Viewing Requisition Change Tracking History

The Change Tracking feature provides you with an audit trail of key transactional information including, changes to any fields marked for track changes on the change template, the user who modified the requisition, and the date and time of each requisition change request. This information is written to the REQ_CHNG_HDR, REQ_CHNG_LINE, and REQ_CHNG_SHIP tables. For a requisition that is altered more than once, the track batch (change batch) sequence number is increased by one for each time the requisition is changed. The Change Tracking feature is invoked base on the status of your requisition, your requisition change template, and the setting in the Change Option field of the Purchasing Definition-Req Change Options page. If no requisition change template is defined for the business unit, then the change tracking feature does not record any changes.

Page Name

Definition Name


Requisition Change Tracking History Page


View the changes that have been made to this requisition. This page includes changes to any fields marked for track change on the requisition change template used for this business unit. You can review the change made to the field, the user who modified the requisition, and the date and time the changed requisition was saved.

Change Tracking Filter Criteria Page


Enter filters to narrow your display results on the Requisition Change Tracking History page. Filter criteria are applied to one individual requisition and help you focus on a particular type of change, especially with a requisition containing many lines or multiple changes.

Deleted Comments Page


Displays comments that have been deleted from the requisition at the header, line, or ship to level. In order to see deleted comments, you must select the Track Change check box for the STATUS field in the REQ_COMMENTS table. The ability to see deleted comments is only available for PeopleSoft eProcurement.

Requisition Change Tracking One Time Address Page


View the one time shipping address added to a requisition line.

Change Reason Code Page


Review the reason code and comments added when the requisition was changed.

Review Change Tracking (Fluid) Page


View requisitions that have been changed, using the Fluid user interface.

Change Tracking Details (Fluid) Page


View line and schedule changes as well as the change reason code, using the Fluid user interface.

Use the Requisition Change Tracking History page (PV_CHNG_TRK_HIST) to view the changes that have been made to this requisition.

This page includes changes to any fields marked for track change on the requisition change template used for this business unit. You can review the change made to the field, the user who modified the requisition, and the date and time the changed requisition was saved.


eProcurement > Manage Requisitions. On the Manage Requisitions page, click the Review Change Tracking link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Requisition Change Tracking History page (1 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Requisition Change Tracking History page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Requisition Change Tracking History page (2 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Requisition Change Tracking History page (2 of 2)

Field or Control


Search Requisitions

Use the Search Requisitions group box to enter search criteria to display one or more requisitions. The Business Unit is a required field. Click the Search button to display requisitions matching your criteria in the Requisition Change Tracking group box.

Req ID

Click the requisition ID link to access the Requisition Details page (PV_REQ_PO_DTLS).

See Requisition Details Page.

Filter Criteria

Click this link to access the Filter Options page where you can specify filters to narrow your display results. Filter criteria are applied to one individual requisition and help you focus on a particular type of change, especially with a requisition containing many lines or multiple changes.

In the Header Changes, Line Changes, and Schedule Changes group boxes, you can view the changes made to the requisition at each of these levels. The following columns are used:

Field or Control


Line and Sched

Displays the requisition line and requisition schedule line.

Batch and Seq

The Batch and Sequence columns display the chronological order of the changes to the requisition. The most recent changes are displayed at the top of the grids.

The Batch number represents the number of times the requisition has been changed and saved. Zero reflects the original creation of the entire requisition.

The Sequence number represents the number of times the header, line, or shipment schedule line has been changed.

When the requisition is first created, both the batch and sequence numbers are zero. The original value for a field is always displayed at the bottom of the change list. You may need to use the Last link in the group box header to see the original values.

With changes to the requisition, the batch and sequence number change. For example:

  1. You create and save a requisition with 3 lines. The batch and sequence numbers for the header, line, and shipment schedule are all zero.

  2. You change line 3 of the requisition and save your changes. The batch number is 1 and the sequence number for line 3 is 1; however, the header and other lines were not changed and are at sequence number zero.

  3. You change the header of the requisition and line 1 and then save your changes. The batch number is now 2 (You have changed the requisition twice). For the header the sequence is 1 within batch number 2 (You have changed the header data once) and line 1 is also sequence number 1 within batch 2. Line 3 remains sequence 1 within batch 1.

Change Type

Displays the category of the change. The options are:

  • Change: The field value was changed.

  • Deleted: The field value was deleted.

  • Inserted: One or more blank fields were populated.

  • Original: Displays the field value when the requisition was first created.


Displays a description of the field or fields that were changed.


Displays the changed, inserted, or original field value entered on the requisition or a link to another page that displays the values. Links include:

  • One Time Address: Click to access the Requisition Change Tracking One Time Address page where you can view the one time address fields added to this requisition schedule line.

  • Header Comments: Click to access the Delete Comments page and view comments that have been deleted from the header level of the requisition.

