Maintaining Additional Order Line Information

This topic discusses how to determine whether an item is available to promise (ATP).

Page Name

Definition Name


Line Export Detail


View or change export shipping information for the ship-to customer.

Similar to the Header Export Detail page.

Manage Loads


View information about the load assigned to the order line.

Combine order lines into a load for shipping on a particular carrier. You can view the actual load weight and volume of the load against the ship via maximum weight and volume capacity.

The load is assigned manually. The load is defined by the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit, carrier, ship type, and possibly the ship date and time. If the load is assigned, fields that define the load are disabled and cannot be changed until the load is removed.

Available to Promise Page


Activates a call to PeopleSoft Inventory to calculate ATP orders against future supply.

Select a promise option returned from PeopleSoft Inventory for ATP items, where the entire quantity is not available on the date requested. If the entire quantity requested is available on the date requested, the system promises the item to the sales order schedule without displaying any page information.

The item must be set up as an ATP item.

The system will loop over all of the schedules. If all of the quantity can be promised, the page does not appear. If one schedule can promise all of the quantity, use the ATP page. If more then one schedule is used for the demand, use the Sales Order Message page.

Item/Product Availability Page


Check the current quantity and projected future availability for an item or product.

Custom Fields


Add or update customer character, numeric, or date and time fields at the line level. The fields can be used with inbound and outbound EIPs.

Line User Reference


Captures information that the customer wants referenced on the order. Data referenced here is informational only and is used with inbound and outbound EIPs.

Line Holds/Change Reasons


Place orders on hold and enter or view the reasons for changes to order lines.

Order Hold History Page


View an audit trail for the hold information on the line.

Line VAT Information Page


Override VAT information at the line level.

Line Notes/Attachments


You can associate notes or attachments with an order line and have them print on designated documents.

The attachments can be in any application format.

Allocation Workbench Page


Use the Allocation Workbench to create a pre-allocation, lot-allocation, or move the demand line to the Released state and create a standard allocation.

Allocate Lots


Use the Allocate Lots component to create or change a lot-allocation for the sales order schedule line. In PeopleSoft Inventory demand fulfillment, a lot allocation occurs when an item quantity in a specific lot ID within the Inventory business unit has been reserved for a particular line containing a lot-controlled item.

RMA Reference for Sales Order


View return and replacement sales order information.

Shipment Schedules Page


Define multiple order line shipments or change default information.

Shipments by Line


View detail of shipment information for each product on an order.

Use the Available to Promise page (ORDENT_SCH_ATP) to activates a call to PeopleSoft Inventory to calculate ATP orders against future supply.

Select a promise option returned from PeopleSoft Inventory for ATP items, where the entire quantity is not available on the date requested. If the entire quantity requested is available on the date requested, the system promises the item to the sales order schedule without displaying any page information. The item must be set up as an ATP item.


Select Available to Promise in the Line Menu field on the Order Entry Form page.

Field or Control


Scheduled Ship Date

The first date that the quantity can be promised.

ATP Quantity (available to promise quantity)

The quantity that can be promised for the scheduled shipment date.

Lead Time

The number of days included in the scheduled shipment date when no existing supply (or not enough supply) is available for purchased or manufactured items. The system calculates availability based on the lead time of the item.

See How Item Lead Time Affects ATP.

Select one of the check boxes:

  • The first check box displays the maximum ATP quantity that the system can promise for the requested scheduled ship date from the order line.

  • The second check box displays the scheduled ship date when the total requested amount can be promised.

  • The third check box displays multiple schedules, with each schedule having the maximum quantity that can be promised for the different scheduled shipment dates.

After you select one of the three check boxes, click Accept and save the page.

See ATP.