Recording Completions and Scrap for Production IDs with Multiple Outputs

You use the Record Completions/Scrap component to record completions and scrap for production that generated multiple outputs: primary items, co-products, and recycle and waste by-products.

Page Name

Definition Name


Complete Production Page


Select a production ID with multiple outputs.

You must define at least one production ID.

Record Completions/Scrap - Output Details scroll area Page


Enter completions and scrap information for production IDs with multiple outputs.

This scroll area on the Record Completions/Scrap page becomes available when you select a production ID with multiple outputs. Enter an operation sequence, and then press the Tab key.

Record Completions/Scrap Page

Use the Record Completions/Scrap - Output Details scroll area page (SF_COMPL_ID) to enter completions and scrap information for production IDs with multiple outputs.

This scroll area on the Record Completions/Scrap page becomes available when you select a production ID with multiple outputs. Enter an operation sequence, and then press the Tab key.


Production Control > Process Production > Complete Production > Record Completions and Scrap > Record Completion/Scrap

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Output Details scroll area on the Record Completions/Scrap page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Output Details scroll area on the Record Completions/Scrap page

To enter batch completions quantities (for production IDs with multiple outputs):

  1. Access the Record Completions/Scrap page.

  2. Enter a completed quantity and select an operation sequence.

    The Output Details scroll area becomes available.

    Note: If you're recording completions at an intermediate operation, the system displays all by-products. If you're completing operations at the last operation, the system displays all outputs: primary, co-products, and by-products.

  3. (Optional) ClickView All to display all end items being completed.

  4. Enter the completed quantity for each output.

    The completed quantity for each end item is calculated based on the batch (BOM) quantity. You can, however, override the output quantity for each end item.

  5. (Optional) Click Add to add by-products.

    1. Select the output type; you can only add Recycle or Waste by-products.

    2. Select the output item.

    3. Select the operation sequence where the by-product is being generated.

      The default operation sequence is zero, and if you do not change the default, the system treats it as the last operation.

    4. Enter the output quantity based on per end item or per order.

  6. Click Save to process the multiple output completion.

Output Details

Field or Control


Qty Compl to Date (quantity completed to date)

Displays the output production quantities completed prior to this transaction.

Output Schd Qty (output scheduled quantity)

Displays the total scheduled output production end quantity. This is the output quantity that you expect to produce for each output. This field is display-only for primary items and co-products.

Output Quantity

Displays the output production quantities based on per assembly or per order. You can adjust this field for by-products. You cannot change the output quantity for primary or co-products on this page.

Quantity Per

Indicates whether the quantity required is per assembly or per production order.

Res % (resource allocation percentage)

Determines how much of the BOM batch quantity the primary items and co-product represent. It is used during completions to determine what percentage of the components should be consumed for the primary and co-product. The total resource allocation percentage should always equal 100 percent.

Example: Batch Calculation

If you entered a completed quantity of 5 on the Record Completions/Scrap page, the system calculated each output quantity based on this quantity of 5. However, you can change the completed quantity for any of the outputs in the Output Detail scroll area. Overriding the completed quantity at the output level for primary and co-products recalculates the batch completed quantity using the resource percentages defined on the BOM.

Over-Completing Production IDs

There may be situations when you need to over-complete expected production ID quantities. For example, perhaps the oranges that you used to make orange juice were a bit juicier than normal, and instead of producing 75 gallons of orange juice, you actually produced 80. If this is the case, you would enter 80 in the Completed Qty (completed quantity) field on the Record Completions/Scrap page. When you tab out of the field, you receive a message indicating that the output item's completed quantity is greater than the production quantity.

When you click OK, the system recalculates the completed quantity for all output items based on this new quantity.

Note: If you want to change the production quantities for the batch, which changes the primary and co-product quantities, change the production start quantity or production end quantity for the production ID on the Production ID Maintenance page.

After recording completions for production IDs with multiple outputs, you can route each completed output to a storage area, another production ID, or a WIP location.

See Record Completions/Scrap Page.

Use the Edit/Issue Components pages if you want to modify or view the components that will be consumed based on the quantity completed or scrapped, or if you need to select the serial or lot numbers for those components that were consumed when you recorded the completion.

See Editing Component Lists.