Understanding Payroll Approval Workflow

Use the role-based Global Payroll for China Payroll Approval Process (GPCN_Payroll_Approval) to require and obtain approval of each calculated payroll before it can be finalized, and to track payroll approval history. Using the standard capabilities of Approval Workflow Engine (AWE) and Delegation Framework, system administrators can configure the approval process with one to multiple approvers and set up delegations to allow payroll administrators and payroll approvers to complete the approval process.

Payroll administrators must:

  • Run payroll calculation using the Calc Absence and Payroll CHN transaction. After the Calculate step, the Finalize check box remains disabled until the final approver approves the payroll reports.

  • Run reports (salary details, salary summary, and salary discrepancy) from the Payroll Approval Reports CHN Page for approvers to review.

  • Submit a payroll approval request to the appropriate approver using the Request Payroll Approval CHN Page.

  • Monitor the approval status until final approval is obtained.

  • Recalculate payroll and submit a new approval request if approval requests are pushed back or rejected.

  • Finalize payroll when approval is obtained.

Payroll approvers must: