Running the Billing to Project Costing/Contracts Interface Process (BIPCC000)

Use the Billing to Project Costing/Contracts Interface process to send information about invoiced bills back to PeopleSoft Contracts and associated applications. Determine which sets of invoices to process and run this process for a specific Billing business unit or for all Billing business units.

This topic provides an overview of the Billing to Project Costing/Contracts Interface process and lists the page used to run the Billing to Project Costing/Contracts Interface process.

Page Name

Definition Name


Run BI PC/CA Intrfc. Page (BIPCC000)


Determine the sets of invoices to be processed, and run the Billing to Project Costing/Contracts Interface process for all Billing business units or for a single business unit.

The Billing to Project Costing/Contracts Interface process looks for all of the invoices with a status of INV (invoiced) or FNL (final) that have not yet been processed. A value of N (no) in the field PC_DISTRIB_STATUS in BI_HDR table indicates that the invoice is waiting to be processed by the Billing to Project Costing/Contracts Interface process. After processing, this field is updated to a value of D (distributed).

Note: Typically, you would configure the Billing to Project Costing/Contracts Interface process to run on a regularly scheduled basis.

Billing Currency Conversion process (BICURCNV) must be run prior to running the Billing to Project Costing/Contracts Interface process (BIPCC000) to ensure that correct conversion rates are sent to project costing/contracts. For more information on Billing Currency Conversion process, see Understanding the Currency Conversion Process (BICURCNV).

Note: You must run the Billing Currency Conversion process prior to running the Billing to Project Costing/Contracts Interface process even if you are not using multiple currencies.

Updates to PeopleSoft Contracts

Lines related to contracts are inserted or updated in the Contracts/Billing Cross-Reference table (CA_BP_XREF). The process:

  1. Updates the Cross-Reference table for regular lines with SYSTEM_SOURCE = CBI with the final invoiced amounts.

    Lines with matching, nonblank values in the fields CONTRACT_NUM, BILL_PLAN_ID, and XREF_SEQ_NUM are cross-referenced to a single row in the Cross-Reference table. The system adds the gross and net extended amounts of the grouped lines and updates the Cross-Reference table with the sums. It also update the following fields:


    • INVOICE_DT = Invoice date on bill


    • INVOICE_TYPE = Invoice type on bill

  2. Inserts an entry for adjustment lines with a SYSTEM_SOURCE = CBI into the Cross-Reference table.

    Lines are grouped by the following fields:









      For each unique grouping, the system adds the gross and net extended amounts, and inserts a new row into the Cross-Reference table, using the next number available as a key for XREF_SEQ_NUM. The system obtains this number from CA_BILL_PLAN. The system source is set to BBI.

      Inserting these lines into the Cross-Reference table enables users in PeopleSoft Contracts to view adjustment invoices that also relate to this contract and bill plan, even though the adjustment invoice originates in PeopleSoft Billing.

      Note: Any CBI adjustment lines with invalid values in the preceding fields (blank or zero) are processed individually.

  3. Inserts an entry in the Cross-Reference table for regular lines with a SYSTEM_SOURCE = PBI and a valid CONTRACT_NUM and BILL_PLAN_ID.

    The system groups the lines together by these fields:






      For each unique grouping, the system adds the gross and net extended amounts and inserts a row into Cross-Reference table using the next number as a key available for XREF_SEQ_NUM. The system obtains this number from CA_BILL_PLAN. The system source is set to PBI.

      Inserting these lines into the Cross-Reference table enables users of this cross-reference to view invoices for rate-based activity that have been successfully billed.

  4. Inserts an entry in the Cross-Reference table for Progress Payment transaction lines.

  5. Inserts an entry in the Cross-Reference table for adjusted lines with a SYSTEM_SOURCE = PBI and a valid CONTRACT_NUM and BILL_PLAN_ID.

    The system groups the lines together by these fields:







      For each unique grouping, the system adds the gross and net extended amounts and inserts a row into the Cross-Reference table using as a key the next number available for XREF_SEQ_NUM. The system obtains this number from CA_BILL_PLAN. The system source is set to BBI.

      Inserting these lines into the Cross-Reference table enables users of this cross-reference to view adjustments to rate-based activity.

  6. For lines with a SYSTEM_SOURCE other than CBI or PBI, but with a valid CONTRACT_NUM and BILL_PLAN_ID, the system processes the lines one by one (without grouping).

    For each line, the system obtains the net and gross extended amounts and inserts a row into the Cross-Reference table, using as a key the next number available for XREF_SEQ_NUM. The system obtains this number from CA_BILL_PLAN. The system source is set to BBI.

    Inserting these lines into the PeopleSoft Contracts Cross-Reference table enables users of this cross-reference to view contract-related invoices that did not originate in PeopleSoft Contracts.

    Note: PeopleSoft Billing performs no currency conversion on resource rows passed back to PeopleSoft Project Costing. PeopleSoft Billing passes information only in the billing currency to PeopleSoft Project Costing.

The Contracts Withholding Release table (CA_WTH_RELEASE) is updated to indicate that the status of contract withholding release lines is complete (C).

The Contracts Prepaid table (CA_PREPAID_TBL) is updated for utilization lines (Analysis Type = UTL). The system adds the gross extended amount from the billing utilization line to the remaining amount for the corresponding record in the Prepaid table and adds the original amount from the utilization line to the committed amount.

For progress payment transactions, the Progress Payment Terms table (CA_PGP_TERMS) is updated to increase the progress payment amount (PROGPAY_AMT) and remaining amount (REM_AMOUNT) by the transaction amount.

For Progress Payment liquidation transactions, the Progress Payment Terms table (CA_PGP_TERMS) is updated to decrease the progress payment amount (PROGPAY_AMT) and remaining amount (REM_AMOUNT) by the transaction amount.

Updates to PeopleSoft Project Costing

During the first pass through the lines, the system inserts one or more lines into the Project Costing Resource Temporary table (PROJ_RES_TMP_BI) for all of the lines that meet this criteria:



  • (SYSTEM_SOURCE = CBI and PROJECT_ID <> ' ') or

  • (SYSTEM_SOURCE <> PBI or CBI and BI_TO_PC_FLG = 'Y and valid values exist in PeopleSoft Contracts and Project Costing tables for CONTRACT_NUM, BILL_PLAN_ID, and PROJECT_ID) or

  • (SYSTEM_SOURCE <> PBI or CBI and BI_TO_PC_FLG <> 'Y and PROJECT_ID <> ' '))

For each of these candidate lines, the system populates the initial row inserted into the PROJ_RES_TMP_BI table for these fields:

  1. Analysis Type

    Bill Adjustment Line Type

    Additional Criteria

    Resultant Analysis Type

    Regular (not an adjustment)

    Line Type UTL

    Keep analysis type from the line.

    Regular (not an adjustment)

    Analysis Type RRT

    Keep analysis type from the line.

    Regular (not an adjustment)

    Manually entered bills

    Keep analysis type from the line if populated, else BAJ

    Regular (not an adjustment)

    All others

    Analysis type = BIL


    Line Type UTL

    Analysis type = UAJ


    Analysis Type RRT

    Analysis Type = RAJ


    Analysis Type RAJ

    Analysis type = RAJ


    All others

    Analysis type = BAJ

  2. Amount

    For regular lines (lines that are not adjustments), the system initially inserts into the PROJ_RES_TMP_BI table the original line amount and original line quantity (the amount and quantity first sent to PeopleSoft Billing) regardless of any online changes made in bill entry. For adjustment lines, the system inserts the gross extended amount.

  3. ChartFields

    The system checks BI_LINE_DST or BI_LINE_DST_, depending on which of the two is populated, for the ChartFields it uses for initial rows. The current interface does not support multiple distribution rows in these tables, so the ChartFields that the system uses come from the first line found in either BI_LINE_DST or BI_LINE_DST_.

  4. Resource ID/Resource ID From

    Each row inserted into the PROJ_RES_TMP_BI table must have a unique resource ID. The resource IDs have this format:

    Billing Business Unit | " " | Invoice | " " | Line | " " | counter.

    For example, the resource ID on the first row entered may resemble:

    M04 0000678454 1 1.

    The Resource ID From field contains the resource ID of the original transaction.

After the initial insert, the system performs the following additional inserts into the PROJ_RES_TMP_BI table:

  1. One insert per discount for each line.

    The system inserts an analysis type of BRT for retainage discounts. The system inserts an analysis type of DSC for all of the other discounts. The amount that the system sends to the PROJ_RES_TMP_BI table is the amount of the discount. The ChartFields that the system uses are the ChartFields for the discount.

  2. One insert per surcharge for each line.

    The system inserts an analysis type of BAJ for surcharges. The amount that the system sends to the PROJ_RES_TMP_BI table is the amount of the surcharge. The ChartFields that the system uses are the ChartFields for the surcharge.

  3. One additional line for manual edits.

    The system inserts an additional line for regular lines where you have made manual changes in bill entry. This calculation takes place:

    • Amount = Net Extended Amount for the line – Original Amount for the line – Total Discounts – Total Surcharges.

    • Resource Quantity = Quantity for the line – Original Quantity for the line.

    • If this amount is not equal to 0, the system inserts an analysis type of BAJ and uses the same ChartFields that were used for the initial insert.

  4. Additional Inserts for value-added tax (VAT) and Sales and Use Taxes:

    The system inserts an analysis type of SUT for sales and use taxes and an analysis type of VAT for VAT. For PeopleSoft taxes, the distribution is done at the tax authority level, so an additional insert into the PROJ_RES_TMP_BI table is included for each tax authority. For third-party supplier taxes, a single distribution exists for USA business units, and two distributions for Canadian business units. SUT is used for the USA distribution analysis type and SUT and VAT for the Canadian distribution analysis types.

  5. The final first-pass update is made to the PeopleSoft Contracts table CA_PREPAID_TBL for each row with a line type of UTL (utilization).



The keys to this table are CONTRACT_NUM and CONTRACT_PPD_SEQ. If the values in these fields are not valid, the update does not occur and the program continues as usual.

Updates to PeopleSoft Pay/Bill Management

For each revenue bill line (line_type = REV) that has billable transactions (CA_PO_ACTION = C rows on FO_PO_APPL_LOG table), the system inserts an applied row (CA_PO_ACTION = A) into the FO_PO_APPL_LOG table. The system performs the following updates to the Pay/Bill Management tables.

Note: All billing amounts listed reflect invoiced amounts.

  1. In the FO_PO_APPL_LOG table (for applied rows CA_PO_ACTION = A) the system sets:

    1. The TAX_AMOUNT equal to the sum of the PeopleSoft Billing VAT amount (BI_LINE.VAT_AMT) and the sales and use tax amount (BI_LINE.TAX_AMT).

    2. The NET_EXTENDED_AMT equal to the PeopleSoft Billing net extended amount (BI_LINE.NET_EXTENDED_AMT).

    3. The ENCUMBERED_AMOUNT equal to the PeopleSoft Billing net extended amount (BI_LINE.NET_EXTENDED_AMT).

  2. In the FO_PO_HDR and FO_PO_EXTENSION tables, the system:

    1. Decrements the REMAINING_AMOUNT by bill lines' total net extended and tax amounts.

    2. Resets the COMMITTED_AMOUNT, decrementing the ENCUMBERED_AMOUNT of the billable row (FO_PO_APPL_LOG. CA_PO_ACTION = C).