Linking Accumulators with Report Elements

To link accumulators to report elements, use the IR56 Report Data HKG (GPHK_IR56REP_SETUP) component.

This section provides an overview of accumulator usage in the IR56 result table and discusses how to link accumulators with report elements.

Page Name

Definition Name


IR56 Report Data HKG Page


Associate payroll accumulators with report elements. You can link accumulators to the report element.

You can select the payroll accumulators to link to specific IR56 report elements. During the data creation process, the year to date (YTD) balance amount is retrieved from the result table for the specific accumulators that you associate with each report element. The IR56 result table contains the total amount for each accumulator associated with each report element. You can view and modify the amounts. Amounts for the report element are grouped at the time of reporting (on the electronic file and hard copy output).

Use the IR56 Report Data HKG page (GPHK_IR56REPT_TBL) to associate payroll accumulators with report elements.

You can link accumulators to the report element.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Reports > IR56 Report Data HKG > IR56 Report Data HKG

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the IR56 Report Data HKG page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

IR56 Report Data HKG page

Field or Control


IR56 Report Element

Displays predetermined categories that appear in Inland Revenue reports. You can associate multiple accumulators that must be reported against an IR56 report element.

Accumulators Associated with Report Element

Field or Control


Element Name

Select the payroll accumulators to link to the IR56 report element.

During the data creation process, the year to date (YTD) balance amount is retrieved from the result table for the specific accumulators that you associate with each report element. The IR56 result table contains the total amount for each accumulator associated with each report element. You can view and modify the amounts. Amounts for the report element are grouped at the time of reporting (on the electronic file and hard copy output).

For example, when you associate three accumulators with the Commission/Fees report element, the IR56 result table contains three rows of data (one for each accumulator). At the time of reporting and printing, the amounts from the three accumulators are totaled and printed against the Commission/Fees report element.


Identify whether you want the accumulator to Add or Subtract when resolving.

Accumulators always store amounts as positive values. However, to attach an accumulator to a report element that is a negative amount, select Subtract. This informs the IR56 creation process that the amount associated with the accumulator should be treated as a negative amount.

For example, the accumulator LWOP_FYTDA for the leave without pay earning is attached to the Salary/Wages report element. The Payroll Result table has an amount of 1200. When you select Subtract, the 1200 is reduced from the total amount calculated for the Salary/Wages report element.