Viewing German Public Sector Reports

This section discusses how to view German Public Sector reports.

Page Name

Definition Name


Workforce Statistic / Family Allowance Page


Select which German Public Sector report to view.

Family Allowance – Employee Results Page


Workforce Statistic – Employee Results Page


View employee’s family allowance or workforce statistics, and edit report results if necessary.

Click the Run button on the Create & View Reports page to run the selected report.

See Also

Workforce Statistic - Report Maintenance Page or Family Allowance - Report Maintenance Page

Use the Workforce Statistic / Family Allowance page (GPS_RPT_JOB) to select which German Public Sector report to view.


Click the Reporting XML link on the German Public Sector page.

Field or Control



Specify a municipality for the employee. The value will be used as the EF20 value in the Workforce Statistic report that is run for the company of this employee.

Gross (EF23), Capital formation (EF25), and Allowances (EF26)

Displays the earning information of the employee from the payroll system, which will be used as the EF23, EF25 and EF26 values in the Workforce Statistic report that is run for the company of this employee.

Workforce statistic

Click to access the Employee Results page where a list of workforce statistics reports pertaining to the employee are available for review.

Family Allowance

Click to access the Employee Results page where a list of family allowance reports pertaining to the employee are available for review.

Use the Family Allowance – Employee Results page (GPS_RPT_PERSON) to view employee’s family allowance and edit report results if necessary.


Click the Family Allowance button on the Workforce Statistic / Family Allowance page.

Results Per Person

This section lists the child allowance report details that pertain to the specified employee. Version 1 is always the system-generated report (source indicator = System), which is read-only and cannot be modified. To make update to the report result, add a new row to this section and click the Details link to update data. Rows that are added manually have User as the source indicator and can be removed. The report of the latest version is the only effective report version.

If the report has been modified by user, the system no longer generates XML for the employee automatically. Instead, it uses the modified report results to generate the XML file accordingly.

Click the Details link to view employee’s family allowance information for the corresponding company and source on the View/Update Person Data page (GPS_CAR_PERSON_SEC). To edit the report data, click the Details link of a row that has User as the source indicator.

Use the Workforce Statistic – Employee Results page (GPS_RPT_PERSON) to view employee’s workforce statistics and edit report results if necessary.


Click the Workforce statistic button on the Workforce Statistic / Family Allowance page.

This page works the same for family allowance and workforce statistic reporting. Click the Details link to view employee’s work statistics for the corresponding company and source on the View/Update Person Data page (GPS_RPT_PERSON_SEC). Data of User rows is available for edits.