Maintaining Engineering Bills of Material

To define engineering BOMs, use the Engineering BOM Maintenance (EBOM_MAINTENANCE) component.

With the Engineering BOMs maintenance pages, you can create and maintain the product structure for the engineering version of a manufactured item at a summary or detailed level.

Note: You can view, but not modify or add, MBOMs from these pages. Make changes to MBOMs by transferring or copying EBOMs to MBOMs or by maintaining MBOMs directly within PeopleSoft Manufacturing.

In addition to creating a primary EBOM (with a BOM code equal to 1), you can specify up to 98 alternate EBOMs, by entering additional BOM codes (greater than 1) in the page displayed prior to accessing the Define Engineering Routings pages.

When you need to do additional or repair work on a completed assembly, you can create rework BOMs. This is useful if you have a standard rework process that requires additional components. As with MBOMs, you can define a primary rework BOM and up to 98 alternates, using BOM codes.

Create rework BOMs by selecting Rework as the production type when you add a BOM on the BOM Maintenance pages. Rework BOMs are always single-level BOMs. Also, PeopleSoft Cost Management doesn't consider rework BOMs for any type of cost maintenance.

The rework BOM doesn't include the assembly being reworked as a component. In PeopleSoft Manufacturing, when you firm up or release the rework production ID, the system copies the rework BOM to create a component list, and then adds the assembly being reworked. Rework BOMs can't include multiple outputs; the system automatically includes the assembly being reworked as an output when production is created.

Page Name

Definition Name


Engineering BOMs - Summary Page


Maintain all components that comprise a production EBOM for an assembly in a business unit. Additionally, you can create and maintain a rework BOM to define a standard kit of components for use in repair. You can also indicate which components can be recovered if the assembly is torn down into component parts. Maintain BOMs a single level at a time.

Pending ECOs Page


View information about pending ECOs that are associated with the BOM's assembly item.

Engineering BOMs - Summary Page

Engineering BOMs - Header: Assembly Text


Associate text with any assembly. This is useful for EBOMs without revision control because text explanations can, in part, make up for the lack of engineering change notices, attached new drawings, and design documents.

Engineering BOMs - Header: Assembly Attachments Page


Associate attachments with your EBOMs.

Engineering BOMs - Header: Assembly Documents


Associate, access, and manage engineering assembly BOM documents in the embedded document management system.

Engineering BOMs - Header: Outputs Page


Define EBOM outputs.

Engineering BOMs - Header: Supplier Access List Page


Access the current list of suppliers who have access to a specific item.

Engineering BOMs - Components: Component Details Page


Add EBOM component details, attach component text, and manage component documents. You can also add reference designators, component dimensions, and substitute components.

Engineering BOMs - Components: Text


Attach and maintain component text. This is useful for BOM types without revision control because text explanations can, in part, make up for the lack of engineering change notices, attached new drawings, and design documents.

Engineering BOMs - Components: Attachments Page


Associate attachments with your components.

Engineering BOMs - Components: Documents


Associate, access, and manage component documents in the embedded document management system.

Engineering BOMs - Components: Reference Designators


Associate reference designators with a component of an assembly item that has an EBOM attached to it. The designator is any alphanumeric code that you use to determine where a component is placed in an assembly. The electronic industry often uses reference designators for positioning of components on circuit boards.

Engineering BOMs - Components: Dimensions


Specify and maintain EBOM component dimensions.

Engineering BOMs - Components: Substitutes Page


Add substitute components.

Copy Business Unit Substitute Items Page


View and copy valid substitutes for the component.

Changes to the BOM maintenance substitute list in PeopleSoft Advanced Planning Client do not transfer back to the transaction system.

Engineering BOMs - Components: Substitutes Page

Use the Engineering BOMs - Summary page (EG_BOM_MAINT) to maintain all components that comprise a production EBOM for an assembly in a business unit.

Additionally, you can create and maintain a rework BOM to define a standard kit of components for use in repair. You can also indicate which components can be recovered if the assembly is torn down into component parts. Maintain BOMs a single level at a time.


