Understanding Multiversion and Multiround Events

You can create multiversion and multiround events to negotiate with bidders.

Bidders always bid on the most current posted event version and round. You have the option to hide the round or version number from bidders.

This section discusses:

  • Multiversion events.

  • Multiround events.

Create multiversion events when you need to make changes to a posted event. Once a new version is created, you can't delete lines or bid factors because bids to the previous version would include those lines and bid factors.

You can create and edit versions of multiversion events. When you are viewing a multiversion event in the Event Workbench component, the system displays the most recent version of the event. The new version of the event must be posted to be available for bidding.

You click the Edit Current Version button to change the most current version of the event and access the Event Details pages in Update/Display mode. This button is available only for multiversion events; it isn't available if the New Event Version Required check box is selected on the Business Unit Definition page, or if the event status is Awarded or Canceled.

You click the Create New Version button to create a new version of an event and access the Events Details page in Add mode. When you click the Create New Version button:

  • You create a new version of the event.

  • The system increments the version number by one.

  • The previous current version of the event becomes read-only upon posting the new version, and you cannot make additional changes to that version.

    Note: The previous posted version is available for bidding until a newly created version is posted, not created. So if bidders are bidding on version 1, that is the version on which they have access to bid until version 2 is posted.

  • If a new round is created for the event, the system resets the version number to 1.

    The version number is incremented by 1 for the specified round if you modify the event. For example, when you create a new event, it is round 1, version 1. If you change the event and create a new version, then the event is round 1, version 2. If you create a new round, the event is round 2, version 1. If you change the event at this point, the event is round 2, version 2.

  • If any scoring-related changes are required, you must create a new round.

If a new version is created for an event with line groups, all of the line group information is copied onto the new version.

Bidder Participation in Multiversion Events

If a new version is created for an event, the bidder's invitations statuses should be carried forward to the new version, meaning that if a bidder accepted on version 1, the system keeps that bidder's status as accepted for version 2. If an invited bidder declined on version 1 but wanted to be kept informed of event updates, the bidder should show declined for version 2 but still receive updates on version 2. If a public bidder who was not explicitly invited to version 1 accepts the event invitation, the bidder should be accepted for version 2.

Use multiround events for RFx events to negotiate with bidders after initial bids are received. This is useful when you make either substantive changes to the event (requiring additional input from the bidders) or when you evaluate and narrow bids to a select group for further negotiation.

You can select to counter one or more bidders for the overall event or for individual lines using the Analyze Total and Analyze line pages. The system creates the new round by copying the previous round/version. Countered bidders are the invited bidders for the new round. Only countered lines are included in the new round. You can add additional bidders if necessary.

The system provides the best bid factor responses for the countered responses from the previous round as the new default worst values for the new round. For example, warranty is a bid factor with 1 as the worst and 5 as best. Bidder A bids 2 years and Bidder B bids 3 years for the warranty. Both bidders are countered. Round 2 now has warranty with a default worst response of 3 years and best response of 5 years. You can override the new defaulted worst responses on the new round.

If a line was partially awarded and also countered, only the remaining quantity (original line quantity minus the awarded quantity) appears on the new round. So if a line originally had a quantity of 100, and you awarded a quantity of 40 in round 1, round 2 has 60 as the line quantity.

The new round is posted out to the invited bidders. The bidders receive a new invitation along with a new counter PDF version of the event. When a bidder bids on the new round, the bidder can view his or her initial bid and the countered offer.

Bidders can either withdraw, accept, or counter the counter offer either at the event level or for each line. If the bidder accepts, the system automatically creates a new bid response with the best response for each bid factor. If they counter, the new bid response is copied from the best response, but the bidder can override the values. If a bidder withdrawals, the bidder can't bid on any portion of the event from that point forward.

If Award to Previous Round is not selected on the Sourcing business unit page, the previous round/version is inactivated. The analyzer has the option to reject bids as part of a multiround process—either the entire bid or individual lines.

Once the bids are received on the counter, the analyzer can review the bids and choose to accept (award), reject, or counter. This process can continue indefinitely until the event is awarded or manually closed.

See Defining Strategic Sourcing Business Units.

Price Components

When a new round is created, the best bids for each price component should become the new worst values for each price component. This means that if the original start price for materials was $60 and Bidder A bid $50 for materials, Bidder B bid $60, and Bidder C bid $55, then when a new round is created, the new start price for materials would be $50.

Line Groupings in Multiround Events

If a new round is created, then the system sets the worst values for the line group bid factors on the new round using the best responses from the bidders on the previous round. If a line group was partially awarded, the system sets the requested quantity on the new round to the previous rounds requested quantity minus the awarded quantity for the previous round.

Bidder Participation in Multiround Events

The Event Bid History page shows the event participation by round and not by version. Therefore, if the following bid situation occurred:

  • Bidder A accepted on version 1 and posted a bid on version 2.

  • Bidder B accepted on version 2 but never posted a bid.

  • Bidder C declined on version 3 for round 1.

  • Bidder D never responded to any of the event notifications.

The system displays the following on the Event Participation page for round 1:

  • Total Event Invitations: 4

  • Accepted Invitations: 2

  • Declined Invitations: 1

  • No Response: 1