Running the Pre-Load Process (BIPRELD)

This topic provides an overview of the Pre-Load process and discusses how to run the Pre-Load process.

Page Name

Definition Name


Pre-Load Process


Initiate the Pre-Load process for nonconsolidated bills.

Understanding the Pre-Load Process (BIPRELD)

Consolidated - Pre-Load Process


Initiate the Pre-Load process for consolidated bills.

Run the Pre-Load process (BIPRELD) after the Currency Conversion process and before the Load AR process (BILDAR01) and the Load GL process (BILDGL01).

Note: You are not required to run the Pre-Load process prior to the Load AR process for bills with a GL level (at the system, business unit, or bill type level) that you set to AR Creates GL Accounting Entries or No GL Accounting Entries on the Installation Options, Billing - GL/AR page.

Components of the Pre-Load process include:

  • Preparation of accounting information for bills that are not subject to ChartField inheritance or Inter/IntraUnit processing.

  • ChartField inheritance processing.

  • Centralized Inter/IntraUnit processing (including ChartField balancing).

  • ChartField combination edit processing for entries that are not edited against the combo edit rules online or where batch combo edit is set on the Installation Option, Billing - GL/AR page.

Important! You should regularly purge the temporary staging entries created by the Pre-Load process by running the Billing Delete Data process (BIDELDATA). The Billing Delete Data process removes entries that have already been loaded to AR and GL. Entries pending the load processes and entries with errors are not deleted.

The Pre-Load process performs the following tasks to prepare preliminary accounting information for bills with GL levels that are defined when billing creates GL accounting entries:

  1. Determines whether a bill should be processed by the Pre-Load process by checking the PRELOAD_IND field on the BI_HDR table.

  2. Determines whether a bill should be processed by the ChartField inheritance processing, centralized Inter/IntraUnit processing, and ChartField combination edit processing components of the Pre-Load process by checking the CF_ACTION_FLG field on BI_HDR table.

    The system populates the CF_ACTION_FLG field on the BI_HDR table if you set up ChartField inheritance options on the Inheritance Options page (CF_INHERIT_TBL) or if you select ChartField balance options on the Detail Ledger Group - InterUnit page.

    Note: If ChartField inheritance is activated and an inherited ChartField differs across bill lines, the Pre-Load process (BIPRELD) summarizes AR offset entries when you define AR_LVL = H and AR_DST_OPT = H. If ChartField inheritance and ChartField balancing are activated, the balancing ChartField must be inherited because additional balancing entries are not created for the summary entries.

  3. Updates PeopleSoft Billing tables with the latest distribution ID value.

  4. Inserts revenue and InterUnit expense accounting entries into BI_ACCT_LN_STG.

    The Load GL process (BILDGL01) uses this data to calculate recognizable revenue in the process-deferred logic. For nondeferred bills, the Load GL process uses this data when moving entries from BI_ACCT_LN_STG to BI_ACCT_ENTRY.

  5. Inserts into BI_ACCT_LN_STG all remaining accounting entries, including AR, DS, CA, and STAT entries, for bills for which no further ChartField related processing is required.

  6. Generates value-added tax (VAT) and tax accounting entries.

  7. Calls the ChartField Inheritance, Inter/IntraUnit Processor, and ComboEdit processes for bills for which further processing is necessary.

The Pre-Load process calls the ChartField Inheritance process when:

  • You define the GL level on the Installation Options - Billing - GL/AR page as BI Creates GL Acct Entries (PeopleSoft Billing creates general ledger accounting entries).

  • You select ChartField inheritance for the corresponding SetID for the business unit.

The ChartField Inheritance process generates entries for the accounting entry types AR, CA, DR (including that for DSC/SURC), RR (for discount and surcharge only), TX, and VAT, based on ChartField values from the source line revenue, for all bills that:

  • Are selected for the run control selection parameters.

  • Have ChartField inheritance options enabled.

Note: In PeopleSoft Billing, accounting entries generally inherit balancing ChartField values from revenue entries when inheritance options are defined as Always Inherit or Inherit within Unit on the ChartField Inheritance page. For InterUnit bills for which Billing generates entries for both the bill-from and bill-to GL business units, InterUnit payable entries inherit ChartField values from InterUnit expense entries. When a bill originates from PeopleSoft Contracts or Project Costing and Billing does not manage revenue, accounting entries inherit ChartField values from unbilled revenue entries, because in this scenario the bill has no revenue entries.

The Pre-Load process interacts with the Centralized Inter/IntraUnit Processor after completing the ChartField inheritance steps.

The PeopleSoft Central Inter/IntraUnit Processor:

  • Selects transaction line rows from application tables according to the record names and selection criteria that are supplied.

  • Inserts any required InterUnit and IntraUnit lines that are due to or due from into the BI_ACCT_LN_STG table to ensure balanced entries for the transaction.

The Pre-Load process calls the PeopleSoft General Ledger Combination Edit process to validate ChartField combinations for all generated accounting entries.

You can view and correct accounting information with ChartField combination edit errors using the Correct Staged Accounting Errors component.