Understanding Contract Deliverable Verification Steps

A contract deliverable is a negotiated set of conditions in a contract. The deliverable is based on a contract agreement verification step defined in the PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management system within the Contract Entry component that specifically spells out the conditions and terms that apply to a contract. For each agreement, the contract manager can define the verification requirements, whether the agreement is compliant with the terms of the contract, as well as when and who to notify, internally and externally, when a compliance date is approaching or has passed. To enable external notification and access for external users you must define the external user on the Workflow Notification page for the agreement in the Contract Entry component.

Verification steps can be assigned to an agreement code. Verification steps define the criteria necessary to fulfill the agreement. The verification method defines how a verification owner indicates that a step has been completed. The verification methods are notify only, comments, date/time, system, yes/no, and attachment.

When a contract manager indicates that a contract agreement verification step can be owned by an external user, the system provides notification to that user and a URL to access the deliverable maintenance and review pages for the supplier. External users are those users outside of the PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management system. External users who have been assigned ownership of a deliverable verification step can access those steps assigned to them and update the step information and view statuses in the same manner used by internal users. The agreement status itself is controlled internally, and is not accessible to external users.

The system sends email notifications as you have defined for each contract agreement and its steps to external users when verifications are due. The emails contain links to PeopleSoft Supplier Contract Management deliverable pages. As an external user, and you are not logged into the system, you can click the link to access the verification page contained in the email. When you click the link, the system links directly to the contract deliverable page that requires verification. If you are already logged into the system, you can click the link in you worklist to access the deliverable verification step.

External users can also view the agreement status information when they own a verification step. Viewing status information enables you to see the detailed metrics performance related to the agreement.