Understanding the Purchase Order Change Order Business Process

When you update a purchase order that has been dispatched, you create or append a change order. With PeopleSoft Purchasing, you can create change orders online using the purchase order pages, or you can load and process change requests using the Change Load Application Engine process (PO_CHNGLOAD) and Change Purchase Order Application Engine process.

The Change Load process loads data from the PO_HDR_EC, PO_LINE_EC, and PO_LINE_SHIP_EC tables. These tables store supplier acknowledgements that arrived in the system using EDX or supplier-facing online acknowledgements. These acknowledgements may contain information that requires you to change the purchase orders.

Based on the Change Map template, the Change Load process compares staged source record fields and field values (PO_HDR_EC, PO_LINE_EC, PO_LINE_SHIP_EC) with target system record fields and field values (PO_HDR, PO_LINE, PO_LINE_SHIP). If a difference exists, the Change Load process creates change requests (CHNG_RSQT, CHNG_RQST_DTL).

Based on the purchase order change template, the Change Purchase Order process creates the necessary change orders from these change request tables. The Change Purchase Order process takes the change order information and creates change history records (PO_CHNG_HDR, PO_CHNG_LINE, PO_CHNG_SHIP) and updates target system records with the changes.

When you request a change to a purchase order that has been sourced from a PeopleSoft eProcurement or Services Procurement requisition, the system places the request in the PeopleSoft Purchasing CHNG_RQST and CHNG_RQST_DTL tables. Using the Change Purchase Order process, the system processes the change requests and updates the purchase order. For purchase orders that have already been dispatched, a change order could be created and dispatched to the supplier.

Note: Backorders entered through the supplier-facing online acknowledgements are also processed through the Change Load and Change Purchase Order processes.

Note: The Purchase Order Change Order business process updates most changed values on the purchase order, regardless of whether the fields exist on the purchase order change template. The purchase order change template determines fields that are tracked and recorded in change order history records, and does not determine the fields that can actually be changed on the purchase order. If you are using the vendor rebate functionality, changing the Rebate ID field on the purchase order will not create a change order.

Note: Batch changes to nondispatched purchase orders are stored in the change request tables. These requests are used by the Change Purchase Order process to update original purchase orders. However, these changes, as well as changes made directly to nondispatched purchase orders, are not stored in the change order tables and the change order batch number on the purchase order header is not incremented by 1.

Change requests can come from a variety of sources. If the change request is from a phone call, the best way to make the change is through the online purchase order pages. If the request is from another source, you can make the change online or run a batch process.

Note: If the installation includes PeopleSoft eSupplier Connection, the suppliers can enter their own purchase order acknowledgement (POA) changes directly into the PeopleSoft system. Upon buyer acceptance (online or automatic according to the business unit options flag), the Change Load process requests these online POAs in a similar way as EDX transactions.

Functions that generate change order requests that can be handled by batch processes include:

  • EDX purchase order acknowledgments.

  • Source requisitions to an existing purchase order.

  • PeopleSoft eSupplier Connection online purchase order acknowledgements with a status of Buyer Accepted.

  • PeopleSoft Order Management direct-shipped order changes.

  • PeopleSoft Manufacturing subcontract changes.

  • PeopleSoft Supply Planning planned order changes.

  • Par location replenishment.

  • Close Short Application Engine process (PO_CLSSHORT).

  • PeopleSoft eProcurement change requests and change orders.

Change requests received using EDX or eSupplier Connection online acknowledgements are loaded into the Change Request table by the Change Load process. The other functions write directly to the Change Request table.

You can review EDX change requests or change requests from other functions in the system on the Approve Change Requests page. You approve the requests that you want processed by the Change Purchase Order process.

As part of processing purchase order changes from PeopleSoft eProcurement, the system also provides a message back to requesters if their changes cannot be updated for the purchase order. The message provides details at a specific line or schedule level and also indicates why the change could not be applied. The system uses the PO_CMMSGSEND batch program to process the messages.

During message processing if an error is detected during the PO Edit process and the source of the transaction is eProcurement (EPO), the system:

  1. Updates purchase order change request transactions with error information.

  2. Updates the PeopleSoft eProcurement change request (PV_CHNG_RST_DTL.PROCESS_FLG = E) with error information.

  3. The PO Edit process will then:

    1. Issue a message to the requester using the PO_CMMSGSEND batch program.

      The message includes the requisition ID, line, and schedule, purchase order ID, line, and schedule, message description, and buyer name.

    2. Call the Requisition Update function to update the open quantity when the source of the change is a PeopleSoft eProcurement requisition and the change was an increase to quantity.

      This makes the open quantity available for future sourcing.

    3. When the source of the change is a PeopleSoft eProcurement requisition and the change was either a quantity decrease or increase to an amount only line or increase to a line that is distributed by amount, the process:

      - Backs out the requisition change by calling the Requisition Update function.

      - Budget checks the requisition and purchase order when commitment control is in use.

