Common Elements Used in Procurement Card

Field or Control


Employee Name

Displays the Last and First Name from the employee information which is entered on the Personal Data (Edit) Page (Common Definitions).

Display Unmasked Card Number

Select this check box if you want to show the full credit card number on the page or report. This check box appears cleared by default. This check box will only appear on a page if you are associated with a role that has Unmask Card Number rights for procurement cards.

Note: This field pertains to role of the user accessing the page.

Card Issuer

Select the card issuer. In most cases, this is the name of the bank that issues the card.

Card Number

Enter the procurement card account number. After you enter the full card number the system will encrypt the card number and display the masked card number in this field. For example, if you enter 6755-8867-6666-6755, the system will display ************6755 as the masked card number. The number of digits that are visible for the card number is based on the Number of Digits to Display field setting you specify on the Installation Options - Purchasing page.

To modify the encrypted card number, you can enter a full card number again or modify just the visible digits.

For more information about PeopleSoft encryption technology See "Encrypting Text With PSCipher" and "Securing Data with PeopleSoft Encryption Technology" in the PeopleTools: Security Administration.

Plus, you can perform a partial search on the card number field. The maximum number of digits that you can perform a partial search against is based on the Number of Digits to Display field setting as well. For example, if the number of digits to display is 4, and you enter 1234 in the card number field, the system will use %1234 to search for the corresponding card numbers. The system compares against the right most digits. If you enter 12345 the system won't be able to find any corresponding card number matches.

If there are multiple cards with the same suffix and they are owned by the same employee, then the employee ID and name will appear in the header of the page. However, if they are owned by different employees, then employee ID and name will not appear.

Billing Amount

Amount and associated currency billed for the statement line.


Location to which payment for the selected lines is to be distributed.


Source of the purchased goods or services.

PO Qty (purchase order quantity)

Displays the purchase order quantity of each item purchased for this statement line. If there's no purchase order associated with the statement or the quantity is unknown, the purchase order quantity automatically changes to 1.

Posted Date

Displays the date when each statement line has been processed and posted by the card issuer.


A PeopleSoft user who has access rights to procurement card transactions.

Reference/Reference Number

Unique number captured by the merchant at the point of sale to help identify the transaction.


A procurement card role carries a unique set of access rights.

Role Name

Select the role name that you want to filter the report by. The roles available for selection, are those roles that belong to the current user that also have cards assigned to them. It does not include those roles that have no cards assigned to them.

Ship To

Address to which the goods that you purchased were shipped. Used to identify applicable taxes if you decide to have the system calculate the sales or use tax for the statement.

Statement Status

Statement line status. Values are:

Staged: Statement from the bank is loaded into the staging tables by the Load ProCard Stage process.

Initial: Statement has been staged in the statement table and the cardholders have been notified through the Bank Statement Workflow process. After each notice has been successfully sent to a cardholder, the system updates its status to Initial if it was Staged.

Verified: Statement is waiting to be reviewed. After verification, the statement line status changes to Approved. Currently, the verified status does not have any significant meaning by itself. However, it can be used in an environment where tighter control is required. The cardholder can only set the status to Verified and another person has to approve it and set the status to Approved.

Approved: Statement is ready to be picked up by the voucher process. Only those statement lines that are approved are pushed to the voucher staging tables.

Closed: Statement has been pushed to the voucher staging table.

Not Closed: Any transactions that are not in the voucher staging table.

Error: Procurement card transaction that failed voucher edit.

Tax Code

A set of tax authorities that comprises all taxes that apply within a particular geographical location. In this US, tax codes are state, country, city, and other special jurisdictions. This field is informational on the procurement card transaction.

Transaction Amount

Amount of the purchase and the source amount (in its local currency) charged by the supplier. The amount and currency may be different than the billing amount and currency that the cardholder is liable to pay.

Trans Date (transaction date)

Date when the goods were purchased.

VAT (value-added tax)

A tax on the estimated market value added to a product or material at each stage of its manufacture or distribution.

Note: The VAT values that are recorded throughout the procurement card life cycle pass into the invoice and VAT reporting structures.