Understanding Payslips

Payslips are documents that summarize a payee's payroll data. Typically, a payslip includes the following information:

  • Gross pay.

  • Net pay.

  • Earnings.

  • Deductions.

  • Taxes.

Note: A payslip can be a check or a deposit advice.

After you've defined payslips, you can generate and reprint payslips.

Payslips contain groups of elements. These groups are called list sets. List sets are sets of element groups placed in a set for a specific application. Before you define payslips, you must define list sets for the payslip application.

See Understanding Applications and List Sets.

In addition, before you define payslips, you should define the populations or groups to which you will assign payslip messages and templates. You can do this in one of two ways:

  • By creating Global Payroll group lists.

    Group lists are created in PeopleSoft Global Payroll based on manually entering payees or creating custom SQL to populate a list with payees.

  • By creating PeopleSoft HR group IDs.

    Group IDs are created in PeopleSoft HR based on flexible criteria to populate a list with payees.

See Group Lists Page.

See Setting Up Group Definitions.