Setting Up Employee Housing Quarters Details

This section discusses how to set up employee housing quarter details.

Quarters are housing provided to employees by their employer. This benefit can be provided to local employees and expatriates. If employees are provided with housing quarters, the details must be reported on IR56 reports. This information is required only at the time of printing—it doesn't affect the data creation process.

Page Name

Definition Name


Specify Housing Quarters HKG Page


Capture housing quarter information.

Specify Housing Quarters HKG - Edit Address Page


Enter or update the address details for the housing quarter. You can enter the area code, district, and address 1 – 3.

Use the Specify Housing Quarters HKG - Edit Address page (EO_ADDR_HKG_SEC) to enter or update the address details for the housing quarter.

You can enter the area code, district, and address 1 – 3.


Select the Edit Address link on the Specify Housing Quarters HKG page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Specify Housing Quarters HKG page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Specify Housing Quarters HKG page

Employee Residence Quarters Details

Field or Control


Quarters Number

Displays a running serial number that enables you to enter multiple quarter information for a single employee.

A maximum of two housing quarters (for each employee) are reported on the IR56 reports. Which two rows are reported depends on the occupancy end date.

If an employee was provided with housing quarters at more than two locations in a tax year, a separate IR56B identifying the housing details must be reported. This additional report must contain the additional housing information (above the two locations).

You can enter information for more than two quarters per employee.

Country, Address, Copy Home Address, and Edit Address

Select the Copy Home Address button to populate the Address field from personal data. This is the address where the quarters are located. To change the default address details, select the Edit Address link to access the Edit Address page.

Monthly Rent

Enter the monthly rent amount here.

Refund of Rent

Select this check box if the employee has received a rent refund.

Occupancy Begin Date and Occupancy End Date

Enter the dates on which the employee started and stopped occupying the quarters.

When processing the data, the system selects the last two rows of housing quarter information. The information is reported if the period of occupation is during the tax year being processed.

Housing quarters information is reported only if the occupancy dates overlap the processing period.

Housing quarters information that does not have an occupancy end date is selected. Additionally, the occupancy end date that is closest to the period end date is also selected. (For IR56B and IR56M the period end date is the end of the tax year, while for IR56F and IR56G, the period end date is a value that you enter in the run control record.)

Nature of Quarters

Enter text describing the quarters.

Amount Paid By

Field or Control


Employer to Landlord, Employer to Employee, Employee to Landlord, and Employee to Employer

Enter the monthly amount paid by specific people for an employee occupying the housing quarters. This could be a rent refunded to the employee or employer or paid to the employee's landlord. These amounts are reported on the IR56 reports. This amount displays on the IR56 reports.

Yearly Amount Paid By

Field or Control


Employer to Landlord, Employer to Employee, Employee to Landlord, and Employee to Employer

Enter the yearly amount paid by specific people for an employee occupying the housing quarters. This could be a rent refunded to the employee or employer or paid to the employee's landlord.