Setting Up InterUnit and IntraUnit Processing (Optional)

After defining the installation level options, you can set up InterUnit processing. Additionally, for the InterUnit billing system transaction, you can establish InterUnit billing options.

Set up InterUnit processing at the:

  1. General ledger business unit level.

    This high level non-paired setup satisfies simple business scenarios and requires less user maintenance.

  2. Paired level.

    This business unit paired level satisfies more complex business scenarios and requires additional setup. Use the InterUnit Pairs Mass Maintenance page to minimize maintenance efforts.

If you have business scenarios where the InterUnit accounting requirement does not vary among transacting business units, set up InterUnit processing at General Ledger (GL) business unit level.

To set up InterUnit processing at GL business unit level:

  1. Access the General Ledger Definition - Inter/IntraUnit page.

  2. Specify the InterUnit template.

    The system uses the value that you select in the InterUnit Template field to retrieve ChartFields for the offsetting entries. When the InterUnit method is defined as direct, ChartField values that are retrieved are of the offsetting InterUnit entry for the same business unit. If the InterUnit method is defined as indirect, ChartField values that are retrieved are of the offsetting InterUnit entry for the counter business unit in an InterUnit transaction. Consequently, this template must be defined for the SetIDs that are used by each affiliate business unit with which you have InterUnit billing transaction.

    Note: When you assign ChartField values for the InterUnit and IntraUnit templates, use the same ChartFields for the transaction codes that you map to system transactions BIDFRAE and BIIVC. The BIDFRAE and BIIVC system transactions are used together in preparing accounting entries for PeopleSoft Billing and should have common values. One approach to ensure that common values exist is to assign the same transaction code to BIDFRAE and BIIVC.

  3. Specify the (IntraUnit) template.

    Select a value in the IntraUnit Template field if the corresponding business unit has ledgers that require IntraUnit balancing. The central InterUnit and IntraUnit processor retrieves the IntraUnit payable and the IntraUnit receivable from the template that is associated with the business unit.

  4. Specify a legal entity unit if you elect to use legal entity definitions at the installation level.

    InterUnit transactions between two business units that are associated with the same legal entity business unit are considered IntraEntity; transactions between two business units that are associated with different legal entity business units are considered InterEntity.

  5. Establish default values for each ChartField that is to be used in product-specific inheritance processing.

  6. Specify the AP business unit in the InterUnit Billing Options group box.

    The AP Business Unit represents the business unit in which the InterUnit Voucher is recorded. This business unit is the bill-to business unit in an InterUnit billing transaction.

  7. Specify the supplier and location in the InterUnit Billing Options group box.

    The Supplier ID and Location fields represent the values that are used on the AP voucher, which refer to the bill-from General Ledger business unit.

If the accounting requirements change among transacting business units, set up the InterUnit processing by using pair definitions.

For each combination of bill-from business unit, bill-to business unit, and transaction code, you can specify the InterUnit receivable and InterUnit payable ChartFields. If the transaction code is associated with an InterUnit PeopleSoft Billing system transaction, you can also define InterUnit revenue and InterUnit expense accounting entry types.

To define InterUnit and IntraUnit pairs:

  1. Access the InterUnit Pairs page.

  2. Define the InterUnit payable and receivable ChartFields.

Note: You can use the InterUnit Pairs Mass Maintenance page to mass edit, bulk add, and clone InterUnit pairs.

If a transaction code is linked to the InterUnit billing system transaction, you can establish InterUnit billing options. You can select InterUnit Billing-related options on the System Transaction Map - Transaction Options page. Click the Options link for the Billing Invoice system transaction and select:

Field or Control


Print Invoice

Select to print the invoice.

Generate AR Open Item (generate accounts receivable open item)

Select to generate an accounts receivable open item.

Generate Voucher AP (generate voucher accounts payable)

Select to generate an accounts payable voucher.