  • Line Comments: Click to access the Delete Comments page and view comments that have been deleted from the line level of the requisition.

  • Ship To Comments: Click to access the Delete Comments page and view ship to comments that have been deleted from the requisition.

Modified By

Displays the user ID of the person who changed the requisition.

Last Changed

Displays the date and time of the last change to this field.

Reason Code

Displays the reason code entered when this change was made. Click this link to access the Change Reason Code page where you can review the reason code and comments added when this requisition was changed. This column does not display if a reason code was not entered.

Use the Change Tracking Filter Criteria page (PV_CHNG_FILTER) to enter filters to narrow your display results on the Requisition Change Tracking History page.

Filter criteria are applied to one individual requisition and help you focus on a particular type of change, especially with a requisition containing many lines or multiple changes.


Click the Filter Criteria link on the Requisition Change Tracking History page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the The Change Tracking Filter Criteria page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The Change Tracking Filter Criteria page

Use the Change Tracking Filter Criteria page to narrow the information displayed about an individual requisition. Once you enter values in this page, the filter limits the requisition details displayed on the Requisition Change Tracking History page. If no requisition details match your filter then a message is displayed on the Requisition Change Tracking History page. To see all of the requisition details after applying a filter, you must enter this page and clear the filter criteria.

Field or Control


Reason Code

Enter a reason code to limit the rows displayed to changes made with this reason code.

Change Track Batch

Enter the batch number to be displayed. Only changes made with this batch number are displayed for the requisition.

Requisition Header

Limit the requisition header details displayed to changes in the requester or currency code.

Requisition Line

Limit the requisition line details displayed to changes in item category ID, item ID, merchandise amount, requisition price, or requisition quantity.

Requisition Schedule

Limit the requisition schedule line details displayed to changes in the attention to field, merchandise amount, requisition price, requisition quantity, or ship to location.

Use the Deleted Comments page (PV_REQ_CHNG_CMMT) to displays comments that have been deleted from the requisition at the header, line, or ship to level.

In order to see deleted comments, you must select the Track Change check box for the STATUS field in the REQ_COMMENTS table. The ability to see deleted comments is only available for PeopleSoft eProcurement.


  • Click the Header Comments link within the Header Changes group box on the Requisition Change Tracking History page.

  • Click the Line Comments link within the Line Changes group box on the Requisition Change Tracking History page.

  • Click the Ship To Comments link within the Header Changes group box on the Requisition Change Tracking History page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Delete Comments page showing line comments that were deleted. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Delete Comments page showing line comments that were deleted

Use the Deleted Comments page to view comments that have been deleted from the requisition header, line, or ship to levels. In order to see deleted comments, navigate to the requisition Change Template page and select the Track Change check box for the STATUS field in the REQ_COMMENTS table. The ability to see deleted comments is only available for PeopleSoft eProcurement.

Field or Control


Track Batch

Displays the track batch number of the change that deleted the comment.

Modified By

Displays the user ID of the person who deleted the comment.

Comment Type

The comment types are:

  • HDR

  • LIN

  • SHP


Displays the comment that was deleted.

Use the Requisition Change Tracking One Time Address page (PV_REQ_CHNG_ADDR) to view the one time shipping address added to a requisition line.


Click the One Time Address link on the Requisition Change Tracking History page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Requisition Change Tracking One Time Address page.

Requisition Change Tracking One Time Address page

View the one time shipping address added to a requisition line.

On the Change Template page, if you select the Track Change check box for the SHIPTO_ID field, then the system tracks changes to both the SHIPTO_ID field and the One Time Address fields.

Use the Change Reason Code page (PV_CHANGE_REASON) to review the reason code and comments added when the requisition was changed.


Click the reason code link in the Reason Codes column of the Requisition Change Tracking History page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Change Reason Codes page.

Change Reason Codes page

Review the reason code and comments added when the requisition was changed. This reason code could be required, optional, or not used based on your entries in the Procurement Change Reason Codes page.

See Procurement Change Reason Codes Page.

Use the Review Change Tracking (Fluid) page (PV_MOB_855_TRAK_FL) to view requisitions that have been changed, using the Fluid user interface.


eProcurement tile > Change Tracking tile

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Review Change Tracking (Fluid) page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Review Change Tracking

Field or Control


Track Batch

Select this link to access the Requisition Batch Changes page (PV_MOB_BATCH_SCF), which provides the date the revision was made.

Use the Change Tracking Details (Fluid) page (PV_MOB_855_TRAKSCF) to view line and schedule changes as well as the change reason code, using the Fluid user interface.


eProcurement tile > Change Tracking tile. Select the Details button.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Change Tracking Details (Fluid) page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Change Tracking Details

Field or Control


Reason Code

Select to access the Change Reason Code page (PV_MOB_CHANGE_SCF) where you can view who entered the change, the date and time the change was made, and comments that may have been entered.