Reviewing Delivered Absence Management Delegation Set Up

This topic provides an overview of delivered delegation set up for Absence Management and discusses how to:

  • Review workflow transactions.

  • Review permission lists and roles for delegation.

  • Define installation settings.

  • Review delegation transactions.

: The delegation framework for Absence Management is delivered by PeopleSoft. To review this framework:

  1. Review delegation transactions for workflow on the Register Workflow Transaction page.

  2. Review delegation permission lists and roles through PeopleTools Security components.

  3. Define installation settings for delegation on the Delegation Installation Settings page.

  4. Review transactions for delegation on the Configure Delegation Transaction page.

The PeopleSoft system delivers several transactions that are pre-configured for the Absence Management delegation framework. This table lists the delivered delegation transactions:

Note: Refer to Configuring Delegation Transactions for an updated list of delivered delegation transactions for Absence Management.

Transaction Name

Transaction Type




Delegate initiation of the employee view of absence balances.



Delegate initiation of the employee view of absence history.



Delegate initiation of the employee request absence.



Delegate initiation of the manager view of absence balances.



Delegate initiation of the manager view of absence history.



Delegate initiation of manager request absence.



Delegate approval of manager approved absence request.

Use the Approval Framework and Delegation Transactions grid to register self-service transactions that use the Approval Framework and delegation framework. The data that you enter into this grid links the transaction name and accompanying tables fro HCM self-service transactions to the approval process IDs that you create for these transactions on the Register Transactions page.

Note: Ensure the Approval Process ID is set properly according to the Approval Process ID and Approval Process Definition defined in your Country Take setup. You can have multiple Approval Process IDs defined, yet you can only use one at a time. Associate the appropriate Approval Process ID for the Transaction Name GP_SS_ABS_APPR_L in order for delegations on Absence Requests to work correctly.

Multiple Approval Definition IDs can be added to an Approval Process ID. You can link multiple approval scenarios. One may be self-approved; while another can be one, two or more levels of approvals using approvers in one or in multiple user lists to a single Approval Process ID. This functionality allows you simplifying your approval scenarios and reduce the maintenance to multiple Approval Process IDs.

PeopleSoft HCM delivers as system data several permission lists that are required for use of the Delegation framework.

This table describes the delivered absence management roles for the delegation framework:

Role Name

Attached Permission Lists


Delegate Employee Absence Bal


Enables users to access the component to view employee absence balances for another employee when it is delegated to the user.

Delegate Employee Absence Hist


Enables users to access the components to view employee absence history and absence request details for another employee when they are delegated to the user.

Delegate Employee Absence Rqst


Enables users to access the component to enter an employee absence request for another employee when it is delegated to the user.

Delegate Manager Absence Appr


Enables users to access the components to approve absences for another managers direct reports when the pages are delegated to the user.

Delegate Manager Absence Bal


Enables users to access the components to view absence balances for a managers direct reports when the pages are delegated to the user.

Delegate Manager Absence Hist


Enables users to access the components to view absence history for a managers direct reports when the pages are delegated to the user.

Delegate Manager Absence Rqst


Enables users to access the components to enter absence requests for a managers direct reports when the pages are delegated to the user.

Manager Del Absence Req Fluid


Enables users to access the component to enter an employee absence request for another employee when it is delegated to the user (Fluid).

Manager Del Abs Req Hist Fluid


Enables users to access the components to view employee absence history and absence request details for another employee when they are delegated to the user (Fluid).

Manager Del Absence Bal Fluid


Enables users to access the components to view absence balances for a managers direct reports when the pages are delegated to the user (Fluid).

Manager Del Cancel Abs Fluid


Enables users to access the components to cancel absence request for another employee when it is delegated to the user (Fluid).

Note: Setting up permission lists and role security is discussed in detail in PeopleTools: Security Administration product documentation.

When using delegations, ensure that your specified hierarchy is in sync with your direct reports access type setup, as well as you approval process and definition IDs are associated to your absence. Having an incorrect setup could lead to incorrect results. For example, if you use direct report access type and delegation hierarchy by supervisor ID, then ensure that your absence approval process ID is setup by supervisor ID.

This table lists the delegation transactions delivered for Absence Management:

Note: Refer to Configuring Delegation Transactions for an updated list of delivered delegation transactions for Absence Management.

Transaction Name

Transaction Type


Employee Absence Balance


Delegate Employee Absence Bal

Employee Absence History


Delegate Employee Absence Hist

Employee Absence Request


Delegate Employee Absence Rqst

Manager Absence Balance


Delegate Manager Absence Bal

Manager Absence History


Delegate Manager Absence Hist

Manager Absence Request


Delegate Manager Absence Rqst

Manager Absence Approve


Delegate Manager Absence Appr