Receiving Intercompany Transfers

Once the series of processes in PeopleSoft Billing is completed (either as part of the Interunit Billing Load multiprocess job or individually), the intercompany transfer business process is the same for both express issues and material stock requests:

  1. Someone in the destination business unit receives the stock, using the InterUnit and RMA Receiving page.

    If the actual quantity received differs from the expected receipt quantity (the quantity shipped for the MSR), the worker enters the quantity, sets the receipt status to Closed, and saves the page. Upon completion of the Complete Putaway process, the system creates an intercompany receipt using transaction group 025.

    If the received quantity differs from the shipped quantity, the system writes an adjustment entry (Interunit Business Transfer Adjustment - Transaction Group 042) to the transaction history record (TRANSACTION_INV). You must then make a manual financial adjustment at the PeopleSoft Inventory source business unit using the Adjust Entire Bill page in PeopleSoft Billing. The PeopleSoft Billing adjustment automatically removes the VAT entries.

  2. When the invoice for the shipped MSR arrives at the destination business unit's bill to customer address, the accounts payable business unit (indirectly associated with the destination business unit because it shares the same general ledger business unit) uses the matching process in PeopleSoft Payables to compare this invoice to the voucher for the shipped request.

  3. The accounts payable business unit creates a voucher using the information sent by the Interunit Transfer Billing job or the Single Action job to the PeopleSoft Payables interface staging tables.

    The PeopleSoft Payables Voucher Build process then loads and edits the voucher information.

  4. The destination accounts payable business unit sends payment to the receivables business unit that is linked to the billing business unit assigned to the inventory source business unit.

    (The association between inventory and receivable business units is made on the Inventory Definition - Business Unit Definition page).

  5. The receivables business unit linked to the billing business unit that is defined for the inventory source business unit receives the payment and posts it using the Receivables Update process.