Maintaining Additional Order Header Information

This topic provides information about entering or modifying additional information for the options available under the Header Menu section of the order entry form.

Page Name

Definition Name


Available to Promise Page


Perform ATP calculations.

Agreement Usage


Displays order activity against a buying agreement, including the line and schedule number against which the order was applied.



Record conversations about or with a customer.

Custom Fields


Add or update custom character, numeric, or date and time fields at the header level. The fields can be used with inbound and outbound EIPs.

Customer Credit


View credit availability and details for a bill to and corporate customer.

Similar to the Credit Available page.

Customer Deposits Page


Use to record customer deposits.

Deliveries Page


View shipping information for the deliveries.

Manually calculate the weight and volume price and open this page to view how the weight and volume price was calculated.

View how each freight charge was calculated.

Delivery criteria is defined on the Inventory Definition - Business Unit Options: Delivery Management Definition page.

Freight Charges Page


Calculate freight for the deliveries that make up the sales order. Also, enter manual freight charges and override freight charges. Freight charges can be entered only after you have entered a line for the order.

Header Commissions Page


View or modify commission information for a sales order.

Header User Reference Page


Captures information that the customer wants referenced on the order. Data referenced here is informational only and is used with inbound and outbound EIPs.

Header Holds/Change Reasons Page


Place or remove order holds; also enter reasons for holds on order headers.

Header Notes/Attachments Page


View or associate notes and attachments with a sales order header and have the notes print on designated documents.

Header VAT Information Page


Enter header VAT information or override VAT default values.

Allocation Workbench Page


Use the Allocation Workbench to create a pre-allocation, lot-allocation, or move the demand line to the Released state and create a standard allocation.

Global Price Updates Page


Manipulate the margins at the order level.

Order Hold History Page


View an audit trail for the hold information on the entire order.

Supply Source Detail Page


View the existing pegs for the order.

View Schedules


View summary information of all the schedules of the lines in the buffer. Column order for grids may vary by implementation.

Project Defaults Page


Enter PeopleSoft Project Costing-related information for an order.

You must have PeopleSoft Project Costing installed.

Quote Competition


Enter information about the success percentage competitor, and win loss reason. The competitor data is informational only.

RMA Reference for Sales Order


View RMA details.

Schedules on Delivery


View the schedules attached to the delivery.

Shipment Price Adjustments


View details for the weight and volume pricing adjustments.

Shipments by Header


View shipment details for an order.

Short-Term Customer Setup Page


Enter a new customer using a template.

Summary by Sold To


Copy sales orders or quotes.

View orders for a sold to customer by selecting Orders by Sold To.

Update Schedules Page


Update shipping details for all schedule lines of the order.

Update order lines and order headers when schedules are updated (Optional).

Schedule export and import information is only updated if a pick batch ID has not been assigned.

Use the Deliveries page (ORDENT_EST_SHIP) to view shipping information for the deliveries.

Manually calculate the weight and volume price and open this page to view how the weight and volume price was calculated. View how each freight charge was calculated. Delivery criteria is defined on the Inventory Definition - Business Unit Options: Delivery Management Definition page.


  • Select Deliveries in the Header Menu field on the Order Entry Form page.

  • Select Weight & Volume Price Calc. in the Header Menu field on the Order Entry Form page.

  • Click the Delivery ID link on the Freight Charges page.

Field or Control


Ship From BU

The ship-from PeopleSoft Inventory business unit for the delivery.

Scheduled Ship Date

The date that the quantity can be promised.

Freight Charge Method

The method that the system uses to calculate freight charges for the schedules within the delivery.

Order Freight Charge

Enter freight charges.

Adjustment Amount

Displays the additional adjustment amount that applies to the total order value. The adjustment amount is derived during weight and volume pricing.

Adjustment Percent

Displays the additional adjustment percent that applies to the total order value. The adjustment percent is derived during weight and volume pricing.

Use Preferred Freight Carrier

Indicates whether the carrier has been designated for freight purposes.

