Generating Public Housing Fund and Social Insurance Reports

Page Name

Definition Name


Create Reporting Data CHN Page


Generate report data for finalized payrolls.

PHF/SI Reports CHN Page


Generate the Annual Base Report, Monthly Contribution Report, and Eligibility Report.

Use the Create Reporting Data CHN page (GPCN_CR_RPT_DTA_RC) to generate report data for finalized payrolls.


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Authority Correspondence > Create Tax Reporting Data CHN > Create Reporting Data CHN

The Create Reporting Data CHN process calls the GPCN_PHFSI Application Engine process, which generates PHF/SI report data for the selected calendar group. The process simultaneously calls the GPCN_TAX Application Engine process, which generates tax report data for the selected calendar group.

Note: Instead of manually running the GPCN_CR_DATA process from this page to generate report data, you can select the GP_PAYE Job process instead of the GPPDPRUN COBOL process when you finalize a calendar group. This is similar to the way that GPCN_CR_DATA, GP_PAYE calls both GPCN_TAX and GPCN_PHFSI.

Use the PHF/SI Reports CHN page (GPCN_PHFSI_DATA_RC) to generate the Annual Base Report, Monthly Contribution Report, and Eligibility Report.


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Social Security / Insurance > PHF/SI Reports CHN > PHF/SI Reports CHN

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the PHF/SI Reports CHN run control page.

PHF/SI Reports CHN page

Field or Control


Report Type

Select which report to generate. Values are:

  • Annual Base Report

  • Eligibility Report

  • Monthly Contribution Report

Year andMonth

Enter the year and month for which you are generating the report.

Contribution Area

Enter the contribution area for which you are generating the report. Values are:

  • Beijing

  • Shanghai

  • Shenzhen

  • Tianjin

If you do not make a selection in the Contribution Type field, the process produces separate reports and CSV files for all available PHF/SI contributions.

Pay Entity

Enter the pay entity for which you are generating the report. If you leave this field blank, the process produces a report for all pay entities in the reporting period.

Contribution Type

Select the type of contribution for which you are generating the report. Values are:


  • LARGE AMOUNT MED (Large Amount Medical Insurance)




  • PHF (Public Housing Fund)

  • PHF VOL (Voluntary Public Housing Fund)

  • SUP MEDICAL (Supplementary Medical)


Organization Code

Enter your organization code.

Organization Category

Select the organization category for which you are generating the report. This field appears only if you select Monthly Contribution Report in the Report Type field. Values are:

  • Juridical Enterprise

  • Juridical Institution

  • Juridical Association

  • Juridical Government Organization

  • Non-Juridical Enterprise

  • Non-Juridical Institution

  • Non-Juridical Association

  • Non-Juridical Government Organization

Filing Date

Enter the date on which you are filing the report. This field appears only if you select Eligibility Report in the Report Type field.

Sort Order

Use the sort keys to sort your generated reports by Employee Name, Employee Number, and PHF/SI Account Number.