Understanding Settlements in PeopleSoft Services Procurement

Managing settlements with PeopleSoft Services Procurement enables individuals who have appropriate permissions to create consolidated proforma invoices. The proforma invoice process can be optionally configured to include or exclude suppliers in the invoice approval process, based on the supplier's setup. Specific time sheets, expenses, or progress logs lines can be added or removed prior to submitting the invoice for approval. After approval, the proforma invoice is viewed online and printed, included in a file for export, or both.

You can grant permissions for each of these functions:

  • Automatic invoice generation.

  • Manual invoice creation.

  • Invoice management.

  • Invoice approval.

  • Supplier invoice approval.

  • Invoice printing and processing.

With PeopleSoft Services Procurement Settlement, you can:

  • Manage the invoicing and settlement process.

  • Invoice at varying frequencies.

  • Select approved time sheets, expenses, or progress logs for an invoice.

  • Manage invoice submittal, approval, and processing.

Invoice Adjustments

The Settlement feature in Services Procurement provides a self-invoicing capability that can create invoices based on approved timesheets, progress logs, and expenses. You can create new invoices manually, review existing invoices, edit invoices, view statuses of invoices, cancel invoices, track invoice adjustments, and submit selected invoices for approval.

The Manage Invoice page is the central location and starting point for maintaining invoices. Use the search and sort features to streamline the search results. After you enter search criteria, access the roster area, where you can view invoice details, edit the invoice, submit invoices, or cancel invoices.

To track adjustments made to invoice lines, an Adjusted status is available for the invoice. When an adjustment is made to an invoice line amount, the system provides an entry in the Invoice Adjustment table. This lets you know that an adjustment has been made to an invoice line. If multiple adjustments are made to an invoice line, the Invoice Line Adjustment Detail page displays all the adjustments that were made to the invoice line.

When a supplier adjusts the amount on an invoice line, the invoice line Line Status field is set to Adjusted by Supplier, and the invoice header Invoice Status field is set to Adjusted by Supplier.

When an enterprise approver adjusts the amount on an invoice line, the invoice line Line Status field is set to Adjusted by Enterprise and the invoice header Invoice Status field is set to Adjusted.

When an adjustment has been made to an invoice by a supplier or the enterprise, a check box displays on the Manage Invoice - Line Summary page that indicates whether an invoice line has adjusted by a supplier, the enterprise, or by both. The check box is only visible if adjustments have been made to any of the invoice lines for an invoice.

When an invoice line is adjusted by the Supplier, the user (enterprise invoice approver or requester) can see the invoice line status of ‘Adjusted by Supplier’ in the invoice line information grid after navigating to the Line Summary page. If an invoice is adjusted by the enterprise, the invoice line status displays ‘Adjusted by Enterprise’. The user can drill down into the invoice line level to view the adjustments.

The Invoice History grid displays the status history for an invoice line. If an invoice line was adjusted, the history grid will have an entry indicating who adjusted the invoice line . This appears on all the invoice line detail pages, where the status history is being displayed.

On the Manage Invoice Approval page, an indicator ‘Adjusted’ is added to the Invoice Roster grid . This is the page that the enterprise invoice approver navigates to, to approve an invoice. The grid indicates if an invoice line has been adjusted by the supplier for an invoice. The ‘Adjusted’ indicator will also be displayed on the Manage Invoice page .

Whenever an adjustment is made to the invoice line, an email notification is sent. If the supplier approver makes the adjustment, the enterprise invoice approver and the requester are notified. If the enterprise approver makes the adjustment, the supplier approver and the requester are notified.

You must define these attributes before invoicing a time sheet, expense, or progress log:

  • Define invoice authorizations.

  • Define whether suppliers are included in the invoice approval process.

  • Define addresses.

  • Define payment terms.

  • Define the accounts payable interface.