Note: If your inventory business unit has defined the delivery using additional fields, the field names appear in the Deliveries grid. The values of these additional fields on the delivery also appear. This page also displays any available freight charge audit information in the Freight Rules grid.

Note: You can also view the transportation/freight set ID that was selected as a match, the resulting freight charge, and the field values that make up the freight charge that were established on the Transportation/Freight Sets page. View the VAT Information link if you are working in a VAT environment.

Use the Freight Charges page (ORDENT_FRT_CHRG) to calculate freight for the deliveries that make up the sales order.

Also, enter manual freight charges and override freight charges. Freight charges can be entered only after you have entered a line for the order.


Select Freight Charges in the Header Menu field on the Order Entry Form page.

Field or Control


Order Freight Charge

Manually enter freight charges.

Note: Freight charges can be entered only after you have entered a line for the order.

Freight Charge Override

Select the checkbox to override the calculated freight charges.

Use the Update Schedules page (ORDENT_HDR_SCHCHG) to update shipping details for all schedule lines of the order.

Update order lines and order headers when schedules are updated (Optional).


  • Select Update Schedules in the Header Menu field on the Order Entry Form page.

  • Click the Update Schedules link in the Ship To Details section of the Order Entry Form page.

Update shipping information on all of the open or pending schedules of a single sales order. You can update the schedules for each ship from warehouse. You must enter the ship from PeopleSoft Inventory business unit. The system checks the demand status of each schedule before it updates the schedules. If the schedule is ineligible for the update because of its demand status, the system issues a warning and skips the schedule. The system reprices the schedules and recalculates new scheduled ship dates as applicable and freight charges.

Note: If you update the schedules for an order, and the maximum online pricing rows exceed the maximum defined on the Installation Options Order Management page, you receive a message instructing you to use the OM Update Schedules process (Order_Change).

Field or Control


Update Schedules

Enter changes, and then click the button. The system updates all the open or pending schedules if the change is allowed in inventory, based on the demand status for the schedule. The system processes required changes to demand as a result of the shipping data change. It reprices the schedules and recalculates scheduled shipment dates and freight charges.

Use the Order Hold History page (ORDENT_HLDHIST_SEC) to view an audit trail for the hold information on the entire order.


Select Hold History/Entire Order in the Header Menu field on the Order Entry Form page.

View information about the hold conditions, such as the Hold Code, Hold Action, Reason Code, whether the hold is still active, and who updated the hold.

Use the Header Holds/Change Reasons page (ORDENT_HDR_RSN) to place or remove order holds; also enter reasons for holds on order headers.


Select Holds / Change Reason in the Header Menu field on the Order Entry Form page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Header Holds/Change Reasons page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Header Holds/Change Reasons page

Field or Control


Hold History

Click the link to access the Header Hold History page.

Header Holds

Field or Control


Hold Code

You establish codes on the Hold Codes page.


Deselect to take the order off hold. Deselecting this check box, instead of deleting the line, enables you to maintain a record of holds that have been associated with the order.

Reason Code

Enter a code for the change to the hold condition.

Status Date

Automatically populated by the current date, but you can enter any date. When you change the status of the Active check box, the status date is updated to the changed date.

Last Changed By

Displays the user ID of the person who added, or most recently modified, the hold code. The value of SYS in this field indicates that the hold was modified by a background process.

Header Change Reason

Field or Control


Reason Code

Select a reason code for the change to the order. Set up reason codes on the Reason Code page.

Use the Header Notes/Attachments page (ORDENT_HDR_NOTE) to view or associate notes and attachments with a sales order header and have the notes print on designated documents.


Select Notes/Attachments in the Header Menu field on the Order Entry Form page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Header Notes/Attachments page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Header Notes/Attachments page

Header Notes

Field or Control


Use Predefined Standard Note

Select if you want to use a note that has already been set up. If you select this option, select Note from the available options. The Note Text, Note Type, and Documents To Print the Note On fields will appear for the standard note.

Note Type

Select from the available options to categorize the note that you are creating. This field is display-only for standard notes.

