Correcting PeopleSoft Grants and Project Costing-Related Invoices

This topic provides an overview of PeopleSoft Grants and Project Costing-related invoice correction functionality, discusses how to generate PeopleSoft Grants and Project Costing replacement invoices, and provides an example of a PeopleSoft Grants and Project Costing-related invoice correction.

Use PeopleSoft Grants and PeopleSoft Project Costing-Related Invoice Correction functionality when you have created an invoice containing erroneous grants or Project Costing-related charges, and you want to generate a corrected invoice to reflect the original billing activity, as well as the adjustment information.

Credit and Rebill Invoices

If you are notified that an erroneous expense exists on an invoice, first issue a credit and rebill in PeopleSoft Billing. The credit bill reverses the charges on the original invoice; the rebill initially contains the same information as the original bill. PeopleSoft Billing creates billing adjustment line types (BAJ) to represent the credit and rebill invoices. PeopleSoft Billing creates withholding analysis type (WTH) to represent a credit bill adjustment done on a withholding line for a government contract associated bill. Similarly, PeopleSoft Billing creates withholding release analysis type (WRL) to represent a credit and rebill adjustment done on a withholding release line.

PeopleSoft Billing does not assign an invoice date when you create a rebill invoice. After you create the credit and rebill invoices (and before you import adjustment lines into PeopleSoft Billing through the Billing Interface), you must assign the invoice date to the rebill invoice. Click the Header Info 1 link on the Adjust Entire Bill page for the corresponding rebill invoice to access the Header Info 1 (header information 1) page, where you can manually define a value for the Invoice Date field. You can also override the values in the From Date and To Date fields on the Header Info 1 page, if appropriate. For example, you can aggregate two months of charges on a single bill.

After you finalize the credit and rebill invoices, you can run the Billing to Project Costing/Contracts Interface process (BIPCC000) to update the Project Resource table (PROJ_RES_TMP_BI) with the new adjustment invoice activity.

Note: This feature does not require you to resend the original invoice activity to PeopleSoft Billing from PeopleSoft Project Costing. The rebill invoice is generated in PeopleSoft Billing, and PeopleSoft Billing writes back to PeopleSoft Project Costing all new invoice activity. PeopleSoft Project Costing retains the BLD (billed) analysis line type for the original bill lines, and assigns BAJ analysis line types for credit and rebill invoice bill lines, as well as for any additional bill lines included in the rebill.

Next, you can create a journal entry in PeopleSoft General Ledger to reverse the erroneous expense, send this entry to PeopleSoft Project Costing as a bill line, then import the adjustment line into PeopleSoft Billing.

Bill-By Definitions

Run the Contracts to Billing Interface process (CA_BI_INTFC) to import any adjustment lines from PeopleSoft Project Costing and Contracts (as a BIL type row from PeopleSoft Project Costing) through the Billing Interface to PeopleSoft Billing. When processing PeopleSoft Grants billing, the Billing Interface requires that you define as bill-by fields the following fields:

  • Grants Billing Cycle ID.

  • From Date.

  • To Date.

  • Invoice Date.

Define the values for these fields on the PeopleSoft Contracts Billing Process page (RUN_CA_BI), where you define the run control for the Contracts/Billing Interface process (CA_BI_INTFC) to load billing information from PeopleSoft Contracts and PeopleSoft Project Costing into PeopleSoft Billing.

Note: You are not required to define as bill-by fields the Grants Billing Cycle ID, From Date, or To Date field when processing letters of credit (LOC). When processing LOCs, ensure that you define the invoice date as a bill-by field, and that the invoice date defined for the adjustment bill line matches the value defined for the Invoice Date field on the rebill invoice.

When processing preapproved transactions, the Billing Interface can add an adjustment bill line to a rebill invoice only when the value of the bill-by fields matches the values defined for the bill-by fields on the rebill invoice. Ensure that the values you define (on the rebill) for the From Date, To Date, and Invoice Date fields on the Header Info 1 page match the values that you define for the same fields on the PeopleSoft Contracts Billing Process page to enable the Billing Interface to append the adjustment line to the appropriate rebill invoice.

For transactions that are not preapproved, you can use the Billing Worksheet to review and maintain adjustment lines.

The Billing Worksheet

To append an adjustment line to a rebill invoice from the Billing Worksheet, select that rebill invoice from the prompt list for the Add To Bill field. Invoices with the following characteristics appear:

  • Invoices with the same Billing business unit as the worksheet bill.

  • Invoices with the same bill-to customer as the worksheet bill.

  • Invoices with the same contract ID as the worksheet bill.

  • Invoices with the same currency as the worksheet bill.

  • Invoices with an invoice status of NEW or HLD (hold).

  • Invoices that are not fully paid.

  • Invoices with an invoice type other than ACR (credit bill).

To help identify the correct rebill invoice, the list of invoices available for the Add To Bill field includes invoice type, invoice date, from and to date, invoice amount, and currency information.

Do not select a value in the Add To Bill field if you want to create a new bill for the approved bill lines.

See Processing Billing Worksheets.

To cancel an erroneous invoice and generate a replacement for PeopleSoft Grants and Project Costing-related invoices:

  1. Create credit and rebill invoices using the PeopleSoft Billing Adjust Entire Bill page.

  2. Click the Header Info 1 (header information 1) link on the Adjust Entire Bill page to access the Header Info 1 page, where you can assign the appropriate values to the Invoice Date, From Date, and To Date fields for the rebill invoice.

  3. Create journal entries in PeopleSoft General Ledger to record the adjustment.

  4. Send posted journals from PeopleSoft General Ledger to PeopleSoft Project Costing using the PeopleSoft Project Costing PC_GL_TO_PC process.

  5. Run the PeopleSoft Contracts to Billing Interface process (CA_BI_INTFC) to send the adjusted bill line to PeopleSoft Billing.

    Assign values to the Invoice Date, From Date, and To Date fields on the PeopleSoft Contracts Billing Process page (RUN_CA_BI) to match the values that you defined for these fields on the PeopleSoft Billing Header Info 1 page for the rebill invoice.

  6. Use the Billing Worksheet to review and approve the adjustment lines that were not preapproved on the PeopleSoft Contracts bill plan.

    You can add the adjustment bill lines to the rebill invoice that you created by selecting it from the prompt list on the Add To Bill field. Alternatively, you can create a new invoice for the adjustment bill lines by leaving the Add To Bill field blank.

  7. Run the Billing to Project Costing/Contracts Interface process (BIPCC000) after bill finalization to update the Project Resource table (PROJ_RES_TMP_BI) with the new invoice activity.

    The system applies credit and rebill BIL rows for the project resource to create a complete audit trail.

The following example demonstrates the PeopleSoft Grants and PeopleSoft Project Costing-Related Invoice Correction functionality.

An invoice that contains charge errors is created. To correct the erroneous invoice, a credit and rebill is completed. Invoice A in the example reflects the charges on the original invoice. Invoice B represents the credit invoice. Invoice C reflects the charges on the rebill.

Billing Activity

Invoice A

Invoice B

Invoice C













A journal entry adjustment is completed and sent to PeopleSoft Billing. Invoice C now contains the following additional bill activity:

Invoice C Billing Activity

Invoice C Amount





Equipment (from journal entry)