Engineering > BOMs and Revisions > Maintain EBOMs and Revisions > Engineering BOMs > Summary

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Engineering BOMs - Summary page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Engineering BOMs - Summary page

Assembly Item Information

Field or Control


Item ID

Displays the item ID.

When you add an EBOM, the assembly item can be pending approval or an approved item, and must contain business unit item attributes. You can add the assembly item information by using the Item Definition and Define Business Unit Item pages in PeopleSoft Inventory. Only owned or consigned items that aren't stage-date controlled can have a bill, and must also have a source code of either Make or Buy.

Also, assembly items must use a Standard Cost profile for all their books.

Note: You can't add the end item to the rework BOM as a component. The system automatically assigns the reworked item as a component when you release a rework production ID in PeopleSoft Manufacturing.

BOM Qty (BOM quantity)

Enter the BOM quantity.

When BOMs contain a single-item output, then BOM quantity is a scaling device that enables you to enter a product structure when the end item's specifications are in a base greater than one unit. With BOM Qty, you determine the assembly quantity to which the component's QPA or per order is applied. If the BOM quantity is greater than 1, you enter the component quantity in terms of the BOM quantity. If set to 1, the component quantity is the amount of the component required to make one unit. You can use BOM Qty for batched bills or if you know you will make only a certain quantity of an item at one time.

For multiple output BOMs, the BOM quantity must match the primary item's average order quantity (AOQ) as defined on the Define Business Unit Item - Manufacturing: General page. If you change the BOM quantity, the system asks if you want to update the AOQ with the newly entered BOM quantity. Keeping the two quantities in sync ensures correct costing of the output items.

Sort Option

Select an option. Values are:

  • Component

  • Effectivity

  • Op Sequence (operation sequence)

  • Pos Number (position number)

Note: Maintaining BOM information is less restrictive in PeopleSoft Engineering than in PeopleSoft Manufacturing because you can use pending, released, or nonexistent items. PeopleSoft Engineering ensures, however, that all items exist and are approved prior to transferring or copying the BOM back into PeopleSoft Manufacturing for use in manufacturing.

Component Information

Field or Control


Component ID

Enter IDs for the lower-level items that you want to be part of the end item's EBOM. Components can be owned, non-owned, or non-owned and consigned with a source code of Make, Buy, Floor Stock, or Expense.

Additionally, all output and component items must use a Standard Cost profile for all their books.

Comp Rev (component revision)

Appears if any component on the bill is under revision control.

For items under revision control, you can associate specific component revisions with the assembly item. Depending on how you set business unit level manufacturing options on the MFG Business Unit Options page, the system allows you to leave Comp Rev clear, displays a default value in the Comp Rev field, or requires that you select a component revision for each revision-controlled component.

If the system is set up to use component revision by default, the revision column initially displays the current revision. When you enter effective dates, the revision updates with the component revision effective on the date specified.

Note: If a component is a revision-controlled assembly, you can't enter a revision for the item. The column isn't accessible, and the current revision is always used. This ensures consistency with PeopleSoft Cost Management and PeopleSoft Supply Planning, which use the current assembly revision when exploding assemblies.

Op Seq (operation sequence)

Enter where you need the component in the manufacturing or rework process. The operation sequence refers to an operation on the assembly item's routing. For production EBOMs, this is the item's production routing; for rework EBOMs, it's the item's rework routing.

The default operation sequence is 0 (the first operation), which means that you need the component at the beginning of the manufacturing process. If you set the operation sequence for all items to 0, the system assumes that all items are needed at the beginning of production and therefore need to be issued at the start of the first operation. If the component's issue method is Issue or Replenish, the system issues the items to the default WIP location for the production area in which the production or rework takes place.

When replacing a discontinued (use up) item on the BOM, the obsolete date of the discontinued item may be the projected use up date as calculated by the planning engine.

Eff Rev (effective revision) and Obs Rev (obsolete revision)

If you are using revisions, enter valid revisions.

Eff Date (effective date) and Obs Date (obsolete date)

If you are using effectivity dates, enter these dates for the components of the assembly item. You can view dates by revision, if any exist, but you aren't required to use one.

