tasks.