Implementation and Setup

These topics discuss:

  • Supplier Contract Management setup needs.

  • Setup Manager for PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management.

  • Dispatch, comparison, render, and prepare error resolution.

  • Microsoft Word document launch problems.

  • Microsoft Word template file errors.

  • Document preview and generation errors.

Depending on how you plan the implementation of PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management and how your organization plans to use the application, the next level implementation such as setting up clause libraries, configurators, Microsoft Word templates, and so on are areas that require more thought and planning. This process varies from customer to customer, so the related setup varies. In addition to the information provided in this topic, you should review the Understanding PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management Setup topic.

This list provides information about setting up PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management:

  • Secure File transfer protocol (SFTP) server.

    Supplier Contract Management enables you to store documents within the database or using an SFTP server. If you decide to use the SFTP server, you can generally verify that it is working correctly by uploading a Microsoft Word template. If the upload fails, it indicates that the SFTP server is not setup correctly. A way to verify that the SFTP server is setup correctly is to log onto an application server and verify that you can manually login to SFTP files outside of the PeopleSoft application.

    Common issues with using SFTP servers include:

    • The application server not having network access to the SFTP server.

    • The SFTP user does not have write authority to the SFTP server.

    • The SFTP user password is not correct.

      See Setting Up Servers and Directories.

  • Setting up secure file transfer protocol servers when you are already using database server attachments for other applications.

    If an organization uses only the database setup, not file transfer protocol, for documents or attachments for applications other than PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management, such as PeopleSoft eProcurement, and you do not want to switch those applications to a specific SFTP for use with PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management, you can use the Override Attachment Server ID field on the Installation Options page to override the attachment server ID. You use the field to enter the active SFTP server for Supplier Contract Management document authoring.

    Note: You also have the option to configure the system to store all Supplier Contract Management attachments in the database instead of the SFTP server. In this case you should leave the Override Attachment Server ID setting on Installation Options page blank.

    Note: Overriding the attachment server does not control contract entry, purchase order, or requisition attachments. These attachments still go into the default server and database specified in the File Attachments component.

    Note: When you use both a database and SFTP server, you must remove the CS_CONTRACT_ENTRY row in the components grid on the Administer File Attachments page. This row should not be present because it only applies to the SFTP server, and when you are running both database and SFTP servers, the component writes to the database server. Leaving the row in place can cause problems with attachments in the Contract Entry component.

  • Microsoft Word Template.

    You need to have a Microsoft Word template loaded into the system. Anytime you change or add a SFTP server, the system needs to use the Document Template and Styles page to verify that there is a template name listed. You can click the View button to make sure the system can locate it. If a template is not listed, or you receive an error, you need to upload a new template file. You use the Microsoft Word template as an essential starting point for creating and previewing clauses, sections, and configurators, and the template is a requirement for authoring documents.

    See Understanding Document Templates.

  • Document format and options for new SetIDs.

    PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management provides a SetID (SHARE) that contains sample data for document default values and Microsoft Word paragraph styles that contain outline numbering styles. The paragraph styles listed in the sample data should match those in your template, because you can use the sample data setup when formatting and numbering content in authored documents. When you create a new SetID, you also need to set up the formatting options.

    See Setting Up Document Formats and Options.

  • Installation options/server processing, document comparisons and rendering, and digital signatures.

    You use the Installation Options page to set up and enable a variety of document authoring capabilities. This includes defining servers for comparing Microsoft Word documents, rendering .doc or .pdf files, and preparing files for digital signatures (.pdf or .docx). The server defined here must be a Microsoft Windows server configured with a dedicated application server that can service volume requirements. In addition, when this server is a 64-bit server, it might require that you start the Oracle Process Manager on the Microsoft Windows server using the local system account instead of a user account. This ensures that the application server has the proper authority to run the server-side processes, reducing errors such as having type mismatches.

  • User preferences.

    When you set up new users, you need to make sure that they have the correct user preferences. You use the User Preferences page to define security and permissions for document administrators and librarians and to delegate permissions among administrators, such as proxy users. Most other collaborators and interested parties do not need to have these user preferences defined, but for administrators the preferences are required.

    See Understanding User Preferences.

    See Understanding Supplier Contract Sample Permission Lists, Roles, and Users.

  • Research task pane setup.

    You use PeopleSoft Integration Broker to set up service operations and specify operation types that determine how the operation is to be processed, synchronously or asynchronously. The CS_SEARCH_BINDS and CS_SEARCH_CLAUSES operations used with the Research task pane are processed synchronously. After you set up the service operations and the integration gateway, you install and configure Microsoft Word for use with task panes, including the Research task pane for bind and clause searches.

    In addition, depending on the machine setup, you might be using different versions of Microsoft Word . The configuration file for the setup.exe file contains a line that specifies which version of Microsoft Word is being used on the client. When using Oracle, Db2 Unix, Db2 OS390, and SqlServer platforms, you can search the full text in addition to the description and title. Using Informix and Sybase platforms, you can search only the clause description and title.

    To view steps for setting up service operations and configuring workstations, see Setting Up PeopleSoft Integration Broker for Microsoft Word.

You use Setup Manager components to generate the list of implementation tasks for Supplier Contract Management. To access Setup Manager, select: PeopleTools > Setup Manager > Manage Implementation Projects, click the Products button, and select Supplier Contract Mgmt in the Supplier Relationship Management grid. Also, to use Setup Manager, you need to have related roles associated for proper security for buttons and actions with the component Manage Implementation Projects. From that component you can select products and generate the task list. Related roles include: PTLT_IMPLEMENTER, PTLT_PROJECT_MGR, PTLT_INTERNAL_APPS.

Note: Some setup steps are dependent on what features you are implementing. For example, you don't need to set up the Capture Parent Activity task unless you are using syndication.

