Processing MSP Transactions

This topic discusses how to process MSP Transactions.

Page Name

Definition Name


Create Requisition Page


Enter basic service requisition information.

Manage Requisitions Page


Manage requisitions that are entered by the requester. You can review existing service requisitions, edit them, view their statuses, cancel them, or access related sourcing and work order information.

Manage Sourcing Page


View all the suppliers to whom a requisition was sourced; source a requisition to multiple suppliers.

Sourcing Selection Page


Enter sourcing requirements.

Incoming Bids


View incoming bids.

Requisition Sourcing Review Page


Review requisitions sourced to the supplier.

Submit Bid Page


Submit bids.

Supplier Bid Response Page


Reply to bids.

Work Order - Details Page


Enter work order detail information.

Work Order - Cost Page


Enter cost information for the work order.

Create Batch Invoice Page


Generate and print invoices.

Create Manual Invoice Page


Create invoice header information.

Manage Invoices - Line Summary Page


Modify the selected invoice.

Manage Invoices - Line Detail Page


View invoice line details or make adjustments.

Use the Create Requisition page (SPF_REQ_INFO_PG) to enter basic service requisition information.


Services Procurement > Create Requisition

Field or Control


Supplier Rate

The portion of the total rate that will be paid to the end supplier, the sum of the supplier rate and the MSP rate equals the total rate. This field is displayed to users who have the SP_VMS_MSP_BREAKDOWN role action. The field does not display to requesters or approvers.

MSP Rate

Displays the MSP rate for this requisition. This field displays to users having the SP_VMS_MSP_BREAKDOWN role action. The system provides this value from the MSP fee by service type, or if not present there, the MSP by business unit definition.


The total rate for this requisition. If you are using a rate sheet, the system provides the default value from the rate sheet

If there is a rate sheet, the system adds the MSP rate to the Supplier Rate to calculate the rate.

MSP Fee % (managed services provider fee percentage)

Displays the MSP fee percentage for this requisition. This field displays to service coordinators only.

Use the Sourcing Selection page (SPR_SOURCE_SELECT) to enter sourcing requirements.


Click the Sourcing Select button on the Manage Sourcing page.

Field or Control


MSP Rate

Displays the MSP rate for this requisition. This field displays to Service Coordinators and MSP supplier contacts only. The system provides this value from the MSP fee by service type, or if not present there, from the MSP by business unit definition.

Loaded Rate

Displays the total rate for this requisition, supplier rate plus MSP Rate.

Use the Submit Bid page (SPF_SUBMITAL_PAGE) to submit bids.


Click the Submit Bid button on the Supplier Sourcing Review page.

Note: Only internal suppliers will be able to view the MSP rates and amounts during bid negotiations.

Use the Create Batch Invoice page (SPF_GEN_CLINV) to generate and print invoices.


Service Procurement > Services Settlement > Create Batch Invoices

Field or Control


Internal Supplier

Select to indicate that the supplier is internal and that the MSP markup will be included in the invoice amount.

Use the Manage Invoice - Line Summary page (SPF_INV_LN_DTLS) to modify the selected invoice.


Click the Edit button for an invoice on the Manage Invoice page.

Field or Control


Estimated Tax

The MSP fee is not included in the tax calculation for external suppliers, but is for internal suppliers.

Estimated Total

The MSP fee is included in the totals for internal suppliers.