The obsolete date or revision must be later than the effective date. The component is effective from the start date, or the beginning of time, of the effective revision through the end date, or the end of time, of the obsolete revision.

Note: These fields refer to the effective and obsolete revisions of the assembly, not the component on the assembly.


Enter the number of each component that you need in the parent assembly to manufacture or rework the specified batch quantity. If the component is serial-controlled, you must enter a whole number.

If the quantity is per assembly, the quantity represents the number of that component required to manufacture one end item.

If the quantity is per order, then the component quantity is a fixed amount, regardless of the production quantity.

Entering Component IDs

You can add a placeholder for a component item that doesn't yet exist or for which the item number isn't yet known. Do this by entering any value in the Component ID field. The system displays the item description placeholder. Placeholder items exist only on the EBOM and aren't automatically added to the inventory item files.

You can maintain placeholder component information, such as effectivity dates or revisions, QPA, reference designators, and documents on the EBOM. When you determine the true item number, replace the placeholder by typing over the placeholder ID. If the placeholder item ID eventually becomes the permanent item ID, you don't need to take any action. Once added, the system displays the item's real description.

These restrictions apply to entering items and components:

  • You can't generate costs for a placeholder item.

  • A component can't be the same as its parent, and you can't have overlapping effectivity dates for the same component.

  • While you can create 99 MBOMs per assembly, Production BOM Code 1 is always the primary MBOM.

  • You can't create an EBOM for a non-inventory item or an item that has a source code of Floor Stock or Expense.

  • While components can be non-owned items, assemblies cannot.

  • The system doesn't allow staged date controlled items and configured items as components on BOMs.

Components can, however, have any source code except Planning.

Note: When adding a component with an item status of Hold or Discontinue, you receive a warning message. Similarly, when updating components with an item status of Hold or Discontinue, you receive a warning message at save time. In both cases, the message doesn't prevent you from performing the action. However, if you try to add an inactive item, the system prevents you from adding the item.

Defining the Operation Sequence

You define the operation sequence on the item's routing by using the Routing Definition Summary page. When maintaining the EBOM, you can select any operation on the assembly item's routing, even if you haven't defined the routing. Once you establish the routing, you can select the valid operation sequences for all corresponding routing codes and types by clicking the Op Seq Detail button. For MBOMs, the system displays operation sequences only for production routings. For rework BOMs, the system displays operation sequences only for rework routings.

Note: If a master routing is in use, then valid operation sequences include all engineering and manufacturing sequences associated with the item's master routing.

Because a work center is associated with the routing's operation, PeopleSoft Manufacturing uses the operation information to determine the work center to which to deliver the component. A storage area is assigned to every work center. When the component's issue method is Issue or Replenish, the component is issued to the work center and stocked in and consumed from the work center's WIP location storage area. When the component's issue method is Kit, the work center is still the indicator for material delivery. The production ID, however, is charged directly for the component and is not consumed from the WIP location.

For kit components, when the operation sequence is set to zero, it's assumed that the component item is kitted at the first operation.

If you enter the BOM before the routing, you can return to the BOM Summary page and add the relevant operation sequence after entering the routing.

Note: If the EBOM assembly has a reference or master routing other than itself, then the Op Seq fields reflect the master routing operations on this page and others in this component.

Quantity Precision Rules

To provide greater flexibility when defining EBOMs, the Quantity field need not follow the quantity precision rules defined for the item. The system issues a warning if you define a decimal quantity value for an item whose quantity precision value is a whole number.

Not enforcing quantity precision for quantity gives you flexibility that you might need. For example, suppose that one B0004 component is required to make two assembly A0001s. When defining the BOM, the QPA for B0004 is 0.5. If you apply the rounding rules for precision to the QPA, then the system rounds the QPA for B0004 to 1, and thereby inflates the production costs.

You can maintain quantity per with a precision of four places to the right of the decimal. Depending on the installation setting, a calculated QPA (calculated by dividing the quantity per by the BOM quantity) can be defined with a precision from 4 to 10 decimal places. Calculated QPA is determined as: Component QPA/BOM Qty.

For example, if a calculated QPA results in 6.54321, and the installation setting is set to 4 places, the system recognizes this as 6.5432. The system uses this calculated QPA to determine the cost of the assembly items and to plan and schedule components.

