Loading Requisitions

This section discusses how to run the Purchasing Requisition Loader process.

Page Name

Definition Name


Requisition Loader Page


Set parameters for running the Purchasing Requisition Loader process.

Use the Requisition Loader page (RUN_POC1210) to set parameters for running the Purchasing Requisition Loader process.


Purchasing > Requisitions > Load Requisitions > Requisition Loader

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Load Requisitions page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Load Requisitions page

Field or Control


System Source

Indicates the version of the Purchasing Requisition Loader process that you want to run for the selected requisition loader business unit.

Depending on the system source that you define here, the process queries various tables and loads qualifying purchase requests to create requisitions.

PeopleSoft Purchasing batch and the external system sources are always valid values. Other valid system sources vary depending on the applications installed.

Values include:

BCP (configurator product batch).

BIN (inventory batch).

BOM (order management batch).

BPO (purchase order batch).

POU (point of use).

PPC (project costing online entry page).

WM (maintenance management)

BPL (par location replenishment)

Run Type

Select whether to run the process for all business units, one business unit, one purchase request, or a range of business units. The Auto Load Indicator check box on the Requisition Loader Defaults - Req Loader Defaults page must be selected for business units and their requests to be eligible for processing in conjunction with the All Business Units and Range of Business Units run types. Run types are:

All Business Units: Select to run the process for all business units.

One Business Unit: Select to run the process for one business unit. If you select this value, enter a value in the Requesting Loader Bus Unit (requesting loader business unit) field.

One Request: Select to run the process for a particular requisition request ID or replenish ID. When you select this value, the Requisition Request ID field becomes available for entry. If you select this value for the BIN system source, the Replenish ID field becomes available for entry and you must enter a value.

Range of Business Units: Select to run the process for a range of business units. If you select this value, enter a From and To Requesting Loader Bus Unit.

Requesting Loader Bus Unit (requesting loader business unit)

Select the originating business unit for the requests that you want to load. Values include only those business units that are valid for the selected system source. The valid business units for each system source are defined on the Requisition Loader Defaults - Req Loader Defaults page.

Requisition Request ID

Identifies a group of purchase request rows on the PO_REQLOAD_RQST table. Create this ID by specifying any number as the requisition request ID. If you select a run type of One Request, you must enter either a requisition request ID or a replenish ID. The Requisition Request ID field is not used for inventory batch requests, or for the BIN system source.

Replenish ID (replenishment ID)

Identifies the inventory replenishment to be loaded to a requisition and is used when the system source is inventory batch, or BIN. If you select a run type of One Request, you must enter a replenishment ID. If you do not enter a replenishment ID when running the process for the BIN system source, all replenishment IDs for the Inventory Requisition Loader business unit selected are loaded to the requisition.

Par Location ID and Par Count ID

Select a par location ID and Par Count ID.

These fields are available when the selected option for the Run type field is One Request.

Auto Assign Req ID (automatic assign requisition ID)

Select to specify the automatic numbering options for the requisitions that are created by the Purchasing Requisition Loader process. If a requisition ID is already assigned to the purchase request on the PO_REQLOAD_RQST table, the existing requisition ID is used. Values are:

When not specified: If no requisition ID is assigned on the table or on the page, the Purchasing Requisition Loader process determines the requisition ID.

When not specified use: If no requisition ID is assigned, the requisition ID that you specify in the adjacent field is assigned and the line numbers are calculated.

Create Mult Reqs (create multiple requisitions)

Select this check box to create a separate requisition ID for each replenishment ID (PeopleSoft Inventory), loader requisition ID (external), resource ID (PeopleSoft Project Costing), and order number (PeopleSoft Order Management). If you select this check box, the maximum load lines number is ignored, and the Auto Assign Req ID and Auto Line Numbering fields are unavailable for entry.

Unless you select the Create Mult Reqs (create multiple requisitions) check box, the Purchasing Requisition Loader process creates one requisition that includes all the purchase request data until the maximum load lines number is met. Set the maximum load lines number at installation on the Installation Options - Purchasing page.

Note: If the rows for the Purchasing Requisition Loader process have stockless items and standard items (items you stock) and you do not select the Create Mult Reqs check box, the system will still create separate requisitions one for the stockless items and one for the standard items.

Auto Line Numbering

Select automatic line numbering options for the requisitions that are created by the Purchasing Requisition Loader process. Values are:

Auto Assign: Select to have the system assign a number to each requisition line automatically. Any requisition line numbers that you entered previously are overridden.

When not specified: Select to have the system assign requisition line numbers only when a line number is not specified.

Copy Item Spec (copy item specifications)

Select this check box to copy the item specifications to the requisition. This check box is available when the system source is inventory batch, or BIN.

Get Preferred Supplier

Select a supplier for the requisitions that the Purchasing Requisition Loader process creates. Values are:

Always Override: Select to have the system override the supplier that is selected on the requisition and substitute it with the preferred supplier.

None: Disables this field. A preferred supplier is not selected. If the supplier ID field on a requisition is blank, the system does not populate that field. However, if you have already provided a supplier ID, the system preserves the selection.

When not specified: Select to have the system select the preferred supplier only on requisitions that do not have a supplier specified.