Setting Up Search/Match

To set up Search/Match use the Search Match Rules (HCR_SM_RULE), Search/Match Parameters (HCR_SM_PARM), Search/Match Result Fields (HCR_SM_RSLT_FLDS), Search/Match Results (HCR_SM_RESULT), and Search/Match (HCR_SM_SEARCH) components.

These topics discuss how to set up Search/Match.

Page Name

Definition Name


Search/Match Rules Page


Define sets of fields to search for and identify how to search for them.

Search Parameters Page


Combine and order search rules. The combination (called the search parameter) is what the users select prior to performing a search to determine the search fields that they are permitted to search on.

Search Permissions Page


Identify who can use the search parameter to perform the search. Also identify which component names, if any, should use the search parameter as part of saving a new ID in the database.

Search/Match Result Fields Page


View or add fields that are available to define the search results.

Search/Match Results - Search Results Page


Specify which result fields to include in the search results and control how to display their values.

Be careful not to confuse this page with the page also called Search Results with a similar object name (HCR_SM_RESULTS), which is the page on which Search/Match displays returns from a search.

Search/Match Results - Search Results Detail Page


Define the page to use to view more information about a specific ID returned by Search/Match.

Search/Match Results - Search Results Exceptions Page


Define field-level security exceptions to the data display control that is set on the Search Results Permissions page.

Search Result Permissions Page


Identify who should have access to this search result code. Also identify which component, if any, Search/Match should use this result code when a new ID is added and a potential duplicate ID is found.

Use the Search/Match Rules page (HCR_SM_RULE) to define sets of fields to search for and identify how to search for them.


Set Up HCM > System Administration > Utilities > Search/Match > Search/Match Rules > Search/Match Rules

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Search/Match Rules page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Search/Match Rules page

Field or Control


Ad Hoc Search

Select to permit ad hoc searches from this search rule.

An ad hoc search enables users to bypass the institution's predefined search standards to perform a configured search without predefined operands and without limiting the characters to evaluate. For example, an ad hoc search might be first name equals John; whereas, a non-ad hoc search might be set to search only on the first three characters of the first name (in this case, Joh).

Search Fields

Search fields are delivered with your system.

Warning! Adding new search fields require significant programming effort and is not recommended.

Field or Control



Enter the order in which you want the search fields to appear when used inside a search parameter.

Search Field and Field Description

Select each search field that you want to assign to this search rule code. When you exit the field, the system displays the associated description. Search fields are the fields on which users are permitted to search.

Search fields are delivered with your system. Adding or modifying a search field value requires a significant programming effort. Do not attempt to delete a search field.

Note: When you include name, national ID, phone, email, or address fields in the rule without the types (Name Type, National ID Type, phone type, email type or address type), the system searches on all national IDs, phones, emails or addresses in the system for that individual.


Select this check box to require a value in the search field to find a potential match on this search rule. Selecting this check box is useful for making the rule more restrictive.

If the check box is not selected, the system accepts blank or nonexistent for this field inside this search rule. For example, if all the fields inside a search rule are marked as required, the user must provide data for each of those search fields to find a match on this rule. However, if the Required check box is not selected, for example, for Date of Birth, the user can still search on that search rule without specifying a date of birth.


Identify how you want the search to evaluate the field value:

Begins With: The value must begin with this data. When you select this value, the Start Position field appears with a default value of 1, and the Number of Characters fields are available for you to define. You cannot modify the start position default value.

Contains: The value must contain this data but can be preceded or followed by other data. When you select this value, the Start Position field appears with a default value of 1, and the Number of Characters fields are available for to you define.

Equals: The value must be exactly equal to this data.

Not Used: Do not use this field value in this search.

Start Position and Number of Characters

Enter the character position where you want the compare to start, and enter the number of characters from that start position to include in the compare.

For example, if the usage selected for National ID is Contains, and you enter a start position of 3 and the number or characters of 5, the system compares against the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th characters in the field value. It will return matching IDs for which the National ID contains these 5 characters.

If the usage selected was Begins With, the start position is has a default value of 1 and you need to specify how many characters from the first character that Search/Match should use to perform the search.


Indicates the number of characters in the search field. When you exit a particular field in the Search Field column, the system displays the total number of characters in the associated field.

See Understanding Search/Match.

Use the Search Parameters page (HCR_SM_PARM) to combine and order search rules.

The combination (called the search parameter) is what the users select prior to performing a search to determine the search fields that they are permitted to search on.