Use the Engineering BOMs - Header: Assembly Attachments page (EG_BOM_ATT) to associate attachments with your EBOMs.


Engineering > BOMs and Revisions > Maintain EBOMs and Revisions > Engineering BOMs > Header > Assembly Attachments

Assembly Attachments

Field or Control


File Ext (file extension)

Select the type of media that you want to attach.

Attachments button

Click the Attachments button to launch the multimedia object attached to the assembly.

Note: You must set up file extensions on the File Locations page.

Attachments have no integration or relation to the embedded document management functionality. They are most useful when you aren't using the document management functionality.

Use the Engineering BOMs - Header: Outputs page (EG_BOM_OUTPUTS) to define EBOM outputs.


Engineering > BOMs and Revisions > Maintain EBOMs and Revisions > Engineering BOMs > Header > Outputs

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Engineering BOMs - Header: Outputs page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Engineering BOMs - Header: Outputs page

The detail portion of the page minimally contains the end item as the primary item, and you can't delete this. As a result, if you aren't maintaining multiple outputs, you can bypass this page, and the primary item is defined as the only output.

When there is only a primary output for an EBOM, all fields in the row are unavailable for entry or selection. The default settings are:

  • Effectivity dates: Beginning to the end of time

  • Percentage fields: 100 percent

  • Output Qty: 1

If you insert another co-product (not by-product), then the primary's output quantity, allocation percentage, and cost percentage become available. Conversely, if you delete all the co-products from the EBOM, then all the fields on the primary item become unavailable and are set to the defaults.

If you are maintaining a rework BOM, the Output Summary page lists only the reworked item as the end item. You can't define co-products or by-products with rework.

Field or Control


BOM Qty (BOM quantity)

Displays the default value from the BOM Summary page. You can change the quantity in the header portion of this page.

Output Type

Displays an output type for the output item. Output items can't be Floor Stock or Expense items. Waste and Recycle items must be Buy items.

Values are:

  • Co-Product: An item that is produced as part of the manufacturing process, along with the Primary output.

    It shares the cost of the process, and there may be independent demand in PeopleSoft Supply Planning for this item. The system checks whether this item's associated primary is set to itself, the default. It then asks if you want to update the co-product's associated primary to this primary assembly item. For example, when item B is created, its associated primary BOM is set to B. If B is added as a co-product to A, the system asks if it should change B's associated primary to A.

    Examples of co-products are:

    • Orange juice and orange concentrate in drink processing.

    • Chicken drumsticks, chicken breasts, and thighs in meat processing.

  • Primary: The EBOM has only one output.

  • Recycle (by-product): A product that you use as an input to other processes.

    The by-product is incidental to the process and has a relief (negative) cost. Examples of Recycle by-products are orange pulp and rinds.

  • Waste (by-product): A product that needs disposal. The by-product is incidental to the process and has a disposal (positive) cost. Waste by-products could also have no cost associated with them. There is often no independent demand for by-products.

Output Item

Displays the output item, which must be an existing, inventory, and standard costed item. You can also add by-products and co-products.

Op Seq (operation sequence)

Displays all the operations on all routing codes, not just the primary routing. This field operates in a similar fashion for outputs as it does for the components. The difference is that for components, a nonexistent operation sequence means that it's needed at the first operation; for outputs, a nonexistent operation sequence means that it is generated at the last operation.

This field isn't available for input for any co-product items because the co-product is generated only at the last operation. Specify operation sequences for by-products. If the operation sequence specified on the output doesn't exist on the routing selected for production, then the by-product is generated at the last operation on the routing.

Eff Date (effective date) and Obs Date (obsolete date)

These fields appear when the assembly item is revision-controlled by date. For the primary item and any co-products, these fields display the beginning time (01/01/1900 or ---) and the ending time (12/31/2099 or ---), and the fields aren't available for input. Only by-products have accessible effectivity dates.

Eff Rev (effective revision) and Obs Rev (obsolete revision)

These fields appear when the assembly item is revision-controlled by revision.

