Defining Tax Percentages and Engine Types

To define tax percentages and engine types, use the Define Emissions Data (EMISSIONS_DATA) and Define Engine Type or Setup Engine Types (ENGINE_TYPE) components.

This topic discusses how to define tax percentages and engine types.

Page Name

Definition Name


Define Emissions Data Page


Define tax percentages by year and gram per kilometer emissions per regulations.

Define Engine Type or Setup Engine Types Page


Define engine types and determine the associated tax discounts per regulations.

Use the Define Emissions Data page (EMISSIONS_DATA_UK) to define tax percentages by year and gram per kilometer emissions per regulations.


Benefits > Provide Company Cars > Define Emissions Data > Define Emissions Data

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Emissions Data page.

Define Emissions Data page

Field or Control


Tax Percentage

Displays the tax percentage that you entered to access the page.

Tax Year End

Enter the tax year that defines the taxation rate.

CO2 Emissions g/km

Enter the associated carbon dioxide emissions as grams per kilometer.

Use the Define Engine Type or Setup Engine Types page (ENGINE_TYPE_UK) to define engine types and determine the associated tax discounts per regulations.


  • Benefits > Provide Company Cars > Define Engine Type > Define Engine Type

  • Set Up HCM > Product Related > Workforce Administration > Setup Engine Types > Setup Engine Types

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Engine Type page.

Define Engine Type page

Field or Control


Engine Type

Displays the engine type that you entered to access the page.

Base Discount % (base discount percentage)

Enter the base discount that is associated with this engine type.

Emissions Discount % (emissions discount percentage)

Enter an additional emissions discount if one is applicable.

Emissions Discount gms (emissions discount grams)

For hybrid-electric vehicles, enter an additional discount. The discount calculates as 1 percent of the price for each full 20g/km by which the CO2 emissions figure is below the qualifying level for the minimum charge for the year.