Processing Kit Issues and Returns Using Electronic Data Collection

You can use electronic data collection to process kit issues and returns.

You can process kit issues and returns for these electronic data collection transactions:

  • 060A - Kit Issue to Production

  • 060R - Kit Return from Production

  • 060S - Kit Issue Substitute to Prdn

Page Name

Definition Name


Kit Issue/Return Page


Enter issue or return transactions for kit components using electronic data collection.

Kit Issue/Return background process Page


Continuously scan the electronic data collection transaction log as long as there are kit issue or return transactions in the log.

There must be transactions in the electronic data collection transaction log.

Use the Kit Issue/Return page (BCT_MG_MIS) to enter issue or return transactions for kit components using electronic data collection.


SCM Integrations > Create Transactions > Manufacturing > Kit Issues/Returns > Kit Issue/Return

Field or Control


Component ID

Enter the value of the component to be issued, returned, or substituted.

Sub Item (substitute item)

If you're substituting a component using transaction 060S, enter a value.

Quantity and Yield Loss Qty

Enter values to be issued, returned or substituted. These values must be positive numbers, even if you're returning material.

Container ID or Storage Area

Enter the location from which you issued the material.

Storage Location Search Button

Click the Storage Location Search button to select a different storage location.

If you're issuing consigned kit issue components, including lot and serial-controlled components, you can pick from both owned and non-owned WIP storage locations.

Serial ID or Lot ID

The system displays the values, if applicable.

See Processing Kit Issues and Returns.


This value is display-only for serial-controlled items.

Note: The format for several quantity fields on this page may be determined by the item's unit of measure and quantity precision combination that is defined in PeopleSoft Inventory.

Use the Kit Issue/Return background process page (BCT_MG_REQMISC) to continuously scan the electronic data collection transaction log as long as there are kit issue or return transactions in the log.


SCM Integrations > Process Transactions > Manufacturing > Process Kit Transactions

Important! If no transactions are in the log when a process scans the log, the process terminates. It can be restarted by the Process Scheduler. Use the Process Scheduler with the background process to ensure that it runs continuously.

Field or Control


Process Frequency

Because the background processes for electronic data collection run continuously and you use the Process Scheduler to restart the background processes, this value should be set to Always.


Click to run this request. Process Scheduler runs the Production Misc Issues/Returns process (SFPFMISC) at user-defined intervals.