Output Qty (output quantity)

The batch BOM quantity, which you can change only if there are additional co-products, appears by default as the output quantity for the primary item. This quantity is considered to be in the output item's standard unit of measure (UOM). Enter a quantity for each output.

Note: Because co-products can have different UOMs, the quantities for all the co-products don't need to add up to the BOM quantity.

For single output EBOMs (no co-products), the output quantity on the primary item needs to be the same as the BOM quantity. Therefore, if you change the BOM quantity, the system checks to see if the primary item is the only co-product on the EBOM. If so, the system updates the primary item's output quantity to the BOM quantity. If the EBOM already contained additional co-product outputs, and you delete all these additional outputs from the EBOM, the system warns that the primary output quantity will be reset to the BOM quantity. In addition, if BOM quantity is used, it is recommended that you set BOM quantity the same as you set the item's AOQ defined on the Define Business Unit Item - Manufacturing: General page.

Note: For multiple output items, the BOM quantity for the batch BOM item must match the AOQ defined for the item.

Note: For by-products (recycle or waste), the BOM quantity is based on the operation start quantity. A QPA for the by-product is calculated by dividing the by-product output quantity by the BOM quantity. The QPA is applied to the operation start quantity to determine the expected output quantity of the by-product.

This field works the same for outputs as it does with the components. For example, suppose that the BOM quantity is 200 and the production quantity is 400. Then for an Asy quantity code with an output quantity of 3, the output quantity produced is 6.

If the quantity code is Ord, the quantity output is 3, regardless of the production quantity. Asy appears by default as the quantity code for the co-products; you can't change it.

Restrictions for Output Type and Output Item

These restrictions apply to the Output Type and Output Item fields:

  • An item cannot be a co-product and by-product on the same BOM.

  • A primary item can't be added to or deleted from an EBOM.

The system always adds the assembly or end item for which the BOM is created as the primary output item.

  • By-product items must have a Buy source code.

  • Co-product items must have a Make source code.

  • Co-product items can't be a phantom or configured items.

  • A co-product item can't be the same as the primary item.

  • An item can't be both a co-product and a component on the same EBOM.

However, an item can be both a by-product and a component on the same EBOM.

  • As long as the effectivity dates don't overlap, the item can exist as a by-product more than once on the BOM at different operations or at the same operation.

  • An item can't be both a waste and a recycle by-product on the same EBOM.

  • Additional outputs can't be added to rework BOMs, phantom EBOMs, or configured item EBOMs.

Attributes tab

Field or Control


Res % (resource allocation percentage)

Determines how much of the BOM batch quantity each co-product and primary represents. The system uses this percentage at completion time to determine what percentage of the components should be consumed for each co-product.

Cost %

Determines how to distribute the cost across the co-products. The cost percentage indicates the percentage of the total batch costs to be applied to the primary or co-products.

The Res % and Cost % fields enable you to distribute resource allocation and cost differently for each co-product. For each percentage, the total of all co-product percentages must add up to 100 percent. For the primary item, a value of 100 appears by default as both of these percentages. You can't set the resource and cost percentages to 0.

The following diagram illustrates the impact of the resource allocation percentages within a BOM structure. In this BOM structure, the primary output (6000) equals 60 gallons and co-product (6001) equals 30 pounds. The resource allocation percentages for the primary and co-products don't need to be proportional to the output quantity; you can set them to any percentage as long as the percentages total 100. For this structure, the percentages are set to 60 percent for item 6000 and 40 percent for Item 6001:

Viewing resource allocation percentage on a BOM structure

Viewing resource allocation percentage on a BOM structure

When completing against the co-products, the system can use the resource allocation percentage to determine what proportion of the batch quantity is consumed. In this case, if you did a partial completion of 15 pounds of 6001, then the proportion of the batch quantity completed is:

(15/30) x (40%) = 20% of the batch

This translates into a consumption of 25 percent of the components, earned labor hours, and so on. The system also uses the resource percentage to show, on BOM inquiries, how much material each output uses when exploding down the levels.

The resource allocation percentage enables the outputs to be in different UOMs, because the percentage specifies the relationship between the co-products, the primary, and the batch quantity.

