Copying an Existing Requisition to a New Requisition

This section discusses how to copy existing requisitions.

Page Name

Definition Name


Maintain Requisitions - Requisition Page


Create requisitions online.

Copy Requisition Page


Select an existing requisition to copy to the current requisition. This option is available only in Add mode.

Use the Copy Requisition page (REQ_COPY_PROMPT) to select an existing requisition to copy to the current requisition.

This option is available only in Add mode.


Click the Copy From link on the Maintain Requisitions - Requisition page.

This feature eliminates redundant data entry by using an existing requisition as a template. You can select and copy any requisition, regardless of its status. If information already exists on the requisition line to which you are copying, you are prompted to confirm that you want to clear existing data and proceed with copying the requisition to the selected line. You can locate requisitions to copy using search criteria. For example, you can search for a requisition based on a requisition ID or status, requester or requisition name, or item description.

When you copy a requisition that has procurement card information defined, the system does not copy the procurement card information to the new requisition. The system redetermines the procurement card information for the new requisition by looking at the card information that is defined for the requester.

When you copy a requisition that has procurement group related information defined, the system does not copy these values to the new requisition. The requisition will have to be manually linked to the procurement group id.

When you copy a requisition that is associated with a PeopleSoft Maintenance Management work order, the system does not copy over the work order information to the new requisition.

You can copy a canceled requisition or a requisition that has canceled lines to a new requisition. If you copy a canceled requisition, all the lines from the canceled requisition are copied over to the new requisition and the status of the lines is made active. If you copy a requisition that has one or more lines canceled, only the active lines from the existing requisition are copied to the new requisition.

The status of the newly created requisition is Open, Pending, or Approved, depending on requester setup.

You can override any values that were copied over with the requisition. Activity and original requisition dates are not copied over.

Note: After copying a requisition, you must save the cart upon checkout if you wish to retain it. The items added through the Copy Requisition feature are not persistent until saved.