Set Up HCM > System Administration > Utilities > Search/Match > Search/Match Parameters > Search Parameters

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Search Parameters page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Search Parameters page

Field or Control


Ad Hoc Search

Select to permit only ad hoc searches from this search parameter.

An ad hoc search enables users to bypass the institution's predefined search standards to perform a configured search without predefined operands and without limiting the characters to evaluate. For example, an ad hoc search might be first name equals John; whereas, a non-ad hoc search might be set to search only on the first three characters of the first name (in this case, John).

Note: Automatic search cannot be performed from a search parameter set to permit ad hoc searches.

Search/Match Rules

Field or Control


Search Order

Enter the order in which to apply the search rule codes of this search parameter. Enter the most restrictive search rule in the lowest order number and the least restrictive search rule in the highest order number.

You can reorder the search rules at any time. When you reorder the rules and save the page, the system displays the rules in the most recent numerical order that you entered.

Search/Match processes the lowest order search rule first; if it finds one or more possible matches, it stops the search and returns the results. If it finds no results, it continues to the next search rule, and so on.

In the search results, the system displays the search order number that corresponds to the search rule where potential matching IDs are found.

You can use only one search rule for an ad hoc search; therefore Search Order fields do not appear when theAd Hoc Search check box is selected.

Search Rule Code and Rule Code Description

Enter the search rule code to use. When you exit the field, the system displays the search rule description. You must enter at least one search rule to create a valid search parameter.

View Definition

Click this link to access the Search/Match Rules page on which you can view or edit the rule definition.

Use the Search Permissions page (HCR_SM_PERM) to identify who can use the search parameter to perform the search.

Also identify which component names, if any, should use the search parameter as part of saving a new ID in the database.


Set Up HCM > System Administration > Utilities > Search/Match > Search/Match Parameters > Search Permissions

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Search Permissions page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Search Permissions page

Search Parameters Access

Field or Control


Full Access

Select to enable all users to use the search parameter code.

Restricted Security Access

This area appears only when the Full Access check box is not selected.

Field or Control


Role Name and Role Description

Restrict the use of this search parameter code to users that have specific roles inside their security profile.

Search/Match Used in Transaction

Field or Control


Component Name and Component Description

If you want to enforce the use of Search/Match when adding a new ID, select the component name where adding a new ID occurs. The system will then initiate Search/Match when a user enters the data to create a new ID and saves the transaction. You can restrict the search to specific components whether you give permissions to all roles or only to specific roles.

Note: A component name can be associated with only one search parameter. However, the same search parameter can be used inside several component names. Select all components where the search parameter should be used.

Note: This field is available only when the Search Type is Person or Organization.

See Understanding Search/Match.

Use the Search/Match Result Fields page (HCR_SM_RSLT_FLDS) to view or add fields that are available to define the search results.


Set Up HCM > System Administration > Utilities > Search/Match > Search/Match Result Fields > Search/Match Result Fields

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Search/Match Result Fields page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Search/Match Result Fields page

Many Search/Match result fields are delivered predefined and are available for you to use when defining search result codes. The text System Data - not available for update appears for these fields on the Search/Match Result Fields page. You cannot edit the data for the predefined search fields. You can, however, select additional fields to make available for your search result codes.

When you select Add a New Value and enter a name for the results field, the Search/Match Result Fields page appears with enterable fields for you to select the record and field to make available within the search results. To control how the values for a field appear in the results, use the Search/Match Results setup page.

Note: When search result fields are created based on records that are either effective-dated or type-related (such as address type, email type, phone type, and so on), Search/Match returns a row for each of the dates (historical, current and future dates) and types. For example, the field Gender is included in the PERS_DATA_EFFDT record. If you use Gender as a search result field, then a person with multiple rows on PERS_DATA_EFFDT will display multiple rows with the same gender in the search results grid. This is to make sure the evaluation of potential duplicate IDs is done across all dates and types applicable to each ID. If your organization prefers to see a limited number of rows, you can create the search result fields based on a view that could include logic to limit the effective date to display only current information or logic to return only a specific type (for example select address information where Address Type is Home).

Use the Search Results page (HCR_SM_RESULT) to specify which result fields to include in the search results and control how to display their values.

Be careful not to confuse this page with the page also called Search Results with a similar object name (HCR_SM_RESULTS), which is the page on which Search/Match displays returns from a search.


Set Up HCM > System Administration > Utilities > Search/Match > Search/Match Results > Search Results

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Search/Match Results - Search Results page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Search/Match Results - Search Results page

Result Set

Field or Control


Use Detail Page

Select this check box to display a Detail link beside each ID returned from a search.