Use the Engineering BOMs - Header: Supplier Access List page (EG_SS_BOMVND_LST) to access the current list of suppliers who have access to a specific item.


Engineering > BOMs and Revisions > Maintain EBOMs and Revisions > Engineering BOMs > Header > Supplier Access List

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Engineering BOMs - Header: Supplier Access List page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Engineering BOMs - Header: Supplier Access List page

Field or Control


BOM Access by Supplier

Click to access the BOM Access by Supplier page.

Send Email to Suppliers

Click to send email. The email contains two URLs:

  • A URL that sends the recipient to the Engineering BOM Maintenance - Summary page.

  • A URL that sends the recipient to the Bill of Material inquiry page in PeopleSoft Engineering.

Use the Engineering BOMs - Components: Component Details page (EG_COMP_MAINT) to add EBOM component details, attach component text, and manage component documents.

You can also add reference designators, component dimensions, and substitute components.


Engineering > BOMs and Revisions > Maintain EBOMs and Revisions > Engineering BOMs > Components > Component Details

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Engineering BOMs - Components: Component Details page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Engineering BOMs - Components: Component Details page


If a component is a revision-controlled assembly, you can't enter a revision for the item. The field isn't accessible, and the system always uses the current revision. This ensures consistency with PeopleSoft Cost Management and PeopleSoft Supply Planning, which use the current assembly revision when exploding assemblies.

Note: When adding a component with item status of Hold or Discontinue, you receive a warning message. Similarly, when updating components with an item status of Hold or Discontinue, you receive a warning message at save time. In both cases, the warning message doesn't prevent you from performing the action.

Field or Control


Pos (position number)

Enter an optional numeric value. This can be, for example, a number that you want to associate with a component on an EBOM drawing or on a list of all components on an EBOM.

If the quantity is per assembly, then when the system determines component requirements in PeopleSoft Supply Planning, it divides the quantity per by the BOM quantity, and then multiplies that result by the demand or order quantity.

If the quantity is per order, the system uses the quantity per regardless of the demand quantity or order size. In other words, a quantity per order (QPO) is a fixed amount, regardless of the order size. For example, if your QPO is 100, then whether your order size is 1 or 10000, the quantity issued to production is 100.

Note: The quantity per assembly may be different for original items and their substitutes.

To provide greater flexibility when defining EBOMs, the Quantity field need not follow the quantity precision rules defined for the item. The system issues a warning when you define a decimal quantity value for an item whose quantity precision value is a whole number.

Phantom Item and Serial Control

Display-only check boxes. The values for the component item appear by default from the PeopleSoft Inventory definition. These fields don't pertain to placeholder items.

Yield %

Displays the expected percentage of usable components within a group of components issued to production. If you know that components can be damaged during the issuing or assembly process, account for that loss here. A component yield of 100 percent assumes that the entire quantity of the component is usable and that none of it will be scrapped. A yield of 90 percent assumes that 10 percent of the component issued is unusable or scrapped.

The default value is 100.

The system considers yield in the planning and cost management processes. For planning, it inflates component requirements to account for expected loss during the assembly process. When scheduling the number of components to use in production, the system divides the required quantity by the yield value to derive the scheduled quantity.

For example, suppose that an assembly has a demand of 100 units and the quantity per assembly is 1, with a yield of 90 percent. Then, planning requires 111 components (100/. 90). If the expected 10 percent yield loss occurs, 11 components (111 x .10) are unusable, leaving you the original required 100 components. When calculating the cost of the assembly, the system includes the component yield loss, thereby increasing the cost contribution of the component.

ECO Number

Indicates whether the EBOM was updated by using the Engineering BOM Mass Maintenance by ECO process. The number represents the last ECO number that updated the component on the assembly. If no ECO has run against this component on this assembly, the field is blank.

Subcontract Supply (subcontractor supply)

Select if you are subcontracting all or part of your manufacturing process and the outside supplier supplies the component.

Non-Owned Item

Select if you don't own the component, and the customer supplies the component.


Select to designate the component as output from a teardown order. Then, when you create a teardown order based on a BOM (as opposed to the original production ID) for this item, the system copies the BOM components to the teardown output list when it releases production. This enables the system to keep teardown outputs in sync with component changes on the MBOM.

