Selecting Suppliers Based on Item Ship To and Item Supplier Locations

To define item ship to locations, use the Item ShipTo Locations component (ITM_SHIPTO_VNDR). Use the ITM_SHIPTO_VNDR_CI component interface to load data into the staging tables for this component.

This section discusses how to define priority vendors for specific item and ship to location combinations. For more information about defining priority vendors for specific item and supplier location combinations, see the "Using Purchase Order Sourcing" topic. The pages are similar.

See Sourcing by Region.

Note: The PO Calculations process selects a supplier for an item/ship to location combination based on the definition on this page (if the Override Suggested supplier option is selected on the Sourcing Controls page).

Page Name

Definition Name


Item Ship To Locations Page


Set up a prioritized list of supplier and supplier locations for a particular item and ship to location combination.

Item Supplier by Region Page


Define supplier priority and supplier location by region.

Item Ship To Locations Page

Use the Item Ship To Locations page (ITM_SHIPTO_VND) to set up a prioritized list of vendors and Supplier locations for a particular item and ship to location combination.


Items > Define Items and Attributes > Item Ship To Locations

Field or Control


SetID and Ship To

Select each shipping location that you're defining for the item. Ship to location codes are established on the Ship To Locations page.

Region Code

Select a region code to associate to this ship to location.

Include in Planning

Select to enable purchase options to be created in PeopleSoft Supply Planning for the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit related to this ship to location.

The purchase option then enables the creation of new purchase orders through PeopleSoft Supply Planning for this PeopleSoft Inventory business unit. If this check box is not selected at the item and ship to level, it will not be available at the item ship to supplier level in the List of supplier grid box.

List of Supplier

Field or Control


Supplier SetID

Select a Supplier SetID. You cannot select a SetID value and supplier that already exists in another row when the record definition does not allow duplicate entries.


Displays the priority value for the Supplier SetID and supplier combination with 1 being the highest priority.


Select a Supplier. Available supplier are those for which item supplier relationships have been established on the Purchasing Attributes - Item Supplier page.


Select the Supplier location.

Ship Via

Select the shipping method for this item supplier.

Lead Time

Enter the lead time for shipping to the item ship to location. This lead time accommodates multiple sites receiving goods from the same supplier location where each location requires its own lead time. The lead time defined at this level with the lead time option of Use will be the first level default value. If a value is not specified at this level, the system checks the item supplier by region.

Lead Time Option

Select the lead time option that you want to use at this item/ship to level. When suppliers are assigned to requisitions in purchasing, the purchasing system checks a hierarchy to find the highest priority suppliers. First, it checks for supplier priorities based on the item/ship to location. Next, it checks supplier priorities based on the item/region. And, finally it checks supplier priorities based on the item. PeopleSoft Supply Planning uses this feature, for example, if a purchase option does not have adequate lead time, the Supply Planning can go to the next prioritized option to determine whether it can use that option to meet the demand.

Select Default to use the next level lead time (item/region). Select Use to use the lead time defined at this level. If you do not specify a value for use at the first two levels, the system checks the item supplier followed by the purchase item.

Include in Planning

Select to enable purchase options to be created in PeopleSoft Supply Planning for the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit related to this ship to location.

The purchase option then enables the creation of new purchase orders through PeopleSoft Supply Planning for this PeopleSoft Inventory business unit. If this check box is not selected at the item/ship to level, it will not be available at the item ship to supplier level in the List of suppliers grid box.