Accessing Related Links for Supplier Contracts

Related links enable access to Purchasing features that can help you create and maintain contracts in Supplier Contract Management.

Page Name

Definition Name


Identifying Information Page


Define supplier information, including supplier name and short name, classification, status, persistence, withholding and value-added tax eligibility, relationships with other suppliers, duplicate invoice checking settings, and additional elements required for reporting to government agencies.

Item Categories - Category Definition Page


Define item categories that can provide transaction information for requisitions, requests for quotes, contracts, and purchase orders. Item categories also serve as the organizational unit for item catalogs. Item catalogs are a collection of item categories.

Define Item - General: Common Page


Define an inventory item at the SetID level. This definition should include information about the item such as its classification, substitutes, status, and dimensions.

Purchasing Attributes Page


Select to enter basic purchasing information for an item. This information can include item attributes, purchasing controls, and item supplier information.

Maintain Purchase Order - Purchase Order Page


Select to enter or change purchase order information. For example, you can change default values, header details, and activities; add items to the purchase order; and update ship dates.