Sick Leave Calculation

Every employee who works for at least six months is entitled to sick leave. The entitlement, which depends on the length of service, ranges from 14 to 22 working days for nonhospitalization and up to 60 days if hospitalization is necessary. An employee cannot claim paid leave while on annual leave, rest day, public holiday, or any nonworking day.

The sick leave entitlement element SCK LVE ENT uses the formula SCK FM ENTITL to grant the entitlement to the employee.

This entitlement is granted each calendar year.

The formula SCK FM TAKE UNIT evaluates whether the day is a working day and whether the employee is scheduled to work. Sick leave that is taken before the minimum service period or that exceeds the maximum limit is deducted from the annual leave before it becomes unpaid leave.

Note: No accrual rules exist for sick leave. The entitlement cannot be carried forward into another term. Also, no proration rule exists for sick leave accrual.