The Teardown check box applies only to teardown orders and has no effect on production or rework orders. However, the teardown check box on the BOM is also copied to the component list for regular production IDs (original production ID). Therefore, if you teardown based on an original production ID, the check box on the original production ID's component list determines the structure of the teardown output list for the teardown production ID.

If you selected Default Teardown BOM Component on the Manufacturing Business Unit Options page, the system designates all components as teardown outputs on all BOMs for all items in this business unit. For all items where this default is in place, the system selects the Teardown check box when adding a component to a BOM. Teardown components can't be subcontractor-supplied, because those components aren't tracked within PeopleSoft Manufacturing.

Note: Only items with a source code of Make or Buy can be teardown components. Planning, expensed, service, and floor stock items can't be teardown components.

Phantom Item and Serial Control

Display fields for the component item; values appear by default from the PeopleSoft Inventory definition. These fields don't pertain to placeholder items.


EBOMs can handle all subcontracting or non-subcontracting scenarios including scenarios in which:

  • You do your manufacturing in-house and you supply all components.

  • A subcontractor supplies some components, where outside processing is performed.

  • Your customer supplies some components, and you are the subcontractor.

In some instances, you may want to maintain the full product structure of the assembly item, even though you aren't providing all the components necessary to manufacture the item.

Here's a typical scenario:

  1. You send a partially completed assembly to a subcontractor.

  2. The subcontractor adds a component.

  3. The subcontractor returns the altered assembly to you.

This scenario has implications for PeopleSoft Supply Planning, PeopleSoft Manufacturing, and PeopleSoft Cost Management, once the EBOM is copied to manufacturing.

When exploding demand for components stemming from an assembly requirement, the system doesn't include subcontracted supplied components. Scheduling components for production also excludes subcontracted supplied components. These subcontracted components aren't included in the production picking plan and they aren't issued to a WIP location storage area. For the purposes of costing, subcontracted supplied components aren't included in the assembly cost.

Here's a list of valid subcontractor supply and non-owned field combinations:

Subcontract Supply Check Box

Non-Owned Item Check Box

Meaning of the Combination

Valid Combination?



A subcontractor supplies the component.




You are the subcontractor, and your customer supplies the component.




You supply the component.




Not applicable.


Use the Engineering BOMs - Components: Attachments page (EG_COMP_ATT) to associate attachments with your components.


Engineering > BOMs and Revisions > Maintain EBOMs and Revisions > Engineering BOMs > Components > Attachments


Field or Control


File Ext (file extension)

Select the type of media that you want to attach.

Note: You must set up file extensions on the File Locations page in Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions.

Attachments have no integration or relation to the embedded document management functionality. They are most useful if you aren't using the document management functionality.

Use the Engineering BOMs - Components: Substitutes page (EG_COMP_SUB) to add substitute components.


Engineering > BOMs and Revisions > Maintain EBOMs and Revisions > Engineering BOMs > Components > Substitutes

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Engineering BOMs - Components: Substitutes page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Engineering BOMs - Components: Substitutes page


Field or Control


Copy BU Substitute Items button

Click the Copy BU Substitute Items button to copy business unit level substitutes to the BOM level.

Substitute Items

Field or Control


Sub Item (substitute item)

Select the item that you want to add.

Substitute items must be unique for the item. You can't enter the same item twice as a substitute with different dates. For example, Substitute 1000 with effective dates from 01/01/99 to 02/01/99 and Substitute 1000 with effective dates from 02/01/00 to 08/30/00 couldn't be substitutes for the same item. You need to define a different substitute for the second set of effective dates.

Note: A substitute item cannot be a phantom item. Also, where substitutes exist, you cannot change the item to a phantom.

Note: If no substitute items are defined for an item designated as Discontinued, there may be a shortage of that item if demand exceeds existing quantity on hand. If a substitute is defined for that item, PeopleSoft Supply Planning suggests the substitute when the quantity on hand for the discontinued item runs out.

Std UOM (standard unit of measure)

Displays the standard UOM, which can be different for the substitute and the original component.