When you select Use Detail Page, the Page Navigation button appears.

Page Navigation

This button appears only when the Use Detail Page check box is selected.

Click to access the Search Results Detail page, on which you can define the page to which you want users to be directed to see more details about a specific ID.

Note: To be transferred to the page that you define here, the user must have security access to the page.

Search/Match Result Fields

Field or Control



Enter the order by which the system displays results in the in the Search/Match results grid. You can reorder the result fields at any time. When you reorder the fields and save the page, the system displays the result fields in the most recent numerical sequence that you entered.

Result Field and Field Description

Select the data to return with the search results. Fields used to perform the search (search fields) can be different from the fields needed to review the results (result fields).

The result fields are defined in the Search/Match Result Fields page.

Display Option

Displays the default display control for that field. You can override this. Select Display Entire Field or Mask Entire Field to display or hide the entire field value respectively . The other options are:

Display First: Displays the first specified number of characters of the field value. When you select this, the Number of Characters field appears. You must enter the number of characters to display from the beginning of the field value.

Display Last: Displays the last specified number of characters of the field value. When you select this, the Number of Characters field appears. You must enter the number of characters to display from the end of the field value.

Display Partial Date: Displays the specified parts of a date field value. When you select this, the Day, Month, Year check boxes appear. You must select which parts of the date to display. For example if you select Year, only the year will appear.

Number of Characters

Enter the number of first or last characters of a field value to display.

Day, Month, Year

Select the parts of the date to display for a date value.


Displays the number of characters possible for the field value.


Click this link to access the Exceptions page, on which you can define field-level exceptions to these results.

Warning! Search/Match returns all potential matching IDs regardless of data permission security. You must use field-level security to mask or partially mask sensitive data.

See Understanding PeopleSoft Security and Understanding Data Permission Security for HCM.

Use the Search/Match Results - Search Results Detail Page page (HCR_SM_RDTL_PG) to define the page to use to view more information about a specific ID returned by Search/Match.


Click the Page Navigation button that appears on the Search Results page when you select the Use Detail Page option.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Search/Match Results - Search Results Detail Page page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Search/Match Results - Search Results Detail page

Detail Page Parameters

Field or Control


Menu Name, Menu Bar Name, Item Name, and Page Name

Select each item that corresponds to the page that you want to use to provide more details about a specific ID.

Action Mode

Select the action mode to define in which mode you want your users to access the detail page. Options are:



Data Entry

Upd/Dsplay (update/display)


Use the Search/Match Results - Search Results Exceptions page (HCR_SM_RESULT_EXCP) to define field-level security exceptions to the data display control that is set on the Search Results Permissions page.


Click the Exceptions link on the Search Results page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Search/Match Results - Search Results Exceptions page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Search/Match Results - Search Results Exceptions page

You can define exceptions to the search results that you set up on the Search Results page. For example, you might have partially masked the birth date field in your search results, but you want the entire field to appear for those who have a need to know. Using primary permission lists, you can set those exceptions here.

See Understanding PeopleSoft Security and Understanding Data Permission Security for HCM.

See PeopleTools: Security Administration

Field Level Security Exceptions

Field or Control


Primary Permission List and Permission List Description

Select the primary permission lists of the users who will be exceptions to the result field selected. When you exit the field, the system displays the permission list description.

Display Option

Select the display option to use as the exception to the display option selected on the Search Rules page.

Use the Search Result Permissions page (HCR_SM_RSLT_PERM) to identify who should have access to this search result code.

Also identify which component, if any, Search/Match should use this result code when a new ID is added and a potential duplicate ID is found.


Set Up HCM > System Administration > Utilities > Search/Match > Search/Match Results > Search Result Permissions

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Search Result Permissions page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Search Result Permissions page

Field or Control


Full Access

Select this check box to enable all users to use the search result code

Role Name and Role Description

Enter roles to restrict the use of this search result code to users that have this role inside their security profile. These fields appears when the Full Access check box is not selected.

Component Name

This field is available only when the Search Type is Person.

If you use automatic search and want to display a warning message to alert users when potential duplicate IDs exist and you want to display the results of the automatic search, select the same component name or names that you selected on the Search Permissions page for the search parameter. You can restrict the search to specific components whether you give permissions to all roles or to only specific roles.

Note: A component name can be associated with only one search result code. However, the same search result code can be used inside several component names. Select all components where the search result code should be used. If Search/Match finds potential matching IDs that correspond to the data entered, the system returns a Search Results page showing the matching IDs that were found.

See Automatic Search.