Running the Consolidated Pro Forma, Finalization, Print, and Reprint Processes

You run consolidated pro formas and consolidated invoices separately from all other invoice activity using the Preprocess and Finalization process.

Note: Consolidated bills only print as invoices if the invoice layout IDs are the same. For example, you cannot consolidate bills if one has portrait layout and the other is landscape. If you have difficulty printing consolidated invoices, detach the bills, change the invoice layout IDs to a common value, and then attach the bills to the consolidated header again.

Likewise, if any bills attached to a consolidated header have a line with a summarization template, then all bills must have lines with summarization templates.

Page Name

Definition Name


Consolidated Pro Forma Page


Establish parameters for printing consolidated pro forma invoices and actual invoices.

Consolidated Final and Print Page


Define parameters for printing or reprinting a pro forma invoice.

Consolidated Final and Print - Print Options Page


Define parameters for printing or reprinting an invoice.

Consolidated Reprint Invoices Page


Establish parameters for reprinting consolidated pro forma invoices and actual invoices.

Consolidated Reprint Invoices - Print Options Page


Define parameters for reprinting a consolidated invoice.

Bills To Be Processed Page


View all bills in the range selection. The bills reflect the options that you define on the main page. Depending on how you access the page, some fields may not appear.

Use the Consolidated Final and Print, and Consolidated Pro Forma page (RUN_BI_PRNTIVC_CON) to establish parameters for printing consolidated pro forma invoices and actual invoices.


  • Billing > Generate Invoices > Consolidated > Finalize & Prnt Consoldtd Bill > Consolidated Final and Print

  • Billing > Generate Invoices > Consolidated > Print Consolidated Pro Forma > Consolidated Pro Forma

  • Billing > Generate Invoices > Consolidated > Single Action Consolidation

Select the parameters in the Range Selection group box. These parameters are the same for consolidated pro forma invoices and consolidated invoices, and they control the range of consolidated bills that you want to print at this time.

When you select the consolidated bill header, all attached bills are processed regardless of whether they fall in the range. The system processes all non-INV or FNL status bills for running pro forma invoices.

Use the Consolidated Final and Print, and Consolidated Pro Forma page (RUN_BI_PRNTIVC_CON) to establish parameters for printing consolidated pro forma invoices and actual invoices.


  • Billing > Generate Invoices > Consolidated > Finalize & Prnt Consoldtd Bill > Consolidated Final and Print

  • Billing > Generate Invoices > Consolidated > Print Consolidated Pro Forma > Consolidated Pro Forma

  • Billing > Generate Invoices > Consolidated > Single Action Consolidation

Select the parameters in the Range Selection group box. These parameters are the same for consolidated pro forma invoices and consolidated invoices, and they control the range of consolidated bills that you want to print at this time.

When you select the consolidated bill header, all related bills are processed regardless of whether they fall in the range. The system also retrieves only bills with the status RDY for running the Consolidated Final and Print process. During the printing process, any invoices that are marked for delivery with Email Invoice as Attachment will be emailed. Also, if an invoice image is to be retained, the image will be produced as a PDF and attached to the invoice header at printing time. Both the email and the invoice image attachment processing are performed by the BI_XMLPBURST program that is run with the printing jobs.

Use the Consolidated Reprint Invoices page (RUN_BI_PRNTIVC) to establish parameters for reprinting consolidated pro forma invoices and actual invoices.


Billing > Generate Invoices > Consolidated > Reprint Consolidated Invoice > Consolidated Reprint Invoices

When you reprint consolidated invoices using this page, the consolidated invoices look like the originals and the system does not run the finalization process again. Invoices that are marked for Email Invoice as Attachment delivery, can be emailed again from the reprint component.