Note Text

Enter the text (up to 254 characters) for the note that you are creating. This field is display-only for standard notes.

Documents To Print the Note On

Choose which documents the notes will print on from the available options: Invoice, Advanced Shipping Notification, Bill of Lading, Buying Agreement Renewal, Buying Agreement Status, Invoice, Invoice Courtesy Copy, Invoice Notification, Order Acknowledgement, Order Change Notice, Packing List, Picking Plan, Product Price List, Quotation, and Returned Material Authorization,Only Invoice, Bill of Lading, Order Acknowledgement, Quotation, and Picking Plan do not require configuration in order to print the notes.

This field is display-only for standard notes.

Note: The note will not print on the Goods Receipt in the counter sale environment.

Note: If header notes are sent over to Billing without the order number as part of the bill by identifier fields, notes will be displayed on invoices without reference to the order number. If you want header notes to be printed with the order number, you can add it to the actual header note.

Key Words

Click the link to enter key words in the group box. You can create a PeopleSoft Order Management report that lists all sales orders with associated notes that contain certain key words that you specify here.


Before you can add an attachment, you must configure the FTP server.

See Defining File Attachments

Field or Control



Click the button to select an attachment. A secondary page will appear so that you can select a file to upload.


Click the button to view an attachment that was previously added.

Attached File

After selecting the file attachment, the file name appears.

Attachment Type

Select how to categorize the attachment from the available options. The types are set up on the Attachment Types page.


The description for the attachment appears.

Use the Allocation Workbench page (IN_ALLOC_WB_SUMMRY) to use the Allocation Workbench to create a pre-allocation, lot-allocation, or move the demand line to the Released state and create a standard allocation.


  • Order Management > Quotes and Orders > Allocation Workbench

  • Select Allocations or Lot Allocation in the Header Menu field on the Order Entry Form page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Allocation Workbench - Search page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Allocation Workbench - Search page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Allocation Workbench - Allocations Summary page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Allocation Workbench - Allocations Summary page

The search page prompts for the standard order keys along with advanced selection criteria. Additionally, there is a filter criteria to fine-tune the result set.

Field or Control



Specifies the current action when the Process button is clicked. When the user changes the action, a check is performed to see if any manual changes have been committed. A message is displayed to the user giving them the option to continue and loose the changes or to cancel the request. Auto Allocate & Save option will attempt to allocate the selected rows. Only valid combinations will be updated. Action will change to Apply Manual Changes when changes are made on the detail page.


Click the Process button to perform the Action against the selected rows and save.

Allocation Type

Used to determine the type of allocation when a new allocation is created using either the Auto or Manual Option. Changing the Allocation Type works in a similar way as changing the Action.

Manual Allocation

Clicking this link will build the detail page for any selected rows and the Allocations Detail page is displayed.

Use the Project Defaults page (ORDENT_PROJECT) to enter PeopleSoft Project Costing-related information for an order.

You must have PeopleSoft Project Costing installed.


Select Project Defaults in the Header Menu field on the Order Entry Form page.

Field or Control


Source Type

A source designation that enables you to track, analyze, and report project costs. This field is the highest designation level and can be general or specific.

Category and Subcategory

Optional additional levels that enable you to further break down project costs.

Use the Header User Reference page (ORDENT_HDR_CDATA) to captures information that the customer wants referenced on the order.

Data referenced here is informational only and is used with inbound and outbound EIPs.


Select User Defined Reference in the Header Menu field on the Order Entry Form page.

Field or Control


Reference Number

Displays the customer's identifier for the text field.


Contains free-form text associated with the reference number. For example, if customers want to pass on their internal department numbers, they would set up a reference number as an identifier and include text here for the actual number of the internal department.

Note: This information is informational only and is used primarily with Electronic Commerce to pass information associated with the header, line, or schedule. This will flow through the various Electronic Commerce transactions such as 840, 845, 850, 855, 860, 865, 810, and 856.

See Understanding Sales Order Holds in PeopleSoft Order Management