Ensuring That the System Processes Data in the Billing Interface Staging Area

PeopleSoft Billing provides two methods for ensuring that all of the data that is sent to the Billing Interface is processed and moved into the appropriate PeopleSoft Billing tables. You can:

  • Set up a workflow solution that automatically notifies you of unprocessed interface transactions.

  • Generate a summary report solution that enables you to view statistics of interface transactions on command.

Page Name

Definition Name


Billing Workflow Page


Specify when to initiate a workflow action on unprocessed transactions.

Workflow Batch Parameters Page


Run the workflow processes in PeopleSoft Billing or set up schedules to have Process Scheduler run them automatically.

Route Control Profile Page


Define the business units about which you want to be notified.

Roles - General


Define which users will receive notification.

Billing Interface


Generate a summary report of interface lines within a certain interface ID range, within a certain date range, or on lines within a certain business unit.

The workflow solution process identifies interface lines that have not been processed over a specified period of time and notifies you of these lingering lines. You can determine how long to let transactions remain unprocessed in the staging area before the system notifies you.

To set up a workflow solution:

  1. Specify how long (in days) the system allows pending interface lines to sit unprocessed in the staging area before issuing a worklist notification.

    Access the Workflow Batch Parameters page. In Pending Interface Notification, Number of Days Pending, define the number of days.

  2. Define a schedule for the workflow process.

    You can schedule the process to run regularly (weekly, monthly, and so on) using the Process Scheduler. The ADD_DTTM field on the interface table must be populated for the process to find any pending interface items. The process uses this field to determine the age of the interface transactions.

  3. Define yourself as a Billing Interface Reviewer on the Roles page to receive the notification.

    To define the business units about which you want to be notified, access the Route Control Profile page.

The summary report solution provides statistics about interface transactions, both processed and unprocessed. You can sort each report by business unit or interface ID. You can generate an:

  • Interface Error Summary report.

  • Interface Detail Summary report.

  • Interface Summary report.

You can run a summary report of interface lines within a certain interface ID range or within a certain date range. You can also run the report on lines within a certain business unit.

Note: To get accurate reporting when using the date range selection, you should populate the ADD_DTTM field of the INTFC_BI table.

To generate a summary report, access the Billing Interface Report page.