Common Elements Used in Production Orders and Production Schedules

Field or Control


Production ID

The production order identifier.

Prdn Area (production area) and Production Area

The area where the end item is generated.

Item ID

The item being manufactured.

Prdn Start Qty (production start quantity)

The quantity of an end item at the beginning of the manufacturing process.

For production IDs, if you enter this quantity, the system calculates the production end quantity, factoring in operational yield.

Prdn End Qty (production end quantity)

The quantity of an end item to be manufactured.

For production IDs, if you enter this quantity, the system calculates the production start quantity.

For production schedules, you enter the production end quantity since all production schedules are backward scheduled and the system calculates the production start quantity.

Expected Prdn Qty (expected production quantity)

The quantity anticipated at the end of the production process. This amount reflects any operation yield.

Production Status

The current status of the production ID.

BOM Code

The BOM priority code used to manufacture the item.

Routing Code

The routing priority code used to manufacture the item.

Component ID

The component identifier.

Sch Method (scheduling method)

Values are:

  • Forward: System uses the production start date as a basis for creating the schedule for the production ID.

    This method is used only with production IDs.

  • Backward: The system uses the production completion date as a basis for creating the schedule for the production ID or production schedule.

    Production schedules are always backward scheduled.

Start Date , Start Time , Due Date , and Due Time

The beginning and completion dates and times for the production based on the scheduling method. Forward scheduling uses start dates and times; backward scheduling uses due dates and times.


Code is indicated if item is revision-controlled.

Production Type

Type of production being manufactured: Production, Rework, or Teardown.

Serial in Prdn (serial in production)

This display-only field indicates if you want to track the key serial and lot components that make up this assembly item. This is defined at the item level using the Inventory - Tracking Description page.

See Define Item: Inventory - Tracking Description Page.

Prdn Date Option (production date option)

Select one of these values:

  • All

  • Prdn Start (production start)

  • Range

  • Prdn Due (production due)