Processing Prepaid Sales Orders

Order Management may send fully and partially-paid invoices to the Billing interface when a customer pays for all or part of an order. Fully-paid invoices will not be printed, but will be processed to create accounting entries. If a copy of the invoice is required, one can be made using the invoice reprinting feature. The amount due on a reprinted fully-paid invoice will be zero. Taxes on fully-paid sales orders are calculated at the time of payment, so tax amounts are passed to Billing through the Billing interface. The finalization process does not recalculate taxes charged on the invoice.

Fully-paid invoices cannot be canceled or modified, except to change the accounting distribution.

Partially-paid invoices are printed normally, with the paid amount shown as a credit on the invoice. Partially-paid invoices cannot be canceled, nor can the paid amount be changed.

The value of the Paid At Source field (BI_PAID_AT_SRC) on the Interface Bill Header table (INTFC_BI_HDR) indicates the payment status of a bill:

Field or Control


0: Unpaid

No payments have been applied to the bill.

1: Deposit Applied

A deposit has been applied to the bill.

2: Partial

The bill has been partially paid.

9: Fully Paid

The bill has already been paid in full.

When viewing the bill on the Review Bills page, the payment status will be displayed on Bill Summary Page 2.

When all or part of a counter sale - sales order is paid by corporate voucher, Order Management creates a bill line transaction and assigns the payment transaction a line type of PYCV. Corporate Voucher bill lines will appear on an invoice with a negative amount. Billing does not process VAT on the corporate voucher payments. PeopleSoft Receivables will create any appropriate VAT accounting entries for voucher payment lines.