Note: When purchase order change requests do not have errors, the system calls the Common PO Change process (PO_CMCHNG) to update the purchase order transactions.

Error messages for change requests are available under the Error Messages tab on the Change Requests page. To access the page, select Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Manager Change Orders > Approve Change Requests and click the Show Detail Entry link on the Change Requests page.

This diagram illustrates the Change Order process flow:

Purchase order change order process flow

Note: Also, the system supports change requests to the ATTN_TO (Attention To) field in the PO_LINE_DISTRIB table. This is the only PO_LINE_DISTRIB table field for which change requests are processed.

When you use online pages or when you run the Change Purchase Order process to update previously dispatched purchase orders, two events take place:

  • The actual purchase order is updated.

    You make the change to the online purchase order manually or the Change Purchase Order process updates the purchase order when the change is not done manually.

  • The change order tracking tables are updated with the change to the purchase order.

    When you change the purchase order online, the system automatically updates the change order tracking tables. When the change is not done online, the Change Purchase Order process inserts the change into the change order tracking tables.

When processing change orders in batch processing, the system uses the default reason code and reason comment value. This step is in the PO_CHNGLOAD process to set the change reason code to the value of the change source when the transactions being loaded are from the change sources listed in the Purchase Order Change Order Fields table. Change source descriptions are listed in the Reason Description Default Value column in this table:

When Change Source is:

Set Reason Code to:

Reason Description Default Value



Planning System



PO Acknowledgement



PO Change Batch Process



Production/Shop Floor



PAR Location Replenishment



Close Short Purchase Orders

Field or Control


Change Order Source/Source

Displays the source of the change requests. Values are:

CRT (cart replenishment): Par location replenishment.

DRP (order management direct ships): PeopleSoft Order Management direct-shipped order changes.

EDX (EDX change order): Electronic data exchange or supplier-facing online change order acknowledgements.

EPR (user change request): PeopleSoft eProcurement change requests and change orders.

PLN (planning system): PeopleSoft Supply Planning planned order changes.

POC (purchase order change batch process): Used internally by the Change Purchase Order process to distinguish rows picked up by the process from those created by the process.

BPA (blanket order): Used internally by the Change Purchase Order process for blanket purchase orders.

PRD (production/shop floor): PeopleSoft Manufacturing subcontract changes.

PMC PO Buyer Mass Change

UPN ID (universal product number identifier)

Displays the universal product number identifier assigned to a unique combination of item ID, manufacturer ID, and unit of measure (UOM).

Change Order Batch Number

A grouping of changes to a transaction that use a unique batch number. For purchase orders, the batch number is incremented each time the purchase order is dispatched and you change the purchase order. The change order batch number is communicated to the supplier. For requisitions, the batch number is incremented for each set of changes after the requisition is approved, budget checked, or sourced, depending on the option specified for the business unit.

Change Tracking

An audit trail of changes made to a transaction. You can review purchase order changes that were made to tracked field using the Review Change History menu.

PO Change Order Batch Process(purchase order change order batch process)

A purchase order process that supports updating most of the common header, line, and schedule level information on purchase orders. The process also tracks changes after purchase orders have been dispatched and when the changed fields are set for tracking in the purchase order change template. The Purchase Order Change Order process updates purchase orders, but does not track change orders if the purchase order has not been dispatched.

A change order number identifies the batch of changes that you submit to the supplier for a purchase order after its initial dispatch. The first time that you update a dispatched purchase order, the system displays Change Order 1 next to the purchase order number in the purchase order header. Each time you update the purchase order after dispatching a batch of changes to the supplier, the change order number is increased by one.

A change sequence number tracks the sequence of changes made within each purchase order at the header, line, and schedule levels. After the initial dispatch of a purchase order, a change sequence number is assigned to each change. These sequence numbers don't appear on the purchase order, but appear in the purchase order history.


Here is an example of batch changes:

  1. You dispatch a purchase order containing three lines.

  2. You create a change on line 1.

    The header change order batch number is set to 1; the change sequence number for the first line is also 1.

    Note: A historical row is created to store original values for line 1. The header change order batch number is 0 and change sequence number for the first line is 0.

  3. After you dispatch the first batch of changes (change order batch number 1), you change lines 1 and 3.

    • The change order batch number is 2, because you are making changes after dispatching change order number 1.

    • Because this is the second time that you have changed line 1, its change sequence is 2.

    • Because you have changed line 3 for the first time, its change sequence is 1.

      Note: The system creates a historical row to store original values for line 3. The header change order batch number is 0 and the change sequence number for the first line is 0.

This diagram illustrates how the PO_CHNG_LINE table helps track the batch and sequence changes discussed in the example:

Purchase order change order batch and sequence tracking in PO_CHNG_LINE

Similar changes are stored in PO_CHNG_HDR, PO_CHNG_SHIP, and PO_CHNG_ADDR tables when changes are made to header, schedule, and one time address fields that are eligible for change order tracking.