Setting Up for Inhabitant Tax Processing

This section provides an overview of the setup for inhabitant tax processing.

Page Name

Definition Name


Municipality Table JPN Page


Define municipality codes and associate them with salary payers. For each salary payer, record the taxpayer-specified number assigned by the municipality.

Define Postal Codes JPN Page


Associate municipality codes with postal codes.

Here's how you set up for inhabitant tax processing:

  1. Associate municipality codes with tax establishments and taxpayer specified numbers on the Municipality Table page.

  2. Associate municipality codes with postal codes on the Define Postal Codes JPN page.

  3. Define a file handle for each municipality's electronic file that you want to load directly into the PeopleSoft Inhabitant Tax table.

    Use the File Handles JPN page.

    You do not have to do this step if you load inhabitant tax amounts manually.

Use the Municipality Table JPN page (GPJP_IH_MUNIC) to define municipality codes and associate them with salary payers.

For each salary payer, record the taxpayer-specified number assigned by the municipality.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Taxes > Municipality Table JPN > Municipality Table JPN

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Municipality Table JPN page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Municipality Table JPN page

Field or Control


Salary Payer Reference Number

Select each income tax establishment associated with this municipality.

Taxpayer Specified Number

Enter the number assigned by the municipality to the salary payer for special collection.

Reporting Municipality Code

Enter the reporting municipality code where the wage payment report to be sent.

Payment Municipal Code

Enter the municipal code where the inhabitant tax should be paid.

Use the Define Postal Codes JPN page (POSTAL_TBL_JPN) to associate municipality codes with postal codes.


Set Up HCM > Install > Country Specific > Define Postal Codes JPN > Define Postal Codes JPN

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Postal Codes JPN page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Define Postal Codes JPN page

Field or Control


Municipal Code

Select the municipal code to associate with this postal code.