Understanding the University and College Academic Staff System (UCASS) Survey Business Process

The Track Faculty Events business process provides the functionality to create the legislatively required Academic Teaching Survey reports by associating PeopleSoft HCM information with Statistics Canada codes. Before you create academic teaching surveys, you must set up some other HR tables that are described below.

This topic discusses:

  • Setting up PeopleSoft HR control tables.

  • Setting up Track Faculty Events tables.

Set up the following PeopleSoft HCM control tables with Statistics Canada fields listed after each table:

  • Department Table: StatsCan - Dept (Statistics Canada Department) and StatsCan - Faculty.

    Maintains StatsCan values in the Faculty Code Stats CAN table.

  • Job Code component: StatsCan Teaching Survey Codes.

  • Company Table: StatsCan Institution Code.

  • Country Table: Statistics Canada Location Code.

    Note: PeopleSoft delivers this table with the initial Statistics Canada location codes entered. PeopleSoft does not maintain this information.

  • Canadian Tax Table: StatsCan Province Code.

    Note: PeopleSoft delivers this table with the initial Statistics Canada location codes entered. PeopleSoft does not maintain this information.

  • Degree Table: StatsCan Teaching Survey Degree Level.

  • Earnings Table: Administrative Stipend Flag.

Set up the following Track Faculty Events tables and Statistics Canada fields listed after each table:

  • Administrative Rank Table: Rank-Stats Can.

  • Administrative Posts Table: Stats Can Responsibility.