You can receive various errors when dispatching a Microsoft Word .doc file or when performing a server-side comparison between Microsoft Word files. For functions such as dispatching a .doc file or comparing files, the system calls an internal application message using a Microsoft Windows application server and the Microsoft Word version that reside on the Microsoft Windows server.

See Setting Up Document Comparison and Rendering.

These error message conditions can occur when various dispatch and comparison items are not setup correctly:

This screen shot shows an example of the message that would appear if the application server URL is not set up properly on the installation page, but the gateway is set up properly.

Message example

To resolve the message, update the URL entry on the Installation Options page to be //<app server machine>:<JSL Port>.

The gateway and application server are on the same version, but the application server doesn't have the publication or subscription set to On.

This condition is okay. The application sever used for the compare and render functions doesn't have to have either publication or subscription set to On.

This message appears when there is not a .dll file on the application server (csdocutil):

Message example

This message appears if you did not enter a default value or user ID and password on the configuration setting for the gateway properties:

Message example

This message appears when the integration gateway is on version X while the application server defined on the Installation Options page is on Y.

Message example

To verify the server PeopleSoft PeopleTools version:

  1. Select: PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Configuration > Gateways.

    The Gateways page appears.

  2. Click the Ping Gateway button.

    The PeopleSoft Integration Gateway page appears with the PeopleTools version. Make note of the version.

  3. Open the Gateways page again.

  4. Click the Gateway Setup Properties link.

    The Configuration page appears.

  5. Make sure that the PeopleTools release version listed in the top portion of the page and in the grid is the same as the one that appeared when you clicked the Ping Gateway button.

  6. Verify that the Microsoft Windows application server defined in the Compare/Render Server/Path field on the Installation Options page is the same one as defined for the version of PeopleTools.

When you click the Edit Document button or any button that launches a document and the window only flickers and the document doesn't launch, then most likely, a pop-up blocker or Windows Internet Explorer setting is causing the document not to launch. Sometimes, you can confirm that you have a pop-up blocker issue by pressing the Shift key on the keyboard while clicking the PeopleSoft button or link that launches the document. You can use this action to override the pop-up blocker setting and verify that this is the issue.

To resolve launch problems, also try these procedures:

  • Make sure that you do not have any pop up blockers enabled such as in a Yahoo or Google search engine.

    Keep in mind that there can be more than one blocking feature enabled. These features are normally set in the browser's toolbar.

  • Check the Folder Options in the Control Panel to make sure that the Confirm open after download option is set for appropriate file extensions such as .doc.

    Select: Start > Control Panel > Folder Options > File Types. Then, select the DOCextension for the .doc file type and click the Advanced button. The Edit File Type window appears with the Confirm open after download check box. Select the check box.

  • Verify that your security settings in Windows Internet Explorer are set to enable automatic prompting of file downloads. The location of these types of settings can vary depending on the type and version of the browser.

    From the browser toolbar, select: Tools > Internet Options > Security > Custom Level. Then, make sure that the Enable automatic prompting for download files and the File downloads buttons are selected.

When you cannot upload the stdtemplate.xml, the system displays a template error message when you attempt to perform Microsoft Word tasks. Examples of these messages include:

  • Cannot view the standard template.

  • Cannot create a clause (get template error).

  • Cannot preview clauses, sections, and configurators (get template error).

These errors normally happen when:

  • A SFTP server is being used instead of a database server and the server is not set up correctly in the File Attachments component.

  • The Microsoft Word template that the system uses to determine the paragraph styles and numbering when documents are generated has not been uploaded.

To resolve the errors:

  • Verify the SFTP settings by selecting: Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > File Attachments > Administer File Attachments.

    The Administer File Attachments page appears. You can verify that the SFTP server that you entered is active and working by using the information on this page to try to log into the SFTP server with the user name and password to make sure they are okay. If you continue to have problems, submit a case to the Global Support Center with a screen shot for a resolution.

  • Verify the installed application path setting for PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management.

    Select: Supplier Contracts > Supplier Contracts Setup > Installation Options > Supplier Contract Management. The Application Server Path field setting controls where the system stores temporary files on the application server for various functions. You can often leave this value blank, and the system will use the default temporary directory.

  • Verify that you have the Microsoft Word template setup correctly.

    Select: Supplier Contracts > Supplier Contracts Setup > Document Templates and Styles. You need to have the organization's version of the stdtemplate.xml loaded within this page. You can verify that it is loaded correctly by clicking the View button. This should launch the Microsoft Word file. If it doesn't or if you receive an error, try to upload the Microsoft Word .xml file again. If the file doesn't upload, you most likely have an SFTP server setup issue.

See Understanding Document Templates.

If you receive an XML Parser Error CreateXMLDoc Fatal Error message when previewing or generating contract documents, there might be new Microsoft schema and namespace definitions that you need to properly build the generated preview and contract document.

When you define new clauses that you edit in Microsoft Word then preview the clause or later use it to generate a Microsoft Word document, you might receive the following or a similar error message:

XML Parser Error CreateXMLDoc Fatal Error: at File Integration Server line: 2 column: 37271 message: the prefix wsp has not been mapped to any URI (159,5) SCM_CS_GEN_WORDXML.GenContractWordML.OnExecute.

This might happen with certain updates to Microsoft Word where there might be new Microsoft Word schema and namespace definitions that are needed to properly build the generated preview and contract documents.

Since the delivered stdtemplate.xml file, or a customer equivalent, might have been created with an older version of Microsoft Word than what you have, it may not have the newer schema information. It's recommended that if you use the stdtemplate.xml file delivered with the system, you should open it once, save it, and upload the file again into the PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management system. This ensures that the XML is rewritten with the latest information that the system needs for you